I have a hundred clones

997 The Crazy Lord God (Please subscribe for the big chapter!)

"Damn it! Are these guys crazy?!"

There was no direct hit, just a brush, and he was injured.

The cruelty of the Lord of Light’s unique moves is beyond imagination!

At this moment, the ten main gods of light he faced suddenly went crazy, as if they didn't want their lives. Even if they exchanged injuries for injuries and fought for their lives, they would have to replace him!

[Jiudingji] Cao Ya didn't dare to retreat and give way.

Behind him is the ancient plane.

If he escapes, Taigu will suffer.

There are many old, young, women and children on it. In addition to the original humans in the ancient plane, the Jiuzhou Continent, Duanmu Continent, as well as the boundless sea and infinite islands in the world of [Jiuding Ji] are also integrated into it.

Billions of living beings!

Therefore, [Jiudingji] How dare Cao Ya dodge?

No matter how difficult it is, you have to resist the ten main gods of light.


Opposite, the ocean of light boiled, and the ten terrifying figures seemed to be really crazy. The usually indifferent and ruthless boy Kong was replaced by a wave of distortion and madness, and his face looked extremely hideous and terrifying.

Just like the fourteen main gods who were on the verge of death just now.

The previous attitude of being aloof, arrogant and overlooking the universe was gone.

"Law of Balance!"

"This thing is definitely causing trouble!"

[Jiuding Ji] gritted his teeth and cursed.

Because Feng Yun Wuji became a god, it was easy to see hope, but something like this happened again...

The main god who does not care about his life has doubled his combat power.

The ability to destroy is even more unimaginable.

His resistance became more and more difficult, with dangers everywhere and blood spilling in the sky.

"In the name of the Lord, grant to you - Cao Ya, who rebels against God, death!"

"Eternal death! Final annihilation!"

The chanting of the ten main gods of light has the meaning of an aria.

As soon as it came out, it shook the universe, the sea of ​​​​stars trembled, [Jiudingji] Cao Ya seemed to be straightened by a heavy hammer, and he was hammered hard on his temple, and his spirit was a little drowsy, as if he was drowsy.

In his heart, a piece of holy light bloomed, filling the world, and wanted to become Cao Ya's belief in [Jiuding Ji].

In the outside world, a large swath of holy light struck.

Afterwards, a turbulent ocean of light engulfed the stars, and not even the stellar sun could stop a single breath.

Such power is so shocking that it is enough to shatter the universe!



At the critical moment, a flash of sword light extinguished the holy light, causing [Jiuding Ji] Cao Ya to regain consciousness immediately.

As soon as he regained his consciousness, he saw the ocean of light coming right in front of him.

Because Taikoo is behind him, even if he is separated by hundreds of millions of miles, for the Lord God, this distance can be passed with a snap of his fingers.

[Jiudingji] Cao Ya, you wouldn’t dare to dodge it no matter what.

Only hard connection!

He was able to dodge before because the Lord God was not crazy and had many concerns.

After all, [Jiudingji] Cao Ya couldn't beat the ten main gods.

But if the number is reduced, even if it is five, he can still win!

The Lord Gods were naturally worried and did not dare to disperse.

At this moment, it seems that there is no such doubt. Although they jointly build a new ocean of light, the meaning of joining forces is not as strong as before.

However, [Jiudingji] Cao Ya still did not dare to enter the ocean of light to kill the main gods one by one.

A sense of crisis lingered in his heart.

If you step into it, you will die.

"Trap of the Law of Balance?"

[Jiudingji] Cao Ya frowned, and before he had time to think about it, he closed his hands and opened them again.



Suddenly, boundless sword energy bloomed, with various colors, including flaming sword light, water sword wave, wind sword energy, thunder sword light...

There were too many, and the boundless sword light spread across millions of miles of void, blocking the way of the ocean of light and causing the most intense collision with it.


The loud noise echoed through the universe, the stars trembled, and the ripples were like water, but it destroyed the stars.


