When the war comes, no one knows, it will be so fast...

The huge fluorescent screens and billboards of the skyscrapers crashed down, causing violent riots in the crowd.

Countless New York citizens screamed shrilly and fled in a hurry, trying to escape this terrible hell from the attack of the alien army.

On the avenue in front of New York's Grand Central Station, countless vehicles that were hit by the energy beam and blown to pieces were scattered everywhere, all of which were filled with thick black smoke.

The alien army that fell from the sky, like a ruthless executioner, will destroy everything that comes into sight!

In an instant, the entire Manhattan was engulfed in flames of war.

It's an orgy for these ugly-looking aliens...

. . .

"Stark, we're in your three o'clock direction, heading northeast."

Stark, who was chasing his butt around by a small stream of Qitarui Air Force, heard Natasha's voice and couldn't help but secretly relieved.

It's finally here...

"What's the situation? Did you stop by to buy takeout?!"

After teasing, without waiting for Natasha to answer, Stark was dodging in the air, dodging the energy beam shot from behind, and said to Natasha on the other side of the communication:

"Go to Park Street, and I'll lead them there to be a target for you!"

On the other side, the Kun-style fighter plane carrying Leon's four people also joined the team against the Chitauri army.

Inside the fighter plane, Leon, who frowned tightly, also opened his equipment box with a "click".

Inside the rectangular suitcase, all kinds of Leon's equipment were quietly stored.

The black Tang knife "Dark Moon"!

Folding recurve bow and a quiver full of various arrows!

And some other Field Agent-specific stuff...

Leon didn't think for too long, and directly hung the quiver and the Tang knife behind his back. Immediately after,

Then put all the "Blast Boys" into the equipment bag on the thigh side.

Finally, insert the foldable recurve handle into the waist, ready to use.

This is war!

All he can do is to use all means to kill these aliens who dare to invade the earth!

Steve, who was standing on the side, was also a little surprised when he saw Leon's complete fighting form for the first time.

Noticing Steve's gaze, Leon also looked down at his outfit and smiled at himself, "I know, knives, bows and arrows? It's a bit outdated..."

Steve raised the shield in his hand and smiled back: "Hey! Dude, an old guy in an outdated star-striped tights and a shield in his hand, ready to go to battle, is sitting next to you..."

Without waiting for the two to relieve their tension before the battle, Natasha, who was sitting in the passenger seat, suddenly interrupted the two:

"Guys, sit tight!"

As soon as the words fell, Natasha controlled the 20mm heavy machine gun under the belly of the Kun-style fighter, and gave the small group of enemy troops behind Stark's buttocks a wave of flanking blows!

Da da da!

The bullets of the machine gun, as if they didn't want money, were vented on the opponent one after another.

Violent explosions were heard incessantly, and this group of about a dozen Chitari air combat troops suddenly turned into fireworks!

Immediately afterwards, the Kun-style fighter jet pulled up sharply and flew towards the top of the Stark Building.

Even though Hawkeye's driving skills were outstanding, in the process of climbing, facing the constant attack of small Chitauri air combat troops, the Kun-style fighters still suffered some combat damage.

Fortunately, the armor of this Kun-style fighter is not bad, but there are a few more scars on the wings and surface.

Flying over the open-air balcony of the Stark Building, the Thor brothers, who were intensely exchanging Asgard martial arts, came into view.

"Look! Thor and Loki are there! We could just shoot him!"

Natasha's idea is very simple and crude. However, this is an unwise plan.

Not to mention whether the machine gun can kill Loki, just putting such a huge target of the Kun-style fighter close to Loki is equivalent to using yourself as a target!

You know, Loki also holds a psychic scepter that can emit energy beams, and one shot is enough to destroy the Kun-style fighter!

So, Lyon is not going to do this!

"Do not!"

Leon spoke out to stop Hawkeye's attempt to control the Quin-fighter and approach Loki.

"Thor can deal with Loki. Our primary goal is to stop the alien army and find a way to close the cosmic cube!"

Among the four people in the Kun-style fighter, the most powerful one should have been Steve, who had extensive war experience.

However, due to Leon's relationship with the other three, they are all very close. In addition, the strategic policy proposed by Lyon is more sensible and clear.

So, faintly, Leon took Steve's place and assumed the role of commander of this four-man squad...

"Time waits for no one, what's the next step?"

Hawkeye, holding the joystick tightly, asked aloud while manipulating the Kun-style fighter, making various dodging movements in the air, and dealing with the enemy.

"I know Dr. Shawig, he is a very cautious person, even if he is under control, he may keep a last resort to close the Rubik's Cube. So, Clint, you send me to the Universe Rubik's Cube first. There!"


As soon as the voice fell, before the Kun-style fighter turned around, it was suddenly hit!

An energy beam from nowhere, directly hit the right turbine engine of the Kun-style fighter, and the whole fighter shook violently!

Leon and Steve, who were standing in the cabin, were unstable and almost fell together.

"Dip! Drip! Drip! The fighter's engine is damaged, and the flight power is seriously insufficient. Please land as soon as possible!"

The cold voice of the machine echoed in the cabin, always reminding everyone of the dangerous situation they were facing at the moment.

"hold onto!"

Under Hawkeye's efforts, the Kun-style fighter jet, whose engine was already smoking thickly, staggered and began to circle downward gradually.

At this moment, Leon noticed through the glass of the fighter plane and noticed that the top of the Stark Building was below. He quickly weighed various options in his mind, and finally gritted his teeth and shouted loudly:

"You guys find a place to land as soon as possible, I'll find a way to go down by myself!"

Before he finished speaking, Leon leaned against the bulkhead step by step and moved to the rear of the Kun-style fighter with difficulty.

Holding the handle on the top of the cabin tightly, Steve, whose whole body was suspended in mid-air, saw Leon's move, his face changed suddenly, and he immediately asked aloud:

"Leon, what are you doing?!"

Standing on the edge of the fighter jet's door, the strong wind that kept pouring in made Leon's hair rustled.

At this moment, facing Steve's face full of surprises and doubts, Leon just smiled slightly, opened his arms, and said softly:

"see you later!"

The next moment, he fell backwards and jumped down from a height of several hundred meters!

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