I Have a Good Impression on Marvel

Chapter 473: The Fall of Wakanda

Don't look at Ultron, the big villain. In the two fights with the Avengers, he was shriveled and underestimated its power.

That is it has not yet exerted its true strength.

The strongest point of Ultron is not its single combat power, nor its continuous robot army, but its ability to ignore the system firewall, enter and control the Internet at will, and its evolving IQ!

Just give it enough time and it will only get stronger.

As the most advanced artificial intelligence program, its consciousness is not weak, but its body is too weak to be vulnerable.

Ultron himself knew this fact.

So, that's why it's so attached to vibration gold.

If every time we meet each other, before we persist for a few rounds, the other party is knocked out in seconds, then what is the point of having more strategies?

Only by creating a powerful Zhenjin body, it will not be killed by Leon with a sword like the last time at the dock, and will have a certain strength foundation to carry out its own great plan...

Although Fulian blocked the plan to buy Zhenjin. However, there was another village in the dark and bright, and the existence of the Wakanda Zhenjin ore vein was learned from Crowe, which led Ultron to come up with a bolder plan:

Invade Wakanda and take this country of vibrating gold into your hands!

This war, the moment Ultron's consciousness entered the Wakanda Internet, means that it won...

Looking at the reinforcements coming from a distance, everyone in Wakanda couldn't help showing a relieved expression.

In their opinion, as long as Wakanda's reinforcements arrive, the opponent's small group of enemies, no matter how powerful, will be eliminated.

However, at this moment, a sudden change occurred!

Ultron, who took over the Wakanda security defense system, took over the control of more than ten Zhenjin fighters in the sky through the network with just one thought!

In the next second, all the Zhenjin fighter planes immediately turned their direction and aimed the supersonic gun in front of the plane at the advancing suspension transport vehicle full of Wakanda soldiers!

Boom boom boom! ! !

The blue light flickered, and countless energy beams, overwhelming the sky, shot towards the suspended transport vehicle!

Without any accident, several suspended transport vehicles were hit by the dense beams one after another, and with a "bang", they instantly turned into balls of fire.

As for the Wakanda soldiers in the car, before they could scream, they all died in the explosion and fire...

Under the black panther mask, T'Challa's face was already filled with incredible colors.

"how so…"

Not only him, but everyone in Wakanda was at a loss for what was in front of him.


Why did their own fighter planes suddenly fire on their own soldiers? !

This question lingered in everyone's mind, lingering...

Watching the suspension transporter, one by one, being destroyed one by one, T'Challa suddenly felt a tight neck, and the whole person was pinched by Ultron's neck and lifted up.

In the next second, T'Challa's eyes were the only ones whose eyes were scarlet and cold, and the deep voice that echoed in his ears:

"Prince, that's it!"

"If you don't want to leave a big hole in your father, ordering surrender is your only option..."

Faced with such a desperate situation, even if T'Challa was reluctant to give up, he had to consider the safety of his father.

In the end, he gave in.

"Everyone, lay down your weapons..."

Wakanda is an absolute monarchy. When the king and the prince are captured by the enemy, the remaining people and soldiers have only one path left: obedience.

Allowing Crowe to take over the regime of Wakanda with his younger brothers and robot army, Ultron went straight to the Zhenjin mine alone.

After thousands of years of excavation, the Zhenjin Mine in Wakanda has been transformed into a large-scale facility integrating scientific research, mining and transportation.

A number of transport planes shaped like dragonflies are parked at the suspension of the mine entrance, ready to go.

Like a hole in the ground,

The entrance to the entire Zhenjin Mine is bottomless.

Looking down for a while in the air, Ultron slowly landed, took the elevator of the mine, and came to the control center at the mine.

At this time, Princess Shuli of Wakanda has not officially taken over the entire security defense system of Wakanda, as well as all Zhenjin technology, and has not transformed the entire place.

Therefore, this place is still T'Challa's laboratory for the time being.

After taking care of the guards in the control center, Ultron became the only active existence in the entire mine.

Ignoring all kinds of Zhenjin technology, Ultron's eyes were attracted by the scenery behind the glass window.

Through the glass window, I saw the boundless underground vibrating gold mine and the maglev train that was transporting vibrating gold. Ultron couldn't help but whispered:

"That's what I want..."

. . .

Ultron did not stay in the vibrating gold mine for too long, and after confirming that the quantity of vibrating gold was enough for his own plan, it came to Wakanda's palace.

Seeing Ultron walking in from the door, Crowe, who was sitting on the throne, quickly got up and said a little embarrassedly:

"Your Excellency, I..."

Crowe is crazy, but in front of Ultron, the ruthless and ruthless robot, he can't be crazy.

What's more, he's not stupid.

The scene of his arm being cut off is vivid in his mind. He doesn't want to be killed by Ultron because of a trivial matter...

However, his worries were superfluous.

Ultron didn't care about his behavior, but instead praised:

"Claude, you did a great job!"

"I am a person with clear rewards and punishments, and I will not treat anyone who helps me badly."

While speaking, Ultron slowly walked to the Wakanda Throne, turned around, and sat on the throne under Klau's flattering smile.

"As long as you are obedient, I can give you everything you want."

When dealing with Claude, Ultron's tone was not as polite and friendly as the Maximov twins, but more domineering and commanding.

After all, Crowe is just a pawn to it...

Klau also understands very well that he has no other choice now, but to follow Ultron and go all the way to the dark.

Therefore, he also straightened his position very single, like an obedient subordinate, bowed and said:

"Your Excellency, it is my honor to be able to serve you..."

Looking at Crowe's attitude, Ultron nodded very satisfied, and then asked:

"Hmm... how's the takeover?"

"Although we have the king and royal family members of Wakanda in our hands. However, there are still many Wakanda people who are stubborn and trying to resist. However, please rest assured, my men and the robot army are already suppressing them. soon…"

Ultron waved his hand and said indifferently:

"Those are little things."

"What I need you to do now is to call all your subordinates here. Because, next, we are going to get busy..."

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