I Have A Hundred God-level Apprentices

Chapter 1052: Master and apprentice are concentric, and their profit is determined

The Lord of the Breath at this time is already furious.

Actually, I would be caught in the bitter plan of Zhou Ran and his disciples, and the inner domain was quickly eroded by the breath, but the formation was destroyed by Ye Nantian, making my plan have to be resigned.

The Master of Breath has never been so humiliated, he gritted his teeth indignantly.

"Zhou Ran, Ye Nantian, don't think you won! As long as I still breathe, the breath will be endless! Both of you will die on Longyin Mountain today!"

During the speech, the turbid breath in the main body of the turbid breath is continuously released.

As the master of turbid breath, the master of turbid breath has never fought with all his strength.

As long as there are chess pieces in hand, either Shi Ji or Ye Nantian can be used.

But now, all the pieces in his hands have lost their function, and the Master of Breath has to go out in person.

The top of the entire Longyin Mountain was already smoggy, and the original sky was already covered with clouds, and the objects on the opposite side could not be seen at all.

Zhou Ran's face sank, and this was the first time he confronted the Lord of the Breath.

Although I don't know the strength of the Lord of the Turbid Breath, the Lord of the Turbid Breath can defeat Hongyu, the dragon clan's strongman. It can be seen that the Lord of the Turbid Breath is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

"Master, I'm sorry! Regarding my fault, I can only tell you in the future, how to deal with this guy in the first place!"

Ye Nantian said earnestly.

Even if he helped Zhou Ran to destroy the formation of the Lord of Breath, his fault was still unforgivable.

Whether it is infested by the turbid breath, or reduced to the minions of the lord of the turbid breath, the common methods can not make up for it.

"Ye Nantian, don't be distracted, it's important to defeat the turbid breath!"

Zhou Ran's expression is dignified, and now is not the time for the mentor to reminisce.

If you can't defeat the turbid breath lord in front of you, the turbid breath that just dissipated will still make a comeback.

The battle that determines the life and death of the inner region cannot tolerate any errors.


Ye Nantian nodded heavily, and Zhou Ran's words gave him great encouragement.

Hongyu was seriously injured and could not help, but could only retreat aside and watch the battle quietly.

"Want to beat me? Don't be kidding! I'm not in the eyes of the feathery realm!"

The Lord of Turbid Breath snorted. Since Zhou Ran and Ye Nantian were looking for death, they were too lazy to hide.

The body's injuries have already been restored, and the Master of Breath of Breath has dealt with Zhou Ran and Ye Nantian in a complete state.

The released turbidity changed dramatically.

The original turbidity like air suddenly became a solid existence.

Like the open cobweb, Zhou Ran and Ye Nantian were trapped in it.


Zhou Ran's mouth was slightly tilted, and for the first time he saw the tactics of the Lord of Breath. Although these black spider webs are not formations, they are more powerful than the usual formations.

When Zhou Ran and Ye Nantian hesitated, the cobweb had slowly shrunk, compressing the two in a very small space.

"Master, be careful!"

Ye Nantian yelled, holding the Hao bone sword and cutting off the cobweb approaching step by step.

But wherever the Hao Bone Sword went, it was like a mud cow entering the sea, and there was nowhere else to focus. The Hao Bone Sword that cut iron like mud could not cut the cobweb at all.

Not only that, Hao bone sword is also wrapped around the cobweb.

"How could this be?"

Ye Nantian was taken aback, what the **** were these black spider webs, even the Haogujian could not be cut off.

At a loss, Zhou Ran's jade blood sword had been cut off.

The cobweb suddenly broke into thin filaments and drifted with the wind.

"Ye Nantian, to cut off soft things, needs the same soft sword intention, haven't I taught you?"

Zhou Ran reminded that Ye Nantian suddenly realized.

For swords, the tougher the better, the tougher the sword will be, the softer it will be defeated.

Zhou Ran taught Ye Nantian a long time ago.

Ye Nantian suddenly remembered Master's teachings and immediately grasped the feeling.

When Haogujian waved again, the sword intention was no longer as strong as before, but a combination of rigidity and softness.

The black cobweb, which could not bear Ye Nantian's sword intention, was all broken into filaments.

The mentor and the disciple are concentric and their profits are determined.

After a while, all the black cobwebs released by the Master of Breathlessness became invisible.

But even so, the Lord of Turbidity did not show any signs of panic, and still calmly looked at Zhou Ran and Ye Nantian.

"It's really interesting, but it's a big mistake to think that you can beat me!"

With that, the dense turbid breath turned into a black spider web again, and went to Zhou Ran and Ye Nantian, the pair of masters and disciples.

The master and apprentice did not dare to neglect, and shredded the spider web one by one with the spirit sword in their hands.

Hongyu laughed.

"Lord of Breath, you are done! You have repeatedly used the same moves, and your moves have been cracked! The top of Longyin Mountain is your burial place!"

Faced with Hongyu's ridicule, the corner of the mouth of the Lord of Turbidity slightly tilted.

"Who says this is the same move?"

As soon as the voice fell, Ye Nantian knelt on the ground with one knee~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Ye Nantian's whole body was as if torn, and wounds increased one after another. From these wounds, a continuous flow of blood flowed out .

"How could this be? What the **** is wrong with me?"

Ye Nantian couldn't believe that he was clearly not hit by the head, why would he still be seriously injured?

The Lord of Turbidity laughed arrogantly.

"How about, know the power of the turbid breath? Ye Nantian, you have been eroded by the turbid breath once. From now on, you will be a slave of the turbid breath forever! Unless you die, otherwise, you want to get rid of the turbid breath!"

The words of the Master of Breath Breath caused Ye Nantian's body and mind to be hit hard.

I was easily awakened by Master, and I never wanted to go back to being dominated by turbid breath.

Losing reason and ignoring loved ones are unbearable for Ye Nantian.

But even so, Ye Nantian was helpless.

He has clearly felt that the turbid breath inside once again spreads out, and after a while, he will become the enemy of Master again.

"Master, kill me! Before I lose my mind, kill me!"

Ye Nantian pleaded, even if he died, he didn't want to be an enemy with Master.

Zhou Ran smiled slightly, he patted Ye Nantian's shoulder: "Don't listen to him, meditate cross-legged, stabilize the turbid breath, you will be fine."

Zhou Ran is his own professional teacher. His words are like a decree for Ye Nantian.

Ye Nantian did not dare to refuse, so he sat cross-legged and quietly suppressed the existence of turbid breath with the breath of his body.

As Zhou Ran said, the turbidity in the body is controlled, and Ye Nantian need not worry about being controlled by the turbidity again.

It is a pity that Ye Nantian can only stand by and can not continue to fight alongside Zhou Ran to defeat the incompetent Lord of the Breath.

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