Bei Ming and the Master of Turbid Breath are both powerful in the fairy realm.

  Although the two had a dispute, they still watched the Six Ways. How could it be possible for the feathered Zhou Ran to escape from under his eyes?

   "What the **** is going on? Why does that guy disappear!"

   asked Beiming, and the Lord of Turbidity also looked sinking.

   "Can escape from the hands of you and us, it can be seen that this person is not a fuel-efficient lamp! Beixian Xianren, no matter you and my purpose are different, but there is this person, I am afraid that the purpose is difficult to achieve!"

   "I don't need you to remind!"

   Leaving a word, Beiming swept away.

  The Lord of Turbidity also turned into black smoke and disappeared instantly.

  At this moment, Zhou Ran has come to another place.

  Even if he had defeated several feathering powerhouses, when faced with the powerhouses of the fairy realm, Zhou Ran was not completely sure.

  Especially when faced with two immortal strongmen at the same time, the odds are almost zero.

   Therefore, Zhou Ran chose to run away.

  The scroll of Qiankun, a magic weapon obtained from Northland, contains a space technique. It was because of this technique that he went to Northland by himself.

   The space technique can hide people's eyes and eyes and quickly transfer themselves. Unfortunately, due to the urgent time, Zhou Ran did not choose a destination this time. After the space technique was applied, Zhou Ran himself did not know where he was.

  It seems to be a mountain, and the altitude is extremely high, the thin air, even Zhou Ran can't adapt.

   "Where is this?" Zhou Ran said to himself.

   walked a few steps forward, and Zhou Ran came to the edge of the cliff.

   Looking far away, it is an endless cloud of clouds. The clouds are as white as snow, which is particularly eye-catching.

   "The scenery is good."

  Zhou Ran enjoyed the scenery, but found a small house on the cliff.

  The small house is made of stone, which is antique and unique.

  Zhou Ran walked into the stone house. The furnishings in the house were extraordinarily simple. The stone tables, stone benches, and stone beds seemed to be inhabited, but I didn't know who was living in the house.

  During doubts, Zhou Ran saw many patterns carved on the walls.

   The crooked pattern seems to be a kind of text. Unfortunately, Zhou Ran does not recognize this type of text, and naturally does not know the content of the text.

   "Some are like hieroglyphs and some are like letters, which is a combination of two kinds of characters."

   pondered Zhou Ran, but suddenly noticed a powerful force.

   Looking out of the window, a huge red dragon is coming towards the stone house.

   "Is it a dragon?"

   The power of this red dragon is much stronger than the four water dragons he saw in the Song Guoyu Garden. The power alone makes the cheeks hurt.

   I am afraid that it is a giant dragon in the fairy realm.

  Zhou Ran didn't want the red dragon to destroy this stone house, so he jumped out of the window and came to the other side of the cliff.

   The red dragon came after him, and the huge claws went towards Zhou.

  Zhou Ran didn't dare to neglect and used the True Elemental Shield to resist the attack of Dragon Claw.

  Unfortunately, the True Elemental Shield collided with the Dragon Claw and instantly became invisible.

   Zhou Ran's body was shot into the ground by Dragon Claw.

   "So strong!"

   Zhou Ran smiled bitterly and fought with the Red Dragon of the Fairy Realm for the first time.

   Even if he has the feathering strength, he is slightly inferior in front of the Red Dragon.

  Zhou Shenzhenyuan vomited, and Zhou Ran broke out of the ground. Looking at the red dragon in front of him again, he still didn't mean to stop.

   The red dragon opened a big mouth of the blood basin, and a hot flame struck Zhou Ran.

  Zhou Ran cast his body method, avoiding sideways, the flame passed by, and was almost shaved.

   The flame temperature is extremely high, the rocks behind Zhou Ran have been burned, and half of the cliff has been turned into scorched earth.

   "No! Can't let this beast continue to run wild!"

   Zhou Ran's heart sank. Since this red dragon came to himself, he naturally would not let it destroy nature.

   The power in the body is continuously released.

  With the addition of Chaos tactics, various forces gradually merged together and formed a huge joint force.

  Zhou Ran held the Jade Blood Sword in his hand, and the Jade Blood Sword also sensed Zhou Ran's powerful power, and began to shoot out a dazzling light.

   The red dragon in front of him was motionless and seemed to be waiting for Zhou Ran to move.

   Zhou Ran snorted, this is his strongest killer.

  After the power was brewed, Zhou Ran jumped high, slashing the jade blood sword from the top of the red dragon's head.

"go to hell!"

   Zhou Ran shouted, this is the magical power that he realized after gaining the power of the dragon clan.

  Jade blood sword turned into a light, this light is the jade blood sword's compelling sword energy.

   The red dragon stretched out his claws and pulled the jade blood sword tightly.

   Dragon claws are not only sharp, but also as hard as black iron.

  Zhou Ran's supernatural power is actually useless under the dragon claws.

   "It's not over yet!"

   Zhou Ran was not discouraged, and poured all the power into the jade blood sword.

  Kungfu lives up to the caring person. Several dragon scales on the red dragon were cut down by the jade blood sword's sword spirit.

   Red Dragon was injured, but he was not crazy, but looked straight at Zhou Ran.

   "Who are you? How can you have the power of the dragon family in your body?" The red dragon Zhou Ran stunned, said: "I thought the dragon would not speak."

  The red dragon said again: "Dragons are more wise than humans. How could they not speak? The reason why they do not speak to humans is because in the eyes of the dragons, they are just ants. You humans, do not speak to insects?"

   During the speech, Honglong's body changed.

   was originally a behemoth, but turned into a gray-haired old man, but after turning into a humanoid, the dragon horn on the old man's head still exists.

"follow me!"

   The old man pointed to the stone house on the edge of the cliff, which turned out to be his home.

  Zhou Ran saw that the old man was no longer murderous, so he followed the old man into the stone house.

The two sat down, and Zhou Ran said again: "I didn't think this was your residence at first, because the dragon family was huge and the small house couldn't live at all, but if it turned into a human form, it could live. ."

   The old man didn't take Zhou Ran's words into consideration, but reiterated the old saying: "Tell me, why do you have the power of the dragon clan in your body? Do you have the blood of the dragon clan?".

Zhou Ran did not conceal and said, "My dragon clan's power is obtained from a piece of dragon blood jade, but the dragon clan's power runs counter to my own power and is difficult to control, so I did not exert too much until afterwards, I will integrate all kinds of strengths to be able to exert the power of the Dragon Race freely."

The old man saw Zhou Ran honestly and said: "Boy, count your luck! The first law of the dragon clan is to prohibit the same clan from killing each other. Although you are a human, you have the power of the dragon clan, and they are also part of the dragon clan. I won't kill you once!"

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