I Have a Good Impression on Marvel

Chapter 261 Portal, close!

Stark Building, it can be said to be very lucky...

The Stark Building, which is located below the portal, has a cosmic Rubik's Cube placed on top, so both the influx of the Chitauri army and the Avengers subconsciously stay away from there.

Therefore, the Stark Building, which has not become a battlefield, has not received much attack except for the many "scars" on the surface. It is the most intact building in Manhattan.

However, the arrival of Loki and Thor caused Stark's carefully arranged top-floor mansion to suffer heavy damage...


Loki's whole body was slammed into the wall, and the wall cracked like a cobweb.

Loki, who hadn't got up from the ground, suddenly felt his collar tighten, and was dragged from the ground by the collar of Thor, who was angry.

Thor, who was a head taller than Loki, pulled Loki, whose feet were off the ground, in front of him, used "skill: hair dryer" at close range, and yelled at his younger brother:

"You bastard, do you know what you are doing? Humans are dying, cities are dying, is this the so-called king in your mouth?!"

"Hehehe, I just did what I was supposed to do..." Loki, who was caught, was still stubborn and did not change his nature.

"What should you do?" Looking at the still stubborn younger brother, with the contempt on that pale and thin face, Thor burst out with anger like an enraged lion.

He grabbed Loki, who was like a chicken, and carried him to the empty floor-to-ceiling window, letting him look at Manhattan, which was full of smoke and ruins, and asked:

"Look at all this! This is what you say you should do? Kill all the humans?!"


Loki was silent, and then he whispered silently:

"I just want to prove myself that what you can do, I can do, and I can do it better, what's wrong?!"

Thor was disappointed by Loki's attitude, he pulled Loki's collar and threw it aside vigorously.


Loki's figure, like a big car out of control, had a close contact with the bar next to him.

On the wine rack, the many fine wines that Stark treasured were suddenly smashed to pieces...

Thor didn't have time to pay attention to these details, but strode forward with an angry face, his right fist slammed into Loki's thin face, just a punch!

"Since you don't know where you are wrong, let me tell you!"

. . .

When Leon finally arrived at Stark's penthouse, what he saw was a mess.

Looking at the disgraced Loki, lying in the depression on the floor, his chest was pressed by Thor's hammer, unable to move, Leon suddenly felt very happy.

However, he had no time to take the opportunity to mock Loki, but immediately asked Thor:

"Thor, where's the scepter?"

Hearing Leon's voice, Thor turned back slightly, glanced at him, and then pointed to the floor not far away.


Turning his head to look, Leon's eyes lit up involuntarily.

I saw that on the floor not far away, there was a sapphire mind scepter on top, lying there quietly.

Just when Leon just picked up the scepter of mind,

Thor's voice sounded again.

"Leon, do you really have a way to close the portal?"

In the face of Thor's doubts, Leon did not pause, nodded directly, and his tone was firm:

"Yes! The energy barrier on the surface of the universe cube cannot stop the attack of the mind scepter. If there is no accident, we can end this war immediately!"

"That's good, you go, I'll watch this guy, just in case he has another bad brain..."


time does not wait.

After saying goodbye to Thor and lying on the ground, still looking like Loki, Leon immediately jumped to the top of the Stark Building.

Dr. Shavig, who was resting on the side, saw the sudden appearance of the figure and thought it was the Chitauris, and shrank back in fright.

However, only after seeing Leon's appearance and the psychic scepter in his hand did he realize it.


"Eric, let's get started!"

"it is good!"

Just as Dr. Shawig was fiddling with the computer equipment, suddenly, Fury's voice suddenly sounded from the communication channel of the headset:

"Agent Leon! Hear me? There's an emergency!"


"The council decided to launch a nuclear strike in midtown Manhattan, and I just turned them down, but I can't hold on for long."

This news made Leon's pupils shrink, revealing a look of disbelief.

Although it has long been expected that those stubborn pens will do such stupid things for the sake of the overall situation and make sacrifices.

But when you heard Fury say it with your own ears, it was a completely different feeling.

You must know that not only the Chitauri alien army, but also the Avengers and more than one million civilians in Manhattan are still within the scope of the battlefield!

No one will be spared from this nuclear bomb...

Thinking of this, Leon couldn't help but scolded: "Fuck it!"

At this moment, seeing the cosmic Rubik's Cube, which is protected by a layer of energy barrier and emits bursts of blue light, a thought suddenly flashed in Leon's mind:

There may still be time!

"Sir! I've figured out how to close the portal, give me another five minutes!"

Fury on the other side was stunned for a moment, and then immediately replied:

"I understand!"

Turning off the communication, Leon looked up at the huge black hole in the sky, and couldn't help muttering to himself: "This time you lost, Thanos..."

As soon as the voice fell, Dr. Shawig's slightly surprised call came from his ear:

"That's it!"

Leon immediately clenched the mind scepter with both hands, aimed the extremely sharp blade at the circular energy barrier of the universe cube, and stabbed it forward!

Ding! With a bang, the spiritual gem on the top of the scepter suddenly emitted a strong yellow light, which formed a sharp and harmonious contrast with the blue in the universe cube!

At that moment, the energy emanating from the Rubik's Cube in the universe seemed to be unstable.

"It's now!"

With a loud reminder from Dr. Shavig, Leon held the scepter without hesitation and pushed it forward. The sharp edge of the scepter pierced directly on the surface of the universe cube!

The energy between the mind gem and the space gem, the two infinity gems, collided, forming an incomparably strong light at the tip of the scepter.

That light, like an exploding star, occupied the whole world!

The next moment, the beam of light that shot straight into the sky, maintaining the energy beam of the portal, suddenly disappeared!

And the big black hole that cut through the sky slowly closed, and finally closed completely!

The sky was clear.

Everything, as if it had never happened before...

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