I Have a Good Impression on Marvel

Chapter 279 Skye and Ward tit for tat


Skye, who was put on a hood and forcibly kidnapped on the plane, was finally taken off and saw again.

However, before she could observe her environment, she was gently pushed by Ward and sat on the seat of the interrogation room.

Glancing at the tall and tall Ward, Skye, who had never encountered such a situation, straightened his hair, and pretended to be calm: "You are making a very big mistake!"

However, Ward twitched his mouth and replied to her:

"You don't look that big..."

"Sorry for not having Lianxiang Xiyu, this Ward agent and your organization have some connections..." Closing the door of the interrogation room, Coulson casually introduced: "Rising Tide Organization."

"I do not know what you are talking about…"

Skye, who still wanted to play stupid, was interrupted by Ward: "Well, two ways to solve this..."

"Oh, isn't there a simpler one?"

Skye also tried to use humor to ease his inner tension.

However, she did not expect that the serious-looking Ward would make her speechless by saying "no" directly.

Sitting down across from Skye, Coulson asked aloud, "What's your name?"


"What's your real name?"

Before Ward could finish his question, Coulson took over and said, "That can be discussed later. What we need now is your help!"

With a slight frown, Skye folded her arms around her chest and made a defensive gesture, "Why should I help you?"

"You made a small mistake. Your mobile phone and some emails from the Rising Tide organization have the same cryptographic signature, which means that you should also be very aware of the events that happened in Paris not long ago."

"Crack!" Coulson threw a few screenshots of the blond man on the table.

"I need you to find the man in the picture!"

Glancing at the blond man in the photo, Skye didn't answer Coulson immediately, but said to him, "Wow, is that so?"

"Is it a mistake? I don't think so. Am I sitting in your secret headquarters?"

"What is this? An airplane?"

Looking around, Skye's voice resounded in the sealed interrogation room again:

"I'm in. And, as you should have discovered, you can't break through the data encryption on my device, which means you get nothing..."

"Your attitude is not good for both of us..."

"What kind of attitude do you think I have?" Speaking of attitude, Skye's rebelliousness suddenly broke out: "You know, I was just kidnapped by you black suits to a ghost place where I don't know where it is at all! "

As he spoke, Skye's tone gradually became a little annoyed:

"S.H.I.E.L.D. covered up the events in New Mexico, the Pegasus program, and of course, now you want to cover up the Cyborg soldiers..."

Looking at Skye with a somewhat aggressive tone, Coulson folded his hands and put his fingers on the table, and in that persuasive and kind voice, persuaded:

"In this world, we are not the only ones interested in superpowers and cyborg soldiers. We want to investigate and help him, yes. But once we let those men in black be one step ahead of us and find him, the consequences will be Incredible!"

"You have also seen the video, and you must also understand what will happen if this man falls into the hands of those people..."

These words made Skye, who had been chasing S.H.I.E.L.D., suddenly remembered the brown-haired figure with a black blade in his hand.

For a while, she felt that S.H.I.E.L.D. might not be the same as the "behind-the-scenes" image she imagined.

At least, the middle-aged man sitting in front of him looked very friendly.

As for the guy next to him with a stinky face, forget it...

"I track the monitoring data flow on the square, and then through the simulation of the moving route around the city, I may be able to find his next trail..."

Hearing that Skye finally let go,

Revealing his intention to cooperate, Coulson raised his brows and was about to speak, but was interrupted by Skye's next words!

"However, if you want me to help, I must act with you, and after finding the man, I will be there too!"

Without waiting for Coulson to express his position, Ward, who was standing on the side, immediately stepped forward and protested: "I don't think this is a good idea!"

Hearing this, Skye couldn't help turning around and staring closely at this guy who had been targeting him from the beginning:

"At this critical time, do you still want to hide these secrets in the shadows?"

"People hide secrets for a reason, Skye..."

Looking at Ward who took advantage of his height and tried to overwhelm him in momentum, Skye was not to be outdone, poked his finger lightly on the opponent's chest, and retorted:

"Oh yes? Rather than being kept in the dark, I might as well see the bloody truth. We have a right to know the truth, and the people need to know the truth!"

Looking at Skye, who was full of fighting spirit like a little lion, Ward did not continue bickering with her, but looked at Coulson, who was watching the play, and said:

"Sir, she's a fanatic, hacking into S.H.I.E.L.D., tracking all kinds of extraordinary events, maybe she's a girl who plays role-playing in Stark's company..."

"What?! I just... only did it once..." Skye, who was talking about it, could only reply weakly.

Although she also tried, circling around the blocked Stark Building. However, that was to find a shred of intelligence about the mysterious S.H.I.E.L.D. agent who saved him.

Of course, she wouldn't tell these people about these things...

Looking at the tit-for-tat two people, Coulson, who seemed to sense something, felt that Ward's attitude was too tough. So, the interrogation was stopped, and he was called directly from the interrogation room.

The two walked towards each other while communicating:

"Ward, is it because of this girl? Did she offend you?"

"Sir, I'm just doing what I think is right..."

"Really? Did you screw up this interrogation on purpose because you were so desperate to get out of this team?"

"Let me be alone with her for a minute and we'll have the answer!"

In front of a fingerprint identification storage cabinet, Coulson stopped.

"She's a valuable person."

"She's just a..." Ward, who felt wrong, slammed and frowned, "Wait a minute, what did you say? A valuable person?"

Coulson opened the storage box and took out a small black box with the eagle logo inside, and replied:

"That's right, we don't know anything about her. Don't you think such an unusual person is rare?"

"So, we need her...and everything she knows!"

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