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Kuangsha has never seen such a magical technique, but he can move himself to where he wants to be without moving. In the impression, there is no one in the entire longevity world to control this degree of space technique.

Since this is the underground of the Soul Palace General Altar, Kuangsha immediately concealed his breath, he didn't want to be discovered by the Soul Palace everyone.

Zhou Ran had sat cross-legged and quietly regulated his breath.

Kuangsha will not say much, since Zhou Ran can rest and recuperate here, so can he.

The two healed at the bottom of the Soul Palace. Although it was dark and wet, it was the safest place in the entire abandoned place.

On the other hand, the ten wings of the main wing of the Soul Palace are not found in every area of ​​the abandoned land.

"I will find it soon! I will find it soon! No one can escape my search!"

The Yishe people are proud, as long as they find Zhou Ran and Kuangsha, they can take back the Holy Bead from them, and they can become a noble existence in the longevity world.

Man Ran thought that Zhou Ran and Kuang Sha would be exposed under their own eyelids, but surprisingly, Shi