I have a hundred clones

705 The emperors each have their own plans (Third update! Please subscribe!)

"Those guys are so brave, how dare you disrespect the emperor?" Beihuang's eyes flashed with cold light.

"Everyone has been killed, and you still say they disrespect the Emperor? Are you kidding me, Xuan?" The Emperor almost laughed.

Beihuang's face was livid, he snorted coldly, and frowned tightly.

The reason why he said this was that he wanted the emperors to unite and kill Fang Ping and King Zhentian.

The main reason is that he has an extremely strong sense of crisis.

At present, the Southern Emperor has fallen, and the Beast Emperor is also in danger. Although his strength is slightly ahead of the Southern Emperor and the Beast Emperor, the lead is not large.

If Fang Ping, Zhen Tian Wang and those people had reached the tenth level...

When Beihuang thought of this, his expression couldn't help but become more gloomy.

Like him, Xihuang's face was also very ugly.

Because the situation of the two of them is exactly the same, even Xihuang is worse!

The eighth heaven where the Western Emperor is located is closely adjacent to the seventh heaven of the Southern Emperor!

Damn it, if I had known that Nanhuang would be killed by someone else, I wouldn't have stared at him and would have directly broken through and reached 100 million calories. Wouldn't that be good? At least I still have some ability to protect myself...

Xihuang felt a little depressed for no reason.

In order to get out of trouble, he had been keeping an eye on Nanhuang. In order to ensure that Nanhuang's Dao Fruit could almost perfectly fill his loopholes, Xihuang had always controlled his own cultivation to be on the same level as Nanhuang.

In fact, he can become stronger!

However, Xihuang felt that he could break 100 million cards at most. He could not compare with the Human Emperor. The Emperor of Earth, Emperor of East, Emperor of Dou Tian and Emperor of God were behind him. Xihuang thought to himself that he would definitely not be able to reach that level. kind of realm.

And even for the God Emperor and Dou Tian Emperor, in the eyes of the Western Emperor, their situation was not much better than his. They were also prisoners.

Therefore, the original Western Emperor had a wishful thinking of killing the Southern Emperor and using the Southern Emperor's Dao Fruit to repair the cracks in his origin and get him out of trouble.

In the original timeline, the Western Emperor's plan was successful.

But now, the situation has changed, and the Western Emperor can only be caught blind.

Well, those guys seem to be targeting the Beast King after the Southern Emperor? Fortunately, fortunately, I didn’t go to the seventh heaven, otherwise, they might have targeted me...

Xihuang suddenly felt a little lucky again.

Compared to the worried Western Emperor and Northern Emperor, the Spiritual Emperor, who also had less than 100 million battles and guarded the eleventh heaven, her clone here still had a cold face, even after hearing about the death of the Southern Emperor and the various events. The news of the raid and killing was not moved at all.

Because her true body is sitting at the source of immortality.

Furthermore, in the spirit emperor's heart, she has long been disgusted with many emperors, even if they die - including herself! ——The Spirit Emperor will not be afraid, let alone sad, he will only feel a sense of joy and peace.

Therefore, she didn't bother to speak at all.

The remaining few, the Human Emperor, the Eastern Emperor, the Divine Emperor, and the Dou Tian Emperor, all have a combat strength of over 100 million. They are stronger and more confident. They are not afraid of Fang Ping and others who have sneaked into the source.

Even if Fang Ping and the others had already killed Nanhuang!

In fact, if it were them, only one of them could kill the Southern Emperor!

But they were not without worries. Behind Gai Yin Fang Ping, Zhen Tian Wang and the others, stood the Taoist Cao Ya.

That is a powerful being who truly stands at the pinnacle of the Three Realms!

The God Emperor's face was gloomy, and the palms in his sleeves clenched and unclenched several times.

Cao Yan's punch that day is still vivid in my mind. Every time I think about it, I feel angry and frightened.

He knew that just as he could easily kill Nanhuang, Cao Ya Daozu could also easily kill him!