A figure flew out upside down, blood splattering all the way.

It is Cao Ya from [Jiuding Ji].

Opposite him, the attack of the ten Lord Gods of Light was blocked. Their twisted gazes were once again focused on Cao Ya of [Jiuding Ji]. At the same time, low sounds like beast roars came out from their mouths.

[Jiuding Ji] Cao Ya felt a chill in his heart.

The influence of the Law of Balance on the Lord God was completely beyond expectations.

"Other people..."

[Jiudingji] While gritting his teeth, Cao Ya stepped forward, activated his sword skills, and forcibly blocked the Lord Gods of Light. At the same time, he scanned the situation with his spiritual mind to observe the situation on other battlefields.

Among the top battlefields, the place closest to the ancient times is undoubtedly the battle between the Four Elephant Formation and the Lord of Destruction and the Lord of Redemption.

"Destruction!" The Lord of Destruction muttered, his expression distorted, his face covered with demonic energy. Even if he self-destructed part of the law, he would severely damage the Four Elephant Formation and wipe out the holy beast.

For the previous Lord God, this was a bizarre event that was absolutely impossible to happen.


"I am the only salvation for all sentient beings in the universe!"

The situation of the Redeemer is even more bizarre.

He was covered in holy light, but his expression was fanatical, as if a fanatical believer had met the god he had believed in all his life.

But as the Lord God’s redeemer, who will he believe in?

No one can believe it!

Except himself!

However, from their observations, White Tiger Supreme and the others can clearly conclude that the object of the Redeemer's faith is definitely not himself!

"The Law of Balance!" Supreme Suzaku took a deep breath, his expression extremely solemn.

"Induced by the Law of Balance, he replaced his own image in the mind of the Redeemer with his own existence." Feng Yun Wuji speculated in his second distraction.

"So, under the control of the so-called 'self', the Redeemer went crazy." Xuanwu Supreme felt very troubled.

The main god who cherishes his life is already difficult to deal with.

Now this group of life-threatening main gods...

Supreme Xuanwu took a breath, feeling that they were in danger.

"No matter what happened, before we supreme beings die, the Lord God will never destroy the ancient times!" Supreme Xuanwu gritted his teeth with firm belief.

"Fortunately, nothing went wrong with the four holy beasts." The White Tiger Supreme was shocked, but also breathed a sigh of relief.

The four holy beasts were bred because the law of balance influenced chaos.

If you want, the law of balance can also be used...





Just when the White Tiger Supreme changed his mind, the four holy beasts fused with them suddenly let out a shrill roar, like a dying giant beast wailing on its deathbed.



White Tiger Supreme, Suzaku Supreme, Xuanwu Supreme, and Feng Yun Wuji were distracted for the second time. The four of them also screamed in an instant, and a pain originating from the depths of their souls kept rushing over.

It's as if the soul is being cut by something, bit by bit, shattering and disappearing.

No one needs to remind them, they realize it immediately.

The law of balance!

"The four holy beasts are more susceptible to the influence of the law of balance than the Lord God of Light and Darkness." The White Tiger Supreme endured the severe pain of soul tearing, channeled power, comforted the white tiger holy beast, and shared its pain.

Partners who have been together for hundreds of millions of years have shared life and death together.

"The sacred beast of Suzaku is resisting the law of balance!" Suzaku Supreme's beautiful eyebrows wrinkled, and that delicate, beautiful, graceful and luxurious face was full of pain.

"We have to help the holy beast." Xuanwu Supreme said, his honest expression was also quite sad.

"But, will the Lord of Destruction and Lord of Redemption on the opposite side give us this time?" Feng Yun Wuji said softly for the second time in distraction.

Because his soul had been split, he was more resistant to this kind of pain than the three old supreme beings.

He noticed that the Azure Dragon Holy Beast was fiercely resisting the law of balance, unwilling to lose control and backfire on the second distraction.

