I Have a Good Impression on Marvel

Chapter 284 Agent Leon Coulson, came to report

"It's actually him?!"

When he saw the man who came down from the Kun-style fighter, Skye's mind suddenly fell into a blank space.

Although he was wearing a pair of sunglasses on his handsome face, he blocked those deep blue eyes. However, Skye recognized at a glance that the man in front of him was the man who saved him during the Battle of New York!

Of course she had thought about what it would be like to meet her savior again.

However, such a plot development was something she never imagined!

With short brown hair, a slim black suit, and a slightly upturned mouth...

That's right, the reinforcements sent by S.H.I.E.L.D. to support Coulson's team are Coulson's super-powered nephew and a member of the Avengers, Leon Coulson, code-named "Black Blade"!

While Skye was at a loss, Leon took off his sunglasses and greeted everyone very formally:

"Agent Leon Coulson, come and report!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he smiled, took a step forward, and hugged Coulson.

"Hey! Leon, glad you're here!"

"Are you kidding? Even if it's not a mission, as long as you have a phone call, I'll be there with you!"

After chatting with Lao Ke, Lyon also took turns with Fitz, Simmons, and Ward for a friendly hug.

As for Melinda May, a nod is enough...

At this time, seeing Brian Adam standing beside him with a puzzled look, and Skye who was at a loss, Coulson rolled his eyes, and then moved to Leon's side and told him about the two of them.

"This is Skye..."

"This is Adam..."

In fact, without Coulson's introduction, Leon, who just got off the plane, immediately noticed the brown-haired girl standing next to Melinda May.

Skye, the super genius of the hacker world, the legendary "Shockwave Girl", of course Leon knew. However, what he didn't know was that he accidentally rescued the other party in the New York battle.

After all, at the time of the war, he was saving people everywhere, and he had no time to care about everyone who was saved by himself...

Therefore, when Coulson introduced the two to him, Leon's attitude was as if they were meeting for the first time, neither salty nor indifferent.

"Hello, I'm Agent Leon, nice to meet you..."

In the face of Leon's big hand, Skye, who was very worried, just stretched out his hand and shook it, unable to hide the deep disappointment in his eyes.

"Doesn't he remember me...?"

How did Lyon know the other party's inner activities? After saying hello, he followed everyone and boarded the "Bus"

After setting the flight mode to automatic, the group came to the strategy room.

The Coulson team, which was reinforced by Lyon, held a battle meeting again.

Since Skye has not officially joined the team, the strategically arranged tasks are still carried out by Coulson, who is the commander.

Standing at the remote sensing control table in the strategy room,

Colson brought a satellite map to the big screen:

"According to Mr. Adam's intelligence, through the terrain search of the military satellite, we have locked the approximate location of the research facility - located in the capital of Estonia, 30 kilometers south of Tallinn. It is a private territory, inaccessible and suitable for evil experiments. The secret base..."

Looking at the satellite map, Leon, who folded his arms and stood beside him, couldn't help muttering:

"Last time in Romania, this time in Estonia..."

Not far from Lyon, Skye, who had been peeking at him, heard his words and asked curiously, "What did you say? What Romania?"

Maybe she was nervous, or she was a little excited to see Leon again. Skye's voice was much louder than she thought, causing everyone to hear her question.

Coulson, who was interrupted, didn't care at all, but smiled slightly, took over the conversation, and said:

"Oh! I haven't told you yet?"

Hearing this, everyone could not help but focus their attention on Coulson.

I saw Coulson glanced at Leon proudly, and then dropped a blockbuster!

"The Aegis agent who sneaked into the research facility alone, copied and destroyed the research data, is the Leon agent in front of you!"


All of a sudden, everyone's eyes shifted to Leon.

Facing the fiery gazes of everyone, Leon nodded, "That's right. I personally infiltrated the research facility and witnessed the entire process of the cyborg limb implantation operation, and I also understood the specifics of the entire plan. That's why the headquarters sent me. Come…"

At this time, Leon seemed to think of something, suddenly paused, and then added:

"By the way, this time I was ordered to come to support, in addition to myself, I also brought the research data copied from the research facility last time, I believe, this should be helpful."

While speaking, Leon took out a USB flash drive from his trousers pocket and handed it to Fitz beside him.

Fitz, who took over the USB flash drive, lit up:

"With this research data, Simmons and I can find the weaknesses of these cyborg soldiers, exploit..."

Allowing Fitz and Simmons to bite their ears, Coulson continued:

"We destroy one of their experimental facilities, and they will build another experimental facility... In this way, the symptoms will not be cured. Therefore, in order to thoroughly investigate the transaction between Rongke and Roxon behind this, and stop all this, I need answers!"

"That is to say, this operation, we can't make a statement, try not to destroy the equipment inside, and don't hurt the people inside."

When Melinda May added these words, Coulson unconsciously glanced at Leon, as if implying something.

Leon was stunned for a moment, spread his hands helplessly, and said:

"Don't worry, I'm measured..."

After adding some precautions, when the entire battle meeting was almost over, at this moment, Leon seemed to inadvertently reminded:

"By the way, the head of research and development of this plan is a middle-aged man with white hair called Dr. Liszt. He is the key figure in this plan. If you see him, you must not let him run away!"

Leon knew that Dr. Liszt was a senior cadre of Hydra, and one of the leaders of Hydra, Baron Strucker's confidant.

Once Dr. Liszt is caught, the possibility of obtaining information on Hydra from him is very high.

Since the existence of the Hydra cannot be said through his own mouth, then use Dr. Liszt's mouth to remind Coulson and Fury!

This is also one of the reasons why Leon will abandon the ongoing secret plan and come to support in person.

After all, the Hydra hidden in the darkness, from beginning to end, is the biggest enemy of S.H.I.E.L.D.…

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