The survivors of Sword City were all stunned.

Zhou Ran and Bei Ming, the two underworld powerhouses, just put together a sword and made the whole world change color.

The sky was cut into pieces, and the surrounding space was not spared. Yu Wei of Jian Qi struck, and the ground of the Sword City shattered immediately, making everyone stand unsteady.

But the fight between the two strong men has just begun.

Zhou Ran and the sword in Beiming's hands touched together, and neither of them dared to vent their energies, because once anyone's heart was timid, it would never end.

A steady stream of energy bursts into the spirit sword from the body, and then overflows from the spirit sword.

A seemingly simple fight is actually a competition between the background of the two strong men.

Zhou Ran and Bei Ming were deadlocked in the air, but the surrounding environment was already in disarray, and nobody was spared within a few miles.

The mountains were cut, the river was cut, and the city-state was destroyed.

The southern border coalition forces and Jianzongmen were all fearful and sincere.

Many people died under the influence of the sword, but everyone could not escape, because once they fled, they were afraid that they would die even worse.

Everyone only hopes that the battle between the two will end quickly, otherwise, let alone the Sword City, I am afraid that the entire southern border will be destroyed.

Zhou Ran and Bei Ming fought in the air for an hour, and their swords gradually weakened.

The two no longer struggle, but take a step back.

"Not bad!" Bei Ming took the lead in saying, "Although you only have the power to feather Nine Heavy, but because of the different ways of cultivation, you actually have the power of the fairy strong, and you can fight the wind with me."

Beiming gushed, but Zhou Ran didn't speak, he just listened to it silently.

"Unfortunately, even if you temporarily have the strength to compete with the strong fairy, you still can't last long. You still don't understand the real way to enter the realm of the fairy, so you will definitely lose!"

Bei Ming's words made Zhou Ran's brows slightly wrinkled.

"I will lose no doubt, what does this mean?"

"Just literally!"

Bei Ming was unequivocal, and once again waved his sword.

Zhou Ran broke the sky with a supernatural dragon, resisting Beiming's split sky sword style, the two were comparable, so he didn't put Beiming's words in his eyes.

The Northern Sword Excalibur fell sharply, Zhou Ran concocted as usual, and responded in the same way.

But at this moment, an accident happened.

The sword in his hand suddenly shattered.


Zhou Ran was caught off guard. He was holding a combined sword with a nine-handed spirit sword. How could it be broken inexplicably.

The strength of the fairy strong can actually make his magic soldier unable to parry.

Sudden changes made Zhou Ran into a dilemma.

Beiming's split sky sword style directly hit Zhou Ran's body, and the space behind Zhou Ran cracked a gap, and Zhou Ran's entire person was enclosed in a different space.

"Zhou Ran, no one can break the alien space created by the split-blade sword style, just wait inside to die!"

After dropping a word, Beiming fell from the air to the ground.

The scene that happened just now was so sudden that everyone didn't realize what happened.

Knowing that Beiming appeared in front of everyone, all the people knew that Beiming and Zhou Ran had a battle, and that the Northern Sovereign of the Sword Sect, Beiming won.

Jianzongmen suddenly cheered.

Although this battle has damaged many gatekeepers, the victory of the Sect Master represents the victory of Jian Zong.

From now on, Nanjing is the world of Jianzong.

As for the people of the coalition forces in the southern border, they are all fearful and terrified.

No one expected that Zhou Ran would lose so fast.

Bei Ming glanced coldly at this group of people who rebelled against himself. Although the coalition forces in the southern border still have an absolute advantage in terms of number, as long as they have their own seats, no matter how many enemies, they are all like ants.

The sovereigns of Shangguo, Xuguo, and Mingguo are still alive, and the northern monastery goes straight: "The three sovereigns, I can not kill you, but the three kingdoms in the south must obey the sword sect and provide sacrifices to the sword sect. Promise, I can destroy all three countries!"

The murderousness in the words made it impossible for all people to refute.

If you want to live, you can only promise Beiming to provide living people for Beiming, in exchange for your own life.

The three kingdoms in the south are headed by Shang Guoma, so Xu Ping and Yang Daoming all stared at Xiang Shang, wanting to know the sovereign's decision.

Xiang Shang looked straight at Beiming, and he gritted his teeth angrily.

"As the sovereign, I can't protect my people, and trade their lives in exchange for their glory and wealth. I can never do such a thing! Beiming, if you have the ability, you will kill us all, None of us will succumb to you!"

Xiang Shang's words inspired two other owners.

Xu Ping and Yang Daoming also expressed their views one after another.

"That's right! We will never compromise! Even if you kill us, you will not get our submission!"

"Although the Ming Dynasty has been in chaos, but its strength is still there, we will never succumb to Jianzong's obscenity!"

Not only the three sovereigns, but also Xu Lan, the founder of the Anti-Sword Alliance, came to Beiming and said fiercely: " You reversed your actions and tried to force South to submit to you with a powerful force! You are wrong, no one in the South will be willing to obey you! You can kill all people, but you can’t win the hearts of the people!"

The three kingdoms in the southern region originally chose to obey Jianzong. Only the anti-sword alliance raised an anti-flag, which was the enemy of Jianzong.

But since Zhou Ran appeared, the situation has changed.

The sovereigns of Shang Guo, Xu Guo, and Ming Guo all knew the meaning of their existence, and it was the protection of the family and the people.

The thinking of the three sovereigns also affected the citizens of the three countries.

At this moment, no one in Nanjing is willing to surrender to Jianzong. Even if he dies, he cannot do things for Jianzong.

Beiming defeated Zhou Ran and destroyed Zhou Ran's nine-handed spirit sword, which was originally thought to be able to easily conquer these shrimp soldiers.

But the facts are not so simple. The temperament of the people in the southern boundary has changed, and no longer is scattered, but a force has formed, which even shakes himself the strong fairy.

It is a pity that Beiming, as an ancient fairy, never feared the hearts of the people.

If these guys are obsessed, there is no need for them to show mercy.


Beiming slowly activated his lips and gave orders to Jianzongmen.

The Jianzongmen did not dare to neglect and went straight to the coalition forces in the south.

As of today, there is no need for Beiming, the Sect Master of Sword Sect, as long as he sits in town, those who rebel against him will be killed.

The two sides are entangled again.

Unlike the previous one, due to Zhou Ran’s defeat, the southern border coalition army could not be defeated. Even if it had an absolute advantage in number, it was beaten by Jianzongmen.

One by one died in the hands of Jianzongmen, the coalition forces in the southern border had already faced collapse.

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