I have a hundred clones

136 Let’s start a new era

"Oh, really?" Tsunade raised her eyebrows. Orochimaru, this guy, admired Godai quite a lot. 520 official website

This aroused Tsunade's greater interest.

Kabuto Yakushi knocked on the door, "Please come in" came from inside, and then a group of people filed into the Hokage's office.

Cao Ya quickly reviewed a document, raised his head, and smiled brightly:

"The gathering of the three ninjas is a major event in Konoha."

Tsunade glanced at the Hokage's office, paused briefly on the Hokage's robe and Hokage hat, and finally looked at the Godaime, dressed in casual clothes. If it weren't for this place, there would be nothing to prove his Hokage identity.

It seems that Cao Ya has been preparing for a long time...

Tsunade rolled her eyes slightly and smiled heartily:

"Godai, I've heard about you, but are you being too hasty?"

No beating around the bush, just ask directly in person.

Although she has the status of a princess, Tsunade actually doesn't care.

Before being touched and cheered up by Naruto, Tsunade didn't even care about Konoha Village.

Cao Ya was very calm, with no mood swings, and said calmly:

"Princess Tsunade is as bold and generous as the rumors say."

He also didn't care about left and right, and responded directly:

"In the past Warring States Period, wars had never stopped with the ninja clan as a unit. After the establishment of the ninja village, ninja wars also broke out frequently with the ninja village as a unit. In just a few decades, three ninja wars broke out. A world war, with countless casualties."

He added in his mind that the Fourth Ninja War is already on the way.

"So..." Tsunade asked.

Cao Ya said in a deep voice:

"Unifying the ninja world is the fundamental solution. Even if there are divisions, they will eventually be unified. A hundred years of peace and decades of chaos are better than a ninja war that breaks out every ten or twenty years."

Tsunade was quite skeptical:

"Are you sure that after unifying the ninja world, there will be a hundred years of peace? How can there be no conflict in so many countries?"

Not only Tsunade, but also Jiraiya, Shizune, and even Orochimaru had doubts about this.

After all, the ninja world has never been unified.

Thousands of years ago, the rule of Kaguya Otsutsuki, the "Goddess of Uma", was a high-pressure rule that served her alone and did not belong to the people.

In order to resist the arrival of the Ōtsutsuki clan, Ōtsutsuki Kaguya mass-produced White Zetsu and paid no attention to national affairs. Such a rule is certainly unqualified.

Cao Ya understood their doubts. When Qin Shihuang unified the six countries, many people questioned it and even vigorously advocated the enfeoffment system and the abolition of the prefecture and county system. However, history has proved that Qin Shihuang's decision was correct.

If Kaguya Otsutsuki and Sage of Six Paths cannot become the Emperor of Qin and complete the tasks given by history, then Cao Ya will complete it.

Furthermore, this is not a universe where only the ninja world exists. Deep in the starry sky, there is still Otsutsuki raging.

Thousands of years ago, Otsutsuki Kaguya and Otsutsuki Ishiki came to the ninja world. Kaguya secretly planned a move, planted a sacred tree, and guarded the sacred tree alone. When the chakra fruit matured, he was originally going to be sent back to Otsutsuki deep in the starry sky as usual. In the Wood Clan, Kaguya chose to swallow the chakra fruit alone.

This turned her into the "Goddess of Uzumaki", ruled the ninja world by force, and began to wage war against the arrival of the Otsutsuki family.

Cao Ya can be sure that the Otsutsuki family will really come to the ninja world in the future.

When the time comes, a unified ninja world will have far greater potential than a divided ninja world.

And for ordinary people, a government that does something is definitely better than it is now.

Those big names, those nobles, no one cares about the life and death of ordinary people.

They are just untouchables, what does it mean to die?

No matter from which perspective, Cao Ya must promote the decision to unify the ninja world.

"After the establishment of Ninja Village, are there still so many wars between various Ninja clans?" Cao Ya asked.

Tsunade was stunned for a moment, and then understood what Cao Ya meant.

During the Warring States Period, years of war broke out among the ninja clan. After the establishment of the ninja village, the ninja clan stayed together to keep warm. There was no war between the ninja clan. Instead, there was a world war between the national ninja villages.

What if the estrangement between countries disappears?

"This..." Tsunade frowned. She really couldn't tell what would happen then.

After all, there is no history to follow.

Jiraiya, Orochimaru, Kabuto Yakushi, and Shizune were all thinking about this issue, with pensive expressions on their faces.

Only Naruto and Xianglin didn't think too much and felt bored instead.

Naruto came to the desk and couldn't wait to ask for orders:

"Lord Godai, give me a mission quickly. I want to perform an A-level mission. I want to become a chuunin!"

Cao Ya couldn't help but laugh, but he almost forgot that Orochimaru sabotaged the Chunin exam. As a result, only the boy from the Nara family became a Chunin, and everyone else failed. Later, he reformed the Chunin system after he came to power. Over time, some genin were promoted to chunin one after another.

Only Naruto, because he went out with Jiraiya, is still a genin.

Naruto muttered:

"That guy Sasuke is probably still a genin, right?"

As soon as she heard Sasuke, Xiang Rin showed a nymphomaniac look, folded her hands, and her eyes filled with hearts:

"Sasuke is already a special jounin, and I am also a special jounin. We are a good match."

As he spoke, he held his face in his hands, blushing with embarrassment.

Naruto didn't pay attention to Xiang Rin's expression. Only the words "Special Jounin" echoed in his mind, and he was petrified on the spot.

Cao Ya smiled slightly and said:

"Naruto, come on, don't fall behind Sasuke."

He knew that whenever he mentioned Sasuke, Naruto would feel as if he had been beaten to death.

Sure enough, Naruto immediately gathered his energy, with fire almost coming out of his eyes, he clenched his right hand into a fist, raised his head and said:

"I will not lose to that bastard Sasuke. I have mastered many abilities now, and I must be better than Sasuke!"

Xianglin's face changed instantly and she glared at Naruto fiercely:


Naruto wiped his nose with his right index finger and showed a bright smile:

"Xiang Lin, just watch."

Xianglin just snorted coldly, but she also knew that Naruto had super potential and would not necessarily lose to Sasuke.

One is a tribesman and the other is the object of love. If there is a fight, I really don’t know who to support.

Naruto is not cool at all, and he is not handsome... Sasuke-kun is handsome and cool...

Xianglin is thoughtful.

Cao Ya shook his head and laughed. He focused on training the twelve young men of Konoha and the young people Orochimaru brought to Konoha.

Not to mention the fateful twins of Naruto and Sasuke, there are Kimimaro, Jugo, Kaoru, and Kabuto Yakushi, as well as Lee, Neji, Tenten, Hinata, Sakura, Ino, Shikamaru, Choji, etc. , all possess the potential of elite jounin.

Kimimaro, Neji, and Xiao Li, if given the chance, would even touch the threshold of the Kage level.

Of course, such young people must be vigorously cultivated. He treats them equally without distinction.

Those who enter Konoha are Konoha people.

Naruto and Sasuke are the reincarnations of Asura and Indra. They are guaranteed to be at the Super Shadow level and can also handle the Six Paths level.

For the two of them, Cao Ya was not prepared to interfere too much.

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