I Have a Good Impression on Marvel

Chapter 256 This is my home!

"You guys have a chance now to see my stunts..."

Before he finished speaking, Banner could not help clenching his fists, his muscles bulging like balloons.

Under the expectation of everyone, Banner's skin quickly turned green, and his body was suddenly raised by dozens of centimeters, bursting the dirty clothes all over his body!

"Brother Exploding Clothes" Hulk makes his debut!

With a roar, Hulk punched forward and hit the Leviathan behemoth fiercely, causing the behemoth that had been raging for a long time to send out a loud scream in an instant!

With this punch, Hulk actually used all his strength!

The huge inertial castration pushed Hulk back involuntarily, and the thick reinforced concrete floor under his feet was also plowed out by his legs into two huge ravines.

However, Hulk still relies on his powerful strength to slowly stop the flying Leviathan!

The head of the Leviathan behemoth touched the ground, like a car that was suddenly stopped, and the whole body began to gradually turn forward.

The steel armor covered on the body also detached one after another, revealing the ugly body under the machine.

"Hold on!"

Seeing the opportunity, Stark quickly opened the armor on the back of his hand, and shot a tiny missile precisely into the defenseless gap.


With a loud bang resounding through the sky, this Leviathan beast was instantly blown to pieces!

For a time, a lot of blood and flesh, mixed with broken metal, splashed everywhere! The head of the beast that lost its power, no longer savage, fell rapidly towards the street, and smashed into a taxi, turning it into a useless wreck...

Standing on the exclusive flying machine, Loki, who was hiding everywhere, also noticed the death of the Leviathan. He couldn't help but pouted and gave the order again:

"Send the rest of the army out!"

Echoing it are the two Leviathan monsters slowly passing over from the other side of the portal, as well as hundreds of terrifying Zeta Swiss soldiers!

Looking at the influx of alien army, Leon frowned slightly,

Immediately, he shouted to attract everyone's attention:

"Guys, pay attention!"

Hearing this, everyone looked at the man with a solemn face holding a long black sword.

"I know that this war is not what we expected." After meeting everyone's eyes one by one, Leon conveyed his determination to everyone without reservation.


"I believe that when we all have the strong belief of "protecting our homeland", we can be in this war without any disadvantages!"

Under the passionate tone, there are eyes full of perseverance, which makes everyone slightly moved.

At this moment, not only the condescending Stark, but also the serious-faced Steve, all felt from Leon's body that he strongly protected the world in which he lived.

The soaring ** seems to be saying:

This is my home! I will not allow you to destroy it! ! !

At this moment, a surging emotion rose up in the hearts of everyone.

Steve, who was on the side, blinked the same unwavering gaze, and was the first to echo:

"Leon is right!"

"As long as we are united, we at home will definitely defeat these damn bastards!"

Stark, who was suspended in mid-air, shrugged and said:

"I don't mind. These guys are so ugly, I can't wait to send them back to my hometown right away..."

"Then what shall we do next?" Hawkeye, who was always on alert with a recurve bow in his hand, asked.

Looking around the crowd and seeing Steve's supportive eyes, Leon also obliged to take over the conversation and began to issue orders:

"The longer we drag on before we get the scepter, the more enemies will flood in from the portal; the more damage will be caused... So, we must first concentrate on destroying the enemy and try our best to Get the situation under control!"

After a pause, Leon turned to look at Hawkeye and instructed:

"Clint, I need you to go up to the roof, provide us with the whereabouts and movements of the enemy, and report at any time!"

"Tony, the Kun-style fighter group is also under your command. You mainly give us air support and defend the blockade. If you run out of the enemy three blocks away, you don't have to continue chasing, just inform me, I will to deal with."

Stark, who received the order, did not forget to take Hawkeye for a ride while he was soaring into the sky.


Hearing someone calling his name, the Hulk who was eager to try, turned his head suddenly and looked at Leon.

Contrasting with Hulk, Leon's words had only one word:


Hearing this sentence, Hulk, like a child who was coaxed into obedience, smiled, his legs slammed on the ground under his feet, and with his abnormal jumping power, he jumped up!

One jump is seventy or eighty meters!

Watching Hulk jumping between the buildings, he crushed the enemies to death at will, like insects.

Lyon's confidence in this war could not help but strengthen a bit.

"Steve, Natasha, you stay here and contain the enemies on the ground."

After speaking, Leon took a step forward, patted Steve on the shoulder, and said with a smile:

"By the way, man! Take care of the lady, okay?"

While speaking, out of the corner of his eyes, he glanced at Natasha who was standing beside him.

Steve nodded earnestly, and then asked, "What about you?"

"As for me, I'm a mobile unit. Wherever you need me, just tell me and I'll go where!"

After speaking, Leon suddenly raised the corner of his mouth slightly, drawing a perfect arc.

"Keep in touch!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Leon's knees bent slightly, and he kicked abruptly. He jumped up like a trumpet Hulk!

Under the shocked gazes of Steve and Natasha, Leon used the momentum of the updraft to jump more than ten meters.

A Zeta Swiss soldier who was using a mechanical gripper, standing on the surface of the building, was attacking downward with an energy gun, was startled by Leon who suddenly appeared in front of him.

I just wanted to raise my hand to give this human in black clothes a shot, but I didn't expect that when I saw only a fleeting light, I suddenly lost all consciousness!

He chopped off the head of a Zeta Swiss soldier, Leon did not stop, but stepped on the depression on the surface of the building, using the recoil force, to jump again!

After just a few jumps in a row, Leon jumped onto the roof of this building, which is more than 100 meters high.

Seeing Leon jumping between the buildings, Steve and Natasha looked at each other.

Facing the curiosity in Steve's eyes, Natasha smiled helplessly and said:

"Don't ask me, I don't know either..."

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