I have a hundred clones

626 The Six Realms Weep

"Mother..." Chen Nan's eyes filled with tears as she looked at Chen's mother.

"Good boy, go back. Although my mother's cultivation is not better than yours, your father must go, and he and I will never leave each other, life or death. We must embark on the road to heaven! Xiaonan, You have to survive in the broken six realms. You are the fire and the hope of the future. We cannot let all the strong men embark on the road to heaven." Mother Chen advised.

Seeing that Chen Nan seemed to want to say something else, the divine Chen Zhan also spoke, saying:

"Xiao Nan, you really can't go! The battle just now is not even an interlude. The real battle has just begun when you embark on the road to heaven. You have talent and potential, but your time to practice is too short. .Practice with your heart and strengthen yourself, we will wait for you on the road to heaven!"

Having said this, Divine Chenzhan sighed slightly:

"I also have to be in peak condition to enter."

The demonic Chenzhan next to him, who had been silent since the divine Chenzhan appeared, seemed to sense something and turned to face the divine Chenzhan. His face was still cold and emotionless.

"Let's merge." Divine Chen Zhan sighed, the divine body and demonic body that had been separated for endless years were about to begin to merge.

On the side, Cao Ya turned his head and observed carefully.

Brilliant divine light and deep black demonic energy emerged from the two bodies at the same time, sweeping across the starry sky and the mighty sun and moon.

The two stalwart figures slowly walked towards one place. In an instant, the aura of gods and demons exploded in a mighty force, affecting one galaxy after another. It was overwhelming and terrifying.

In the end, the divine Chen Zhan and the demonic Chen Zhan merged together, and the terrifying aura converged, leaving only Chen Zhan on the spot, with hair like a waterfall and deep eyes, giving him a sense of vicissitudes of life.

Chen Zhan naturally noticed Cao Ya's gaze, turned his head slightly and nodded.

Cao Ya also nodded. He could sense that at this moment, Chen Zhan had been promoted to the heaven-defying level and was extremely powerful.

"Your mother and I are gone. You and your friends can join forces to enhance your chances of surviving the devastation." Chen Zhan took a deep look at Chen Zhan, took Chen's mother with him, and entered the radiant world without looking back. The gate of reincarnation.

"Goodbye, kid." Chen's mother waved gently.

"Mother, father..." Chen Nan murmured, tears rolling down his cheeks.

In his eyes, this separation is likely to be an eternal farewell.

Even if we meet again, I don’t know how many years have passed.

"Chen Nan, let's go." Cao Ya said.

"Yes." Chen Nan nodded, wiped his tears, and showed determination on his face.

At this moment, several figures rushed over from afar. Their auras were all very powerful. They were either the top of the heaven level or the advanced ones. They passed Cao Ya and Chen Nan and rushed straight into the Samsara Gate.

"Tian Mo?" Chen Nan was startled for a moment. He recognized one of them, a super being named Tian Mo.

"Demon..." Cao Yaze suddenly smiled.

If he remembered correctly, Tianmo was the eldest son of Dugu Baitian and Moon God. He was a powerful demon and the pinnacle of the heavenly ranks.

But it seems that Tianmo, the eldest son, doesn't know that his father, Dugu Baitian, is also among the gods on this journey to heaven.

At the end of the ancient times, it was not only Dugu Xiaobai who broke free from the past, but even Dugu Baitian also behaved like this.

Gu Jue

There is no other way, in order to avoid the eyes of evil heaven, it has to be like this.


Only after all the strong men entered the Gate of Reincarnation did the Demon Lord join in, because this Gate of Reincarnation had been controlled by him for many thousands of years, condensed from scratch, and refined to the powerful level it is today.

With a bang, the Demon Lord also threw himself into the Samsara Gate, and saw that the Samsara Gate gradually faded away, the ten thousand feet of divine light gradually dimmed, and the desolate ancient war song seemed to be gradually fading away.

"Cultivation of my battle sword, killing for nine days, spilling my blood, and moving forward indomitably..."

The ancient gods, as well as some powerful men in the new era after the ancient times, have all embarked on the road to heaven!

"The gods have gone to heaven, and it's time for us to leave here." Cao Ya sighed, turned around and left, returned to heaven, and finally landed on earth.

"Cultivation of my war sword...sprinkle my blood...one day, I will also embark on the road to conquer the sky! I will!" Chen Nan murmured, and he felt extremely sour in his heart. The ancient gods of war, before they left, , what was left to him was inspiration, and that kind of tragic pride made him unforgettable for a long time.

Don't talk about him, even Cao Ya is not very calm at the moment.

The heroic and desolate ancient gods really make people feel a lot and feel a sense of reverence in their hearts.

The two passed through the heaven and entered the human world, which is also their hometown.

"The world is dead..." Chen Nan looked around, and seemed to be numb in grief.

The destruction has been going on for a long time. At the beginning, many creatures... or in other words, most of the creatures, died. Some survivors were either taken away by Cao Ya or taken away by Cao Ya. Some other heaven-level masters have taken them away. Now, there are almost no ordinary lives in the human world. Some are just heaven-level masters, competing with each other, or fighting against the incarnation of heaven, or fiercely fighting against the world-destroying giant palm. .

To say the least, even if there are ordinary survivors, their number must be quite rare. They are hiding in some hidden areas and are difficult to encounter.

"Alas, the human world is dead, and the other five realms are also collapsing. We have done everything we can do. We want to do more, but we don't have the ability. The heavenly realm is still too weak. If we are reverse Heaven level...even the Heaven-defying King level...everything will be different again." Cao Ya sighed, once again feeling his own powerlessness, and there was infinite unwillingness in his heart.

"We need to find a place to avoid the final destruction." Chen Nan said.

"Huh?" Cao Ya suddenly sensed something and raised his head suddenly.



The evil yellow rain suddenly fell from the sky. For a moment, the world became yellow and miserable. It seemed that the six realms were crying. At the coming of the sad end, the yellow heavy rain continued to destroy the six realms and penetrated the sky. world.

The six realms mourn!

The universe is sad!

Under the great destruction driven by the evil heavenly way from above, no matter what master or strong man, his power seems so pale and weak.

The world barrier between the six realms has collapsed, and the six big worlds have almost completely collapsed.

At this time, some of the powerful heaven-level masters were traveling through the collapsed worlds, and accidentally noticed some creatures that were not yet dead, and they immediately became interested.

However, they are not saving, but demanding, demanding the life energy of those very lucky survivors!

They are cruel and ruthless, killing all living beings with a snap of their fingers!

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