"Then... first of all, of course, we need to give our organization a name."

Luo Feng said.

Yixiao nodded in agreement.

"To tell you the truth, Yixiao," Luo Feng was young at this time, but his tone sounded a little mature.

"I actually already have a candidate."

"That is to say, in addition to you and me, there is a third founder of the organization."

"Who is it?"

Yixiao asked.

Luo Feng paused and said the name in his mind.


First of all, Hawkeye's strength is unquestionable.

Secondly, Hawkeye is easy to recruit.

Also a lone man, although Hawkeye is a Shichibukai, Luo Feng knows that this is just a stopgap measure Hawkeye came up with to prevent the navy from finding trouble with him and not wanting to spend so much energy dealing with the small fish.

In fact, Hawkeye may leave the Shichibukai team at any time.

In this regard, Hawkeye and Yixiao are actually very similar.

In addition, Luo Feng is also familiar with Hawkeye's personality.

After all, in the original book, he could even tolerate the boss Buggy and was willing to become a member of his mercenary organization.

In addition, his attainments in swordsmanship could be used as a lure.

At worst, Luo Feng could recruit Hawkeye by refining the sword.

In short, he was sure of Hawkeye!

"Oh, is it the world's number one swordsman, Hawkeye Mihawk?"

Yixiao asked in surprise.

At the same time, he was secretly surprised in his heart. He had heard of Hawkeye's name. He was a top-level strong man!

Luo Feng in front of him, this young man from the East China Sea, actually knew Hawkeye!

Moreover, it seems that the relationship between the two is not bad!

"Can there be a second Hawkeye in this world?" Luo Feng asked with a smile.

Hearing Luo Feng's certain and relaxed tone.

Yixiao was silent.

He felt that he suddenly couldn't figure out the young man in front of him.

He thought that this young man had some strength and some knowledge.

But he hadn't walked out of the East China Sea yet.

But I didn't expect that his network of contacts was so wide!

He even knew the world's greatest swordsman!

He could even recruit him into the organization.

This is a bit scary.

Luo Feng smiled thoughtfully, knowing that the other party was also surprised at his network of contacts.

However, he continued, "There are only three people in our organization at present. Of course, if you have your eyes on a candidate in the future, you can report to me. After my review, as long as you pass, you can join our organization."

"But there are only three of us as the founders at present."

"And the name is also based on the three of us."


Luo Feng paused, then slowly said:

"I am good at using a knife, and Hawkeye... is good at kendo..."

In this world, the knife and the sword have the same appearance.

But the knife can also be called a sword.

But the usage is different.

In essence, Hawkeye's moves are still biased towards the sword.

"And there is a smile in your name."

Luo Feng said this, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

"Let's call our organization Sword Smile."

Yixiao smiled: "Oh? This name is well chosen. Sword Smile has multiple meanings. It means to stop fighting and make peace, and also means to be happy and unrestrained..."

Luo Feng: ...

Luo Feng almost laughed out loud.

What a multiple meaning.

He was just playing a joke.

But this joke is probably only understood by him.


Then he cleared his throat.

"Okay, since the organization has been established, then we have to think of a code name for you, otherwise you can't use your real name, right?"

"After all, even Mihawk has a nickname called Hawkeye."

Said, without waiting for the other party to speak.

Luo Feng then said, "I see your clothes are purple, and you look like a tiger, so I'll call you Purple Tiger..."

"Purple Tiger?"

Yixiao was stunned, "Uh... a little... how should I put it?"

"It doesn't sound good, right?"

Luo Feng seemed to have expected this, and then said, "Since you don't like the name Purple Tiger, why not call me Fujitora."

"Fujitora... OK... OK, let's use this."

Yixiao was led by Luo Feng, a little at a loss, and subconsciously agreed.

The name Fujitora was also in the original work, after Yixiao joined the navy.

Just like Kizaru, his real name is not Kizaru, but Borsalino.

Just like Aokiji's real name is Kuzan.

They are all colors, plus the name of an animal.

Da Da Da...

"Go find the pirate named Luo Feng quickly, the higher-ups have given orders, and you must do your best to keep him!"

"Capture the serious criminal Luo Feng at all costs! And the Five Elders must be alive!"

There was a sound of footsteps in the distance.

The navy is coming.

"It seems that we can't stay here, so..."

Luo Feng glanced at the distance and took a deep breath.

"Let's say goodbye for now, Fujitora, you can continue to travel around the East China Sea. This is my Den Den Mushi... Use this to contact me in the future."

Luo Feng explained everything and disappeared on the spot.

Da Da Da...

The navy's footsteps are getting closer.

Tashigi led the people to rush over.

When passing by Fujitora, she suddenly looked back.

For some reason, she always felt that this blind uncle had a special aura.


She didn't think much about it and continued to lead people to chase forward.

On the spot.

Fujitora was stunned for a long time before he finally came to his senses.

Realized what happened.

He smiled bitterly.

"What a... wonderful person. ”

Then, he muttered: "Fujitora is a really good name... um... this kid... ahem... should I say the leader, the leader's aesthetics are pretty good, and his naming skills are also very strong."

"If I were to name it, I guess Zihu would be the best, um... I'm really the bad one at naming..."

As he said that, he moved his feet.

The sound of knocking and knocking echoed in the empty alley.

"Hmm... Wandering around the East China Sea? But I still want to see Hawkeye's style... I've decided, I'm going to find Hawkeye..."



"Go over there and look, I think I saw someone just now. "

A group of navy soldiers were looking for Luo Feng.

At this time, if you look down at the entire Rogue Town from a high altitude, you will find that.

Teams of navy soldiers, like ants, shuttled madly through the streets and alleys.

And Luo Feng's figure stood on the roof, moving at a very fast speed.

Soon, he returned to the Merry.

"Go to sea, target, Grand Line!"


The next day, early in the morning.

On the Merry, which was heading to the Grand Line, a newspaper seagull suddenly flew over and dropped a newspaper.

At the same time, along with the newspaper, there was also a brand new wanted order.

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