The three-hour search time is not long, not short.

First, find the area with the most active gamma reading, then eliminate it, and narrow the range, and finally get the result.

After all, I have had an experience. The whole process was much faster than when searching for Tesseract before the Battle of New York...

To pass the time, Banner suddenly proposed to take the two of them to see the alien equipment he developed together with Stark.

Lyon and Natasha Romanoff are naturally indispensable.

What Chitauri left to New York is not only the debris, but also a mess...

Over a thousand tons of extraterrestrial materials were all transported into the research center by the damage control company formed by Nirvana Group and Stark Industries.

Among them, in addition to Chitauri's corpse, there are also various alien technology products, which are worthy of human research.

Following Banner to another wider area, Leon suddenly felt that the entire research center was really big...

Passing by several laboratories under test, Leon guessed that this should be an area dedicated to testing alien equipment.

When the three of them walked into a large space and saw the distant target and the dummy in the center of the test site, Leon was even more sure of his guess.

"This is the equipment test room. Tony and I have developed some gadgets that may be useful to the team..."

While they were talking, the three of them came to a long table with a few special-shaped objects on the table.

Seeing the curiosity on Leon and Natasha Romanoff's faces, Banner glanced at the table top, then picked up a bright silver ball.

"This is an anti-gravity grenade, a device to control the enemy. Any object within the explosion range will enter a zero-gravity state, just like this..."

As soon as the voice fell, Banner picked up a spherical grenade, and after pressing the start button, he threw it at the center of the experimental site not far away.

Accompanied by a "bang" sound, the grenade burst out a Shockwave emitting a faint blue light, blasting away from the inside out!

Several dummy dummies shrouded by Shockwave instantly entered a state of weightlessness and floated in the air.

The entire weightless floating state lasted only two seconds. Immediately, several dummy dummies fell to the ground together.

Lyon, who witnessed this scene, his eyes lit up and he couldn't help but exclaimed: "Wow!"

Two seconds of floating is not too long.

However, it means that within two seconds, the enemy can only float in the air and be slaughtered by others!

If used well, this will be a very useful assault or field control equipment.

At this moment, Natasha Romanoff, who was standing by, suddenly said:

"I thought, Stark doesn't make weapons anymore..."

This sentence sounds a bit thorny, but Leon, who is familiar with her, knows that this is just her ridicule.

However, Banner took it seriously.

He couldn't help but stretched out his hand and pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, raised his index finger, and explained seriously:

"Strictly speaking, this is a defensive equipment, not a deadly weapon. Not only this anti-gravity grenade, but also other..."

Looking at a serious Banner and trying to explain to the two one by one, Leon, who couldn't see it, had to interrupt him:

"Hey, Bruce, Natasha Romanoff is just joking, don't take it too seriously..."


Banner looked dumbfounded.

Seeing Banner's short-circuiting appearance, Natasha Romanoff on the side finally couldn't help but chuckled slightly:

"Oh, Bruce, you are such a lovely fool..."

The slightly ambiguous words and Natasha Romanoff's coquettish face made Banner stunned, and then he came back to his senses.

Is she teasing me? !

In order to stay away from such a delicate atmosphere, he turned his head and forcibly changed the subject:

"Ahem, I... I will take you to see other... other research results..."

As soon as the voice fell, some stammered Banner, as if running away, stepped forward and walked to the next area.

And Leon and Natasha Romanoff smiled at each other and followed together...

Under the reception of Banner, Lyon and Natasha Romanoff just visited the entire important area of ​​the research center.

Definitely, I also saw Banner, who has seven doctoral degrees, how terrifying his accomplishments in the field of science are!

Whether it is mechanical engineering, biochemistry, or even computer programming, there is nothing he does not understand about any scientific knowledge!

Leon felt that even if the geniuses of Simmons and Fitz, the two S.H.I.E.L.D. geniuses combined, they could only reach about 70% of Banner's achievements at most.

This is why Stark and Banner became good friends.

After all, things are grouped together, people are grouped...

. . . . . .

Time passed slowly without knowing it, and the nearly three-hour tour came to an end soon.

The three people who returned to the main research building once again sat down on the sofa when they saw a scientific researcher in white coats approaching them anxiously.

"Dr. Banner, the search results came out, but..."

"but what?"

"I think you'd better go and see it yourself!"

Some unexpected conversations made Leon and Natasha Romanoff sitting on the side notice something wrong.

The three hurried to the direction of the laboratory and walked quickly.

"what's the situation?"

Hearing that, a researcher standing in front of the computer immediately reported:

"Doctor, there are two goals with an energy fit of more than 90%. One of them is moving..."

Before the assistant had finished speaking, Banner came to the computer and looked at the screen.

I saw two red dots flashing continuously on a satellite map.

A flashing red dot, somewhere in Michigan. The other red dot is moving towards the East in the High-speed movement.

Looking at his route and the destination that he might eventually arrive at, Banner's face changed, and Roar couldn't help but let out a voice:

"Oh my God! He is approaching us!"

Hearing this, Leon, who was standing on the side, condensed his eyes and immediately asked:


Slightly calm, Banner looked at the rising gamma readings and quickly explained:

"From the gamma reading of the energy emission, it should be my old friend, Bronsky!"

Sure enough, what the three of them worry about the most is that it happened...

I thought that Bronsky might come to trouble Banner, but what everyone didn't expect was that Bronsky would come so fast!

"How far is it?"

"The research center is about less than ten kilometers away!"

Upon hearing this, the three quickly ran out of the main building and came to the square in front of the building, looking towards the sky.

I saw a large black military transport plane flying from a distance...

Upon seeing this, Leon turned around abruptly and said to Banner and Natasha Romanoff, who had the same solemn expressions:

"You two, get out of here quickly!"

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