After merging with humans, they are more determined.

The second time he was distracted, he helped the Azure Dragon Holy Beast and shared its pain. His eyebrows were raised, but he no longer cried out in pain.

"Do your best!" White Tiger Supreme said in a muffled voice.

After saying this, Supreme Suzaku, Supreme Xuanwu, and Second Fenshen all nodded.

Until now, the only word left is "try your best".

The worst case scenario is death.

Why are they afraid of death?

Be mentally prepared!


Because the four holy beasts were resisting, and the four supreme beings were helping the holy beasts, the brilliance of the four-elephant formation was much weakened, and it no longer had its peak power.

It seems that it is no longer possible to fight against the two main gods at the same time!

The Lord of Destruction rushed towards him, his demonic aura was fierce, and he struck hard at the four-elephant formation with deep malice.

On the side, the Lord of Redemption was still looking fanatical, looking at the four-elephant formation, splashing holy light with both hands, to redeem this world.

It actually brings destruction.


Suddenly, large cracks appeared in the Four Elephants Formation, which was teetering on the verge of collapse.

The four supreme beings, White Tiger Supreme, Suzaku Supreme, Xuanwu Supreme, and Second Fenshen, all tried their best to explode, their blood burning, stimulating their strongest power, and resisted with difficulty.

Their expressions were ferocious, full of reluctance to admit defeat.

Even if your soul is torn apart, you can't even think of defeating them!

Not only them, Emperor Yu, Qinling Emperor, Shi Jianxian, Thunder Sword God, Sakyamuni Patriarch, Teng Qingshan, Fengyun Wuji's third distraction, including [After Ascension] Cao Ya, the pressure faced by everyone is all Dramatic increase.

All the Lord Gods of Light and Darkness are directly fighting for their lives.

Although they are also fighting for their lives, the gap in realm is real. If both sides are risking their lives, the Taikoo camp will naturally be at a disadvantage.

Previously, the Lord God cherished his life, but they were gambling with their lives, but they could be restrained.

Now it is no longer possible.

The only thing worth celebrating is that Feng Yun Wuji has become a god and has killed the fourteen main gods, so he can free up his hands to help everyone.


Within the body of this deity, the time godhead is still condensing and has not yet been completely formed.

But looking around the sea of ​​​​stars, the dangers of the top battlefields on all sides made Feng Yun Wuji lose the idea of ​​just waiting in peace.

The one who has no choice, just takes action without any hesitation.

Not sloppy at all.


He swung it first, and the mass of blood extracted from the corpses of the fourteen main gods was instantly thrown into the hands of the first distraction.

Incidentally, he also broke the Demon Emperor's barrier and destroyed him with one move.

Such fighting power shocks the past and present!

However, the next second, I can no longer distract him.

The crazy main god posed too great a threat to a group of ancient supreme beings.


The long river flows, spreading for hundreds of millions of miles, swallowing up the fragments of stars.

On every battlefield, rivers emerge to intercept the Lord God and share the pressure of the Supreme Beings.

I don’t dare to focus on just one battlefield.

Otherwise, other supreme beings are likely to be beaten to death by other main gods before they can deal with a certain main god.

He needs to take care of the overall situation!

No doubt this dispersed his power.

But there is no way around it.

I cannot favor one over the other.

"Fortunately, Wuji's true self has become a god." [After ascension] Cao Ya felt that the pressure on his shoulders was less.

The long river of time submerged ten dark gods, but soon, that tributary was trampled by the dark gods and broke free.

However, taking advantage of this opportunity, [After Ascension] Cao Ya had completed charging up a unique move.



A large piece of mysterious entanglement formed a formation, and under the hood, it covered the ten main gods of darkness, making the dark abyss tremble.

"The sinner shall be punished!" The indifferent voice came from the depths of the abyss. The ten dark lords, the terrifying childlike eyes, stared at [after ascension] Cao Ya without blinking.

