I Have a Good Impression on Marvel

Chapter 258 S.H.I.E.L.D.


The sound of gunshots so close at hand made Skye, who was hiding behind the counter, suddenly widen his eyes and involuntarily showed an expression of surprise.

She has never been more welcoming to the sound of gunfire than she is now.

There are gunshots, which means that there are humans!

She knew that those ugly weapons were all energy guns that could emit blue beams.

And only humans can use firearms!

Before she could pull up Arya, who was curled up beside her, and walked out of the counter, she heard a magnetic voice in her ear:

"Come out! It's safe now..."

Although he didn't have super powers such as heat sensing and radar scanning, when he was fighting with the Zeta Swiss soldiers, Leon, who had sensitive senses, still heard a small movement hiding behind the counter.

The sound of heavy breathing and the beating of a drum-like heartbeat all indicate that the person hiding behind the counter is a human...

Holding the knife in his right hand, he swung it gently, and the blue blood on the blade splattered out, making a blue mark on the ground.

Looking at the two girls slowly walking out from behind the counter, Leon just glanced at the two of them roughly, and after confirming that they were not injured, he turned around, pressed the communication headset, and said:

"Here is the Lyon agent, send two agents to Glen Street, there are civilians here who need to be evacuated."


Then, Leon turned his head, pointed to the right side of the coffee shop, and said to the two:

"You walk in the direction of 6th Street, and someone will take you out of here safely..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Leon didn't wait for the dumbfounded two to ask, then turned around and strode out of the coffee shop.

Looking at the back of the other party, Skye woke up from a dream, and then he reacted.

I saw she stretched out her hand involuntarily and shouted:

"Wait a moment…"

However, Leon, who was in a hurry to rush to the next battlefield,

He didn't stop, but kicked his legs and jumped up suddenly!

After a few jumps, Leon disappeared between the buildings.

Leon's extraordinary operation really made Skye dumbfounded.

The outstretched hand stayed awkwardly in the air...


It wasn't until she heard Arya's cry behind her that the girl came back to her senses.

"Uh... what did you say?"

Arya, who was still holding the cross in her hand tightly, looked at Skye with those eyes like a frightened deer, and said:

"We should go, the guy just said, let's go to 6th Street..."

"That person just now..."

Muttering and repeating Arya's words, Skye exclaimed suddenly as if thinking of something:

"It's him!"

"That man!!!"

Looking at Skye who was suddenly excited, Arya, who was frightened by Xiaoxiao, could not help but take a half step back and asked carefully:

"What did you say? Why can't I understand? Did you know the man just now?"

However, Skye, who was completely immersed in his astonishing discovery, had already turned a deaf ear to Arya's question...

The same clothes, the same weird long knife, and those blue eyes...

It's him!

100%, it's him!

In that video, the brown-haired man in the black uniform of S.H.I.E.L.D.!

Skye, who was aware of all this, somehow felt as if he was dreaming.

All along, she has tried her best to find traces of S.H.I.E.L.D., this mysterious organization that wiped out her identity and birth records.

Unexpectedly, S.H.I.E.L.D. actually delivered it to her door and saved her life!

It can be said that there is nowhere to find a place to break through the iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get it!

At this moment, watching two SHIELD agents in black suits approaching from the direction of 6th Street, Skye couldn't help but narrow his eyes and murmured unconsciously:

"Agent Leon...?"

. . .


The blue blood column spurted out again.

With a "bang", the last standing Chitarui fell to the ground.

The God of Death, holding the jet-black long blade, just turned around and jumped up under the grateful eyes of the New York civilians.

Such pictures can be seen everywhere in Manhattan...

As a mobile unit fighting fires everywhere, Lyon, who leaped between buildings, killed hundreds of Zeta Swiss soldiers and saved countless civilians in just ten minutes.

He always came in a hurry and left in a hurry.

There is simply no time to remember the appearance of each rescued civilian, let alone accept their gratitude...

Even though Leon worked tirelessly to clean up the line of troops, the impact on the entire battle situation was still only a drop in the bucket.

It has been half an hour since the space door opened. Chitauris riding flying machines spread across the sky of Manhattan, bombarding every street indiscriminately.

Even with the great resistance of the Avengers, the locust-like Chitarians are slowly spreading toward the neighboring Brooklyn and Queens.

The supporting S.H.I.E.L.D. Kun-style fighter group, also under the enemy's superior force, has been reduced in number one after another.

It's only a matter of time before the entire army is wiped out...

Fortunately, the New York Police, under the command of Chief Commissioner George Stacy and with the assistance of the SHIELD New York branch, evacuated the civilians around Manhattan.

And built several lines of defense to keep the Chitauri army within Manhattan Island as much as possible.

Although it was not very useful, it also bought a precious amount of time for the assembly of the National Guard...

However, those are not the crux of the war.

If you want to end this war, you must find Loki as soon as possible, get the psychic scepter, and close the portal!

Otherwise, the longer the time drags on, the politicians who are hiding in a safe place, drinking high-priced whisky and smoking cigars while watching this war, will use their "sacrifice" spirit to use nuclear weapons. End this war!

Thinking of this, Leon, who was standing on the roof of a high-rise building, unconsciously flashed a hint of urgency on his face.

With a frown, Leon immediately used the communication headset and asked:

"Tony, Clint, have you found any trace of Loki?"

"I haven't seen him yet... That guy, knowing that we need a scepter to close the portal, deliberately played hide and seek with us!" Stark's tone was also somewhat annoyed.

"I haven't found it yet..."

Before Leon could continue to speak, the huge black hole above the sky changed again!

More Chitarians, led by two Leviathan giants, poured into the sky of Manhattan again!

Looking up at this scene, Leon, whose face was full of solemn expressions, couldn't help but murmured:

"There's not much time left for us..."

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