I Have a Good Impression on Marvel

Chapter 244 The victory or defeat is less than the last moment

"Attention all members! Attention all members!"

"The special forces have betrayed, the enemy has invaded the internal facilities, the engine area and the detention area, and the surveillance screen has been lost..."

"Everyone enters a state of battle!!!"

The constant bad news from the communication headset deepened the wrinkles between Leon's brows.

Judging from the news of the special forces' mutiny, Amora used her beauty to charm and control the minister under the skirt, not just Banner...

Even though Amora and Amora were on opposite sides, Leon had to be amazed at Amora's ability to create chaos.

This woman, born to be synonymous with "chaos", is a veritable disaster!

Amora's purpose is already very obvious: to use the special forces with outstanding combat effectiveness to create chaos around the mothership, so as to take advantage of the chaos to rescue the imprisoned Loki!

Leon guessed that there is a chance that Amora is now in the area he is about to go to - the detention area!

That is to say, if Leon is to stop Loki from escaping, he must be prepared to face both Asgard divisions at the same time.

The road ahead is steep, but every step Leon takes is fearless!

At this moment, at the corner of the corridor ahead, there was a burst of fierce fire!

Da da da…

The continuous sound of gunshots and the muffled hum from time to time did not make Leon retreat, but accelerated the speed of his feet.

The weapon, the gun, had no deterrent effect on him.

Leon stepped forward quickly, leaned against the wall at the corner, looked at it with a probe, and immediately analyzed the situation in the corridor.

Several well-equipped special forces members, holding black HK416 automatic rifles, kept pouring ammunition to the two male Aegis agents hiding behind the bunkers.

Leon happened to know the two Aegis agents who were suppressed by the opponent's powerful firepower.

The blond man with a pale face covering his arm that was shot with his hand was his old acquaintance, Lucius.

On the first day of joining S.H.I.E.L.D., when Leon followed Hawkeye's team to rescue Osborn, this Lucius was the computer expert in the team.

And another man with short black hair and a tall stature is his superficial friend, a Level 6 agent, Grant Ward!

Ward just held a Glock 18 pistol in his hand, which was not bad for self-defense. If he wanted to fight back, it was a joke.

What's more, there is a wounded beside him...

The situation was very unfavorable for Ward and Lucius.

The tactics of the special team were very skilled. The three continued to suppress the fire, while the other two kept moving forward, trying to close the distance and find a shooting angle that could kill the enemy behind the cover.

If there is no reinforcement, it will not take long for Ward and the two to end up being shot and killed by their own people.

Of course, Lyon won't let them do that.

Without any tactics at all, Leon was like a black lightning, rushing out from the corner!

Don't be shy, just be positive!

"Three o'clock, enemy attack!"

Just as the enemy exclaimed and turned the muzzle, Leon, who was sprinting, raised the corner of his mouth lightly and threw his hands back.

Suddenly, a boosting airflow suddenly appeared.

With a strong feeling of pushing his back, Leon was like a sports car with the nitrogen button pressed, his feet off the ground, and he flew to the enemy seven or eight meters away!


Before the enemy could react, Leon landed firmly in front of the two special forces members who were trying to find the shooting angle.

Put your hands around the back of your neck, press down, and then hit your knees to solve one!

Immediately afterwards, he turned around with a roundhouse kick, and kicked the enemy on the right side into the air.

In just two seconds, Leon threw two well-trained and well-equipped elites of the SHIELD team to the ground.

He didn't choose to kill each other.

Even if there are people who are loyal to Hydra, in the final analysis, these people are poor people who are charmed by Amora.

Kill them, you can. However, it is not necessary.

At this moment, a scream of anger came from behind:

"Be careful!"

However, before the warning sounded, Leon responded quickly!

In the face of the high-speed barrage, he just kicked his legs, as if ignoring gravity, he ran on the wall!

One step, two steps!

In just two big strides, Leon, while dodging the blazing bullets, also came to the top of the remaining three enemies.

Under Ward's shocked gaze, Leon, like Takashi of Street Fighter, made a "cyclone leg" in mid-air!

With the left leg as the axis, the right leg is at a 90-degree angle, and suddenly kicks the enemy who is standing in a vague line!

Bang bang bang!

Almost at the same time, the three enemies who were hit in the face instantly lost their combat effectiveness and fell backwards...

When the enemy fell to the ground, it was when Leon's feet landed.

"Take him to heal..."

Leon walked forward without looking back after leaving such a sentence.

Leaving only Ward with an unbelievable look on his face, watching the familiar figure go away, and then fell into contemplation...

Saving Ward and Lucius was just an effort.

Let's not talk about Lucius, let's just talk about Ward. Even if Ward is a Hydra, it doesn't mean he's a bad guy.

After all, his allegiance is not Hydra, but the little leader of Hydra, his adoptive father, John Garrett.

Many things are involuntary...

. . .

Since Leon walked down from the research and development area on the second floor to the detention area on the first floor, the road was relatively short.

Therefore, when he came to the detention area, what caught his eye was not Coulson, who had been pierced in the heart and lay dying beside the wall, but Loki, who had just come out of the cage, and who was standing there. Amora by my side!

Such a scene made him secretly relieved.

He would rather face two powerful mages himself than see Coulson in danger...

After all, in this world, he has and only has such a "relative"

Taking the mind scepter from Amora, Loki immediately opened his arms, as if welcoming something, with a lazy tone:

"Well... the feeling of freedom is really intoxicating!"

After a pause, he tugged at the corner of his clothes and looked at Leon in a relaxed manner.

"I won and you lost..."

Leon laughed lightly when he heard the words, glanced at Amora who was standing beside the control panel of the cage, and said solemnly:

"I admit that your hole card is indeed beyond my expectations. However, your hole card has been opened, and my hole card has not been revealed yet."

"In this case, the situation of the game may have changed."

"Because, the victory or defeat is not the last moment..."

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