I Have a Good Impression on Marvel

Chapter 87 Remembrance and Assistant

Everything Hank Pym needed, after thinking about it, Leon only thought of one place that met his requirements.

That is: SHIELD Academy!

There, there are sufficient mechanical equipment and laboratories, as well as excellent assistants.

It's just that Leon doesn't know if Hank Pym is willing to go there...

After all, from the words of this old senior, the perception of S.H.I.E.L.D. cannot be called "friendly".

However, when he hesitated to make this proposal, Hank Pym did not immediately refuse, but agreed with nostalgia!

In his words, "After so many years, I also want to see how the Trident headquarters, which was built by me and Howard, is now..."

Leon, who inadvertently heard the old story, was surprised, but also a little emotional.

In this way, the construction plan of the Trident headquarters should be jointly formulated by the two major technology giants of S.H.I.E.L.D., Howard Stark and Hank Pym.

Leon glanced at the old man sitting on the sofa, and a thought also arose: This old man is still relatively nostalgic...

Perhaps, if there is a chance in the future, it is not impossible to invite him back and sit in S.H.I.E.L.D.

After Dr. Pym finished packing, Leon took out his satellite phone and prepared to use the S.H.I.E.L.D. communication channel to call a Kun-style fighter to pick up the two.

However, Dr. Pym, who was carrying a brown suitcase, stopped him: "As a person, when I get older, I don't like flying very much, and I like traveling by car more."

Having said that, he led Lyon to the garage near the house and picked a limited edition white Aston Martin DB6 that was produced in 1970.

And when he saw this old antique car, the first thought that popped into Leon's mind was: his uncle Lao Ke should have a good chat with this Dr. Pim...

"Why are you still standing there, get in the car!"

Leon shrugged, opened the passenger's door, and got into the convertible that could be his dad.

He had some doubts, whether this classic car would drive for a while, and it would need to be refueled.

After all, Aston Martin is pulling the wind, but in terms of fuel consumption, it's really not flattering... (The stalk comes from "Bean Agent 3")

However, when the engine started, Leon was shocked!


That smooth and full of domineering voice, like a tiger ready to go, ready to gallop down from the mountain.

This does not seem to be a classic car in the 1970s, but the most advanced supercar in the 21st century!

Seeing the surprise on Leon's face, Hank Pym, who was holding the steering wheel, also showed a smug smile: "Hehe, I added some gadgets to it..."

That said, but when the car drove on the intercontinental highway, the speed exceeded 120 miles, so that Lyon, who was messed up in the strong wind, could not help but curse in his heart: "I wipe!"

This speed is comparable to Coulson's classic suspension car "Laura".

At such a terrifying speed, Lyon and Dr. Pym soon returned to Washington, D.C., from Lincoln, Nebraska, in the central United States.

Parking the car in the parking lot, the two walked towards the headquarters building.

Just as the two of them came to the gate of the headquarters building and were about to walk in, Hank Pym suddenly paused and stopped.

"Dr. Pym?"

I saw that Hank Pym ignored Leon, but raised his head and looked at the majestic building in front of him.

The two came to the hall, and Hank Pym stopped in front of the eagle representing "SHIELD", recalling the past.

And Lyon is preparing to go to the front desk,

To apply for visitor status for Dr. Pim, who has been away from S.H.I.E.L.D. for many years: "Wait for me here, I will first enter your visitor information into the permission level..."

Hearing Leon's words, Hank Pym waved his hand and stopped Leon: "Oh, no, I have this!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Hank Pym reached out from the inner pocket of his suit and took out a gray badge.

"I knew I was coming, so I took this card, I think it should be useful..."

I saw him holding the old version of the S.H.I.E.L.D. ID card, came to the corridor leading to another building, swiped at the identification panel on the electronic door, and there was a sound of "di!", followed by a mechanical female voice. sounded:

"Welcome home, Dr. Pym!"

Seeing this scene, Leon's eyes widened suddenly, revealing a look of disbelief.

What surprised him was not that Hank Pym's badge could pass through the identification system at SHIELD headquarters, but the meaning behind it.

Hank Pym, who has been away from Aegis for many years, the old ID card, can still be used.

It means that SHIELD has never erased his name from the list of allowed entry!

In theory, Hank Pym is still a member of SHIELD so far! ! !

Thinking of this, Leon immediately made up a bit of a bloody bridge in his mind:

"Pym resigned, and Howard and Carter were unwilling to accept it. They could only watch him go, but did not remove his identity in S.H.I.E.L.D., hoping that one day, the old friend would come back..."

Thinking of this, Leon also twitched the corner of his mouth, revealing a slight smile.

Perhaps, this may be because the mouth is ruthless, and the heart still cares about the "old friend" of the other party...

Since Dr. Pym can come and go freely in S.H.I.E.L.D., Leon doesn't have to work hard to apply for visitor status for him, and leads him directly to S.H.I.E.L.D.

The SHIELD Academy with a strong academic atmosphere also made Hank Pym, who came here for the first time, brighten his eyes and showed a gratified smile.

As an old scientist immersed in science, Hank Pym naturally hopes that more young people can devote themselves to scientific research in order to explore unknown areas, just like himself.

The picture in front of him also made him feel very fulfilled: "I didn't expect that the SHIELD Academy, which had only a few hundred people at the time, is now so lively..."

"time flies…"

"Dr. Pym, this way."

Leon came to a large laboratory with Hank Pym, who was still unfinished.

"Please wait a moment..."

After he finished speaking, Leon walked into the laboratory and pulled the thin boy with curly hair, wearing a white lab coat, and the word "puzzling" written on his face to Hank Pym, and solemnly introduced:

"Dr. Pym, let me introduce to you, the young man in front of you is the youngest but most outstanding student of S.H.I.E.L.D., and the assistant I prepared for you..."

"Leo Fitz!"

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