The great abyss rotated and swallowed up many mysteries. Once the demonic energy boiled, it was all canceled out.

One main god is one series of laws, and ten main gods are the authority of ten series of laws.

Under the extremely explosive situation, even [after ascension] Cao Ya found it extremely difficult.

Fortunately, the river of time occasionally appears and can help him breathe a sigh of relief.

Otherwise, [after ascension] Cao Ya thought, the injury may be more serious now and there is a risk of falling.

In fact, his situation in these top battlefields is already pretty good.

Such as Fazu, Emperor Yu, Qinling Emperor, White Tiger Supreme, Suzaku Supreme, Xuanwu Supreme, Fengyun Wuji's second branch, and the third branch, the situation is even worse, the body is severely injured, the soul has been broken, all by one mouthful He was holding on to his spirit, and if he let out a sigh of relief, it seemed that he would fall on the spot and lose his soul.

The two Cao Ya's thoughts were swept away, and they were very anxious.

But they couldn't protect themselves, and they didn't have much strength to support those few comrades.

"Just a little while...just a little while..."

Fengyun Wuji himself whispered.

In his mind, the godhead of time continued to condense and was about to be completely materialized.

Only then will his control over the laws of time reach its peak.

Even with the influence of the Law of Balance, life and death cannot be reversed.

It can maintain the vitality of the living, I thought to myself, it can still be done.

However, the time godhead just cannot take shape.

"The Law of Balance again?!" I frowned, with a rare hint of anger.


When he was angry, I did not neglect it. The long river of time flowed, intercepting the Lord of Judgment for a moment, allowing the third party to be distracted and have a chance to breathe, so as not to be blown up on the spot.

Compared with the third distraction, Teng Qingshan's situation is very special.


Teng Qingshan's figure flickered, seeming to be there or not, and an interface also appeared faintly.

Teng Qingshan's eyes were blank, he fell into an epiphany, and lost all perception of the outside world.

"Middle Realm? Corresponds to the level of the Lord God." I changed my mind and did not want to interfere with Teng Qingshan's enlightenment.

In the current situation, the Ancient Supremes can barely maintain it.

As long as Teng Qingshan can become a god like him...

Half a step to becoming the Lord God!

The deity made a secret with his hands, the law of time spread, and the long river turned into an ocean, covering hundreds of millions of miles.


There were cracks in his body, and blood was gushing out like a fountain, as if he was overwhelmed.

"I don't have a complete godhead, so I can't bear it?" I understood clearly, but didn't pay attention.

If he takes care of himself, everyone else will be doomed.

He was the key to breaking the game before, but with the in-depth intervention of the Law of Balance, Teng Qingshan, who was in a state of enlightenment, took his place and became the new breaking point.

All the Supremes are looking forward to whether Teng Qingshan can truly break through and become a god? !

And such a situation, the ancient heroes, the god-level masters, including the very few half-step supremes, are also aware of it.

They were anxious, but they knew they could not intervene in that kind of battlefield. Only by repelling the army of angels and demons and ensuring the peace of the ancient world could the supreme beings concentrate on fighting the Lord of Light and Darkness without distraction.

"A partial remnant of the killing laws of the Fourteen Lord Gods?" Feng Yun Wuji was distracted and grasped the blood light thrown by the deity. Without hesitation, he swallowed it on the spot with a flash of his eyes.

Immediately, endless insights came to my mind. I was first distracted by my understanding of the law of killing, and made great strides forward. I finally broke through the boundaries and was promoted to the supreme level!


Murderous aura boiled and broke through the sky.

The momentum of the first distraction was further enhanced, and it was strengthened again, reaching a level comparable to that of the "Demon Ancestor" Chi You.

"Ha ha!

I have caught up with the second and third distractions, but I am one step behind the original one! "The first god smiled ferociously.

"Stop being silly! Come and kill the enemy!"

In the distance, Chi You, who was slaughtering the demon army, was dissatisfied and shouted through his voice.

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