Unless I merge with Dou and Hao, and gather the power of the three emperors, we may be able to fight Cao Ya Daozu...

The God Emperor's eyes were lowered and his eyes were deep.

Dou is the Emperor of Heaven, and Hao is the Emperor of the East.

The three of them are from the same camp. At a critical moment, they can even merge. The combined power of the three emperors can break through the 200 million calorie barrier!

But that was the trump card they left to the Emperor of Heaven. How could they spend it on Cao Ya Daozu?

If it was exposed in advance, wouldn't it put the Emperor on guard?

"By the way, that one, didn't he express anything? Since Nan Huang is dead, the pressure on him will only be greater." The clone of the Human Emperor suddenly spoke.

The emperors' eyes flashed, and they all knew who the Human Emperor was talking about.

Emperor of Heaven!

The mountain that weighs the most on the hearts of the emperors!

"Ji, I know why you are targeting me, but the collapse of the source land will not be good for you, me, or them." Suddenly, a sighing voice sounded in the ears of the clones of the emperors.

Suddenly, all the emperors had different expressions on their faces.

"So, you want to take action? Hey, it's best if you take action. Otherwise, when we cross over ten or twenty worlds, the Beast Emperor will probably be dead." Human Emperor Ji chuckled, as if he was not in a hurry. look.

If a Southern Emperor dies and another Beast Emperor dies, what does it matter?

After all, it’s not his emperor who died!

"I can't take action, it's not that I don't want to, it's not that I can't do it, but I have to guard against Cao Ya." The Emperor's voice was still full of sighs.

"Qiong, Dou, Hao, take action and capture Fang Ping, Zhen, Zao and the others. Just in time, Fang Ping and Zhen have become emperors, Shuxiang, Zao, Shi Po, Tiangu, Zhang Tao, Wang Jinyang, Li Hansong, Yao Chengjun... …”

As he spoke, the Emperor paused for a moment before continuing:

"Well, there is also Cang Mao. They are all broken into nine, enough to fill the vacancy of the Southern Emperor and suppress the order of the origin."

"Since they have entered the source, don't let them out."

"Cao Ya takes action, I will resist."

"What do you think?"

The Emperor of Heaven seems to be consulting the God Emperor, Dou Tian Emperor and Dong Emperor for their opinions.

As for the Human Emperor, Spirit Emperor, Western Emperor and Northern Emperor, he ignored them intentionally or unintentionally.

If we really let the last few people go, their strength is not top-notch and they are worried, they are afraid that they will be held back.

Besides, the Emperor of Heaven is arrogant and arrogant. Except for the Spirit Emperor, who is his disciple and takes good care of him, there are few other emperors that he can respect.

"Since it is the teacher's order, the disciple should obey." Donghuang bowed slightly and said.

More than 30,000 years ago, after the Emperor of Heaven created the Origin Lineage, he was the first to worship the Emperor of Heaven and receive the inheritance of the Origin Lineage.

"Brother Donghuang has agreed, but we don't agree. Brother Tiandi, why don't you agree too?" Emperor Doutian sighed.

"How dare you! I will respect your choice, Dou." The Emperor of Heaven said calmly.

"Forget it, I don't care whether you respect him or not." Emperor Doutian waved his hand and looked at the God Emperor.

"In that case, let's take action." The God Emperor nodded.

So, in the several layers of heaven and earth deep in the source land, the true forms of the God Emperor, Dou Tian Emperor, and Dong Huang went out, brazenly breaking the barriers between the layers of heaven and earth, and amidst the roar, they went straight to the sixth layer of heaven. go.


Layers of void exploded, and chaotic holes emerged.

The faces of the Human Emperor, Northern Emperor, and Western Emperor were strange, but their true bodies were well hidden in their own territory, and the Dao Fruit was completely hidden without any trace.

They didn't talk to the Three Emperors who came and just watched with cold eyes.

Similarly, although the Three Emperors got involved, they did not stay long and quickly went to the next level of heaven and earth.

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