I Have a Good Impression on Marvel

Chapter 272 Sudden promotion

When Leon was leisurely at home watching the rising favorability points, a phone call from S.H.I.E.L.D. Director Fury brought his vacation to an end.

On the phone, Fury did not disclose the content of the matter, but only said that there was something important and asked him to return to Trident headquarters immediately.

So, Leon, who was full of doubts, could only drive the black Lamborghini Reventon and drive towards Washington...

. . . . . .

SHIELD headquarters, Trident main building.

Leon, who was wearing a black suit, just stepped into the lobby, and all his eyes suddenly focused on him.

Recognizing his SHIELD agent, he suddenly started talking in a low voice.

"That's Leon Coulson?!"

"It's him! That legendary black blade!"

"I heard that he killed an alien beast alone..."

Although the outside world is almost ignorant of the mysterious "black blade". However, in S.H.I.E.L.D., except for a few ignorant researchers, most S.H.I.E.L.D. agents know that the mysterious avenger "Black Blade" is Leon Coulson!

Perhaps it was to make him a new idol of S.H.I.E.L.D., or to boost the morale of S.H.I.E.L.D., or for some unknown purpose, his identities with Black Widow and Hawkeye were like an open secret. In general, it has become the focus of the topic of everyone in S.H.I.E.L.D.

Listening to the endless discussions around him, Leon kept his eyes fixed, and unconsciously quickened his pace.

The troubles like a celebrity made Leon more determined to carry out the "that" plan...

Stepping into the elevator, Leon went straight to the director's office.

As soon as he entered the office, Leon saw Fury dressed in black, standing in front of the window pretending to be deep as usual.

"Sir, are you looking for me?"

As if awakened by Leon's words, Fury turned slightly and looked at Leon lightly with the only remaining eye.

The silence lasted for a while before Fury opened his mouth and said solemnly:

"follow me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he took the lead and walked towards the door of the office.

Upon seeing this, Leon frowned, then stepped forward and followed.

Passing through the long corridor, the two stepped into the elevator, and Fury raised his head slightly and said:

"World Security Council!"

The next moment, a mechanical female voice sounded:


Standing in the corner of the elevator, Leon did not ask aloud, but stood there quietly, quickly analyzing in his mind.

From the information obtained so far, Fury is going to take himself to meet the Security Council group.

The purpose of this is still unclear.

However, Leon speculates that it must have something to do with the Avengers!

As for whether he guessed right, the answer will be revealed soon...

In silence, the elevator quickly arrived at the corresponding floor.

Leon, who was behind Fury, looked at the conference room at the end of the corridor and couldn't help but stare.

This is the first time he has come to this level, and the first time he has come into contact with the superior of S.H.I.E.L.D., the World Security Council.

This also shows that, unconsciously, Leon has become a very important figure in S.H.I.E.L.D.…

Under the guidance of a secretary, Leon and Fury entered the conference room, and in the waiting room of the conference room, they met the long-awaited Minister of SHIELD Security, Alexander Pierce.

With slightly loose blond hair in the middle, it is a very kind face.

Pierce, who took the initiative to meet him, looked like a boss just like when he first met.

"Oh! Isn't this the future of our S.H.I.E.L.D. agent? Agent Lyon, your performance in the New York battle was amazing..."

In the face of Pierce's high praise, Leon had to pretend to be flattered and humble again and again.

"Sir, it's my honor for you to win the prize. Besides, I just did my part..."

After saying two words without nutrition,

Pierce, who had just woken up from a dream, mentioned the business:

"Agent Leon, I have good news for you to come here today. However, before that, the council wants to see you."

As soon as the words fell, Pierce took Fury and Leon into the conference room on the side.

In the huge conference room, the most conspicuous ones are naturally the council members on the five virtual light curtains.

Seeing Leon's overly young face, a flash of surprise flashed in the eyes of several members of the World Security Council.

"Everyone, this is the future of our S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Leon Coulson!"

Under Pierce's somewhat dramatic introduction, Leon's expression did not change, he put on a calm face and stood there.

"Agent Leon Coulson, do you know why we let you come here?" Malik, who was on the central virtual light screen, said solemnly.

Looking at Malik's old face, Leon shook his head and replied:

"do not know."

"We have a mission for you."

Before the British representative could finish speaking, Pierce took over and continued:

"Because of your great contribution to mankind during the alien invasion, after careful consideration by the council and Director Fury, it was finally decided to appoint you as the leader of the Avengers Special Monitoring Team from now on. In addition to the power to form an independent monitoring team, your security authority has also been upgraded from level seven to level eight."

"In other words, you got a promotion!"

Hearing this so-called good news, the expression on Leon's face did not change much, but he couldn't help but mutter:

"Sure enough, as expected..."

Obviously, in the eyes of the World Security Council, the existence of the Avengers is itself a huge uncontrolled threat.

Having seen their extraordinary abilities, both the council and S.H.I.E.L.D. are very worried about this superhero team.

It is inevitable to send someone to supervise.

What Leon didn't expect was that the council and Fury were going to give this task to themselves...

Reining in his mind, Leon asked:

"Then what is the mission of this monitoring team?"

At this time, the representative of the Celestial Dynasty, an Asian man in a suit and leather shoes, opened his mouth and replied:

"We hope you can supervise the Avengers' every move and report to the Council and S.H.I.E.L.D. at any time."

Hearing this, Leon couldn't help but glanced at Fury from the corner of his eyes, wanting to see his reaction.

However, on that expressionless face, he could not see his thoughts at all.

At this time, Pierce's vicissitudes voice rang again in Leon's ear:

"Agent Leon, don't be too burdensome, we just hope you can become the link between S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Avengers, just like in the Battle of New York, fighting together for the same goal!"

Listening to these high-sounding words, Leon couldn't help sneering in his heart:

"It sounds so nice..."

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