Accompanied by the roaring wind, a bullet shot from the muzzle swirled in the air, hitting the back of the man's head directly!

Able to unbiasedly shoot the opponent in the head while the enemy is moving.

It seems that Lyon is very confident in his marksmanship, and it is not unreasonable.

However, what happened next made Leon and Natasha invariably show shocked expressions!

I saw that the 9mm copper bullet was melted by the temperature of over 1,000 degrees on the surface of the skin before it penetrated the opponent's skin!

"What the hell?!!"

Leon couldn't help shrinking his pupils, his hands clasped the Glock 17 in his hands, aimed at the opponent's head, and kept pulling the trigger!

Bang bang bang!

In a very short period of time, through a series of shots, Leon poured all 12 bullets in the pistol onto the opponent's head!

However, these shots were as futile as his first.

Seeing the bullets that had been melted for the most part, fell to the ground weakly with a few "bang bang bang" sounds, Leon was suddenly dumbfounded, and he couldn't help shouting in his heart: How can we fight this? !

On the other side, the enemy who had been chasing Natasha was attracted by this wave of attacks, and gave up the offensive, turned to Leon's side, and rushed over!

"Ah ah ah..."

Seeing the other party yelling and rushing towards him, Leon turned around without saying a word and ran!

The other party seemed to recognize that Leon was a soft persimmon. Seeing him running away, he did not give up the pursuit, and continued to follow his ass, trying to solve one...

The two were running fast on the road one after the other.

As for Natasha, who was ignored, she was holding a pistol and kept shooting at the bald man behind her, trying to find out his weakness.

During the escape, in order to avoid the involvement of passers-by, Leon did not forget to lead the enemy to an abandoned factory.

The chase did not last long.

When he came to the ruined factory, Leon slammed on the brakes and stopped running away.

Looking at Leon's sudden stop, Joseph, who was red all over, also showed a hideous smile, and while slowly approaching Leon, he mocked:

"Run! Why don't you run?!"

Leon turned around, slightly shortened his body, and prepared to dodge at any time, waiting for him.

He knew very well that this might be the most dangerous battle since he joined S.H.I.E.L.D.!

Bullets are of no use to each other!

It is also impossible to strike at close range and cause damage to the opponent!

Before finding any way to penetrate the high-heat defense on the surface of Joseph's skin, neither he nor Natasha could do anything about him!

In the face of such a powerful supernatural ability, even elite agents such as Leon and Natasha are particularly constrained.

Just when Leon and Joseph were confronting, Natasha, who rushed to the horse, unexpectedly took out a circular patch from her waist and threw it violently!

With a bang, the circular patch drew a perfect arc in the air.

Unlike the bullet that began to melt as soon as it touched the opponent's red skin, this time, the circular patch was not melted, but was firmly attached to the opponent's arm!

"What is this..."

Just when Joseph was surprised that this gadget was not melted by the high heat from his body, the patch suddenly released a burst of strong voltage!


A blue-white current of up to 3,000 volts instantly enveloped Joseph's arm, causing Joseph's entire arm to be attacked by the voltage!


With a violent tremor, the orange-red high-heat armor on the arm,

It also restores the original color of the skin!


With a face of pain, Joseph suddenly took off the electric shock patch and threw it away.

And his arm was soon covered with orange-red spots again.

Although it's a short time, maybe just a second or two...

However, Leon was still very sensitive to notice the changes in the opponent's body at that moment!

That is how to overcome the opponent's hope!

The human body is sometimes like a functioning machine.

Just like once the machine is overloaded, there will be a short-term freeze or even a crash, and Joseph, a superpower, is no exception.

Joseph, who used his superpowers to keep his body in a high-heat armor, was struck by a strong electric current at the moment when he received an electric shock, cutting off the connection of his entire arm, causing his superpowers to temporarily lose their effectiveness.

That's why, his arm briefly changes back to its original color!

However, so far, this is only speculation for Lyon.

However, in this critical situation, this may be the only chance to defeat the opponent!

Leon, who figured it out, jumped back to avoid Joseph's angry blow, and shouted to Natasha on the right, "Natasha!"


"The thing you threw just now, throw it again!"

Although I don't know why Leon suddenly let himself do this.

However, due to the trust in her partner, Natasha responded without hesitation: "Okay!"

He took out an electric shock patch again, slammed his hand violently, and the patch was directly attached to the right shoulder of Joseph who was attacking Leon.

Familiar picture, happening again!

Attacked by a powerful voltage, the orange-red armor on Joseph's shoulders suddenly changed back to the original color of his body!

And at this moment, Leon's eyes narrowed, and all his attention was focused on every muscle that controlled his body.

"It's now!"

With a loud roar in his heart, he suddenly pulled out the Glock 17 pistol pinned to his waist, held the gun in both hands, and aimed at the only small piece of flesh-colored skin on the opponent's body - the right shoulder, and pulled the trigger with his fingers!


This time, the bullet was not melted, but rotated at a high speed, hitting Joseph's right shoulder directly!


With a low groan and blood splashing everywhere, a tiny blood hole emerged from Joseph's right shoulder.

Joseph lowered his head, looked at the wound on his right shoulder in disbelief, and whispered, "I'm actually injured?!"

The constant invading pain was like a blade as thin as a cicada's wing but extremely sharp, constantly cutting his skin, causing him, who had always been fearless by his own abilities, to feel panic for the first time...

On the other side, seeing that his attack finally worked, Leon was also suddenly relieved.

The gun was aimed at Joseph, who was clutching his right shoulder, and Leon immediately showed a winner's smile:

"At the end of the day, without the high-heat armor that is as high as a thousand degrees Celsius on the surface of your skin, you are just an ordinary human being..."

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