I Have A Hundred God-level Apprentices

Chapter 1045: Tai Chi diagram

"There are such weird things under the sky?" Zhou Ran sighed.

   What he saw was actually a cave that sprayed milky substance out, just like milk.

   Zhou Ran is also very clear that these milky substances are not milk, but a very different thing.

  What exactly it is, Zhou Ran doesn't know.

   Near the cave where the milky substance was sprayed, surrounded by three golden toads, the three golden toads were continually swallowing clouds and mists, as if some ritual was being carried out.

  Zhou Ran could not understand the doorway near Yuyan, and Ye Nantian would not give him a chance.

   Ye Nantian came for the magic weapon of the Beiyang immortal. Now that the magic weapon showed his true body, he would naturally no longer care about Zhou Ran and rushed towards the three golden toads.

   "Have a dream!"

   Zhou Ran immediately blocked Ye Nantian.

  Ye Nantian holds the Hao bone sword, intending to break through Zhou Ran's defense.

  Zhou Ran confronted it with the jade blood sword, and the master and apprentice were fighting again.

  According to the laws of nature, the blasted seawater will soon be replenished by the surrounding seawater, but when Zhou Ran and Ye Nantian met, the situation was different.

   The bursting force of the two people formed a vacuum barrier, preventing the seawater from pouring back.

   In this way, a spectacular scene was formed.

   "Be careful! Don't damage my magic weapon!"

  Beiyang Fairy shouted, he didn't seem to worry about Zhou Ran's safety, but worried about the damage to his magic weapon.

   Zhou Ran also realized that the three golden toads outside the cave were the magic instruments of the Northern Fairy.

   Sealed magic weapon, did not expect to be three living creatures.

   Ye Nantian is very strong, and what he wants in front of him is naturally impatient.

   In order to break through Zhou Ran's block, Ye Nantian exerted the power of Hao bone sword to the extreme.

   is not Jian Qi or something, but the power of the dragon hidden in the Hao Bone Sword, which greatly increases the power of the Hao Bone Sword.

   Zhou Ran played with it, and actually felt his arms numb.

  His eldest disciple has progressed to such a degree that Zhou Ran is naturally relieved.

It is a pity that the big disciple who lost his mind is his own enemy at this moment. Zhou Ran can't let Ye Nantian do anything wrong.

   From just now to now, Zhou Ran was quite patient with Ye Nantian, but Ye Nantian was aggressive, and Zhou Ran would not sit still.

  Since Angel Yenan had the power of the dragon, Zhou Ran did the same.

  The jade blood sword shone, Zhou Ran injected the power of the dragon clan in his body.

  Due to the influence of the dragon clan's power, behind Zhou Ran, there appeared two wings formed by the dragon clan's power. On his face, dragon scales appeared faintly.

  This is the magical power created by Zhou Ran with the power of the Dragon Clan—Dragon breaks the sky.

   Powerful sword, heading towards Ye Nantian.

  Ye Nantian has been chasing and chasing forever, never realizing that Zhou Ran will fight back.

  The power of the dragon to break the sky made the Haogujian's offensive completely disappear, even Ye Nantian himself was swallowed by the sword.

   In the Northern Ocean, a turbulent wave was set off.

  Not only the sea water, but also the rocks on the bottom of the sea, also flattened by Zhou Ran's sword.

   There was a huge pothole on the bottom of the sea, the sword was straight through the bottom of the sea, and the volcano on the bottom of the sea couldn't hold back anymore, and began to spray out.

  The island where the Beiyang fairy was located was cut in half by Zhou Ran’s dragon breaking the sky, leaving only the shape of a solitary crescent moon.

   "My mother! Can't you be lighter, you guy?"

   Beiyang immortal began to scold the mother, but Zhou Ran turned a deaf ear, just looked at his opponent Ye Nantian.

   is his own big disciple after all, Zhou Ran can't be too heavy.

   The blow just now just hit Ye Nantian and would not hurt Ye Nantian's life.

  Ye Nantian realized that Zhou Ran was so powerful, even if it was close, he could not get what he wanted.

  In this case, Ye Nantian can only choose to escape.

   Ye Nantian quickly fled, Zhou Ran did not pursue, but watched Ye Nantian's back.

  This big disciple of his own, why he was so disorganized, Zhou Ran could not know.

  After coming to the world of Zhenwu, what exactly did Ye Nantian experience?

   Zhou Ran was puzzled, but there was also a feeling that he and the big disciple still had a day of reunion.

   Until then, just wait patiently.

   The sea surface was calm again. Zhou Ran stood above the sea surface. The cave beneath the blue cave and the magic weapon of the Northern Fairy should also be safe.

   Beiyang Fairy flew over, still chattering in his mouth.

   "How can you let him go? That person's body is full of muddy breath, he has been controlled, you don't kill him, he will come back after he is injured!"

   Zhou Ran glared at the Beiyang fairy. The fairy didn't know his relationship with Ye Nantian.

   But since I have come here, if I am still kept in the dark, it is too much to say.

   "Beiyang fairy, should you explain to me about the domain eye and the sealed magic weapon?" Zhou Ran asked.

   "This? You really want to know?"

  The Northern Fairy was hesitant and didn't seem to want to tell Zhou Ran the truth.

  Zhou Ran shook his sleeves: "Since you refuse to say, I'll just go! If the state of the domain appears again, I won't care!"

   "Don't don't!" Beiyang Fairy smiles all over the face~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In fact, you have the right to know this matter, after all, you are also the enemy of the Lord of Breath! I’ll tell you it’s fine, but when you know the truth, how do you feel about it? It depends on your own character! "

   The expression of Beiyang Fairy suddenly became dignified, which was in sharp contrast with the one just now.

   Zhou Ran's heart is very clear, this strong fairy is about to tell the truth to himself, and these truths may not be pleasant to the ear, and may change his own worldview.

   "Speak! I listen!"

  Zhou Ran jumped lightly and came to the crescent-shaped island. He simply sat down with a leisurely posture.

   Beiyang Fairy sighed. It seemed that this time, he had to say something. He also came to the island, but instead of sitting down, he took out a stone and drew it on the sand.

   First is a circle, then inside this circle, draw a curve, the curve evenly divides the circle into two halves, both sides are in the shape of hook jade.

   Then, like the finishing touch, Beiyang Fairy nodded his eyes on the two hook jades.

There is no color in the sand painting, so the Northern Fairy began to explain: "This side is white, this side is black. As for these two points, it is the existence of the domain eye, that is, the white material you see not far away Cave.".

   "It turned out to be Tai Chi!"

  Zhou Ran said to himself, what the Beiyang Fairy painted in front of him was a genuine Tai Chi picture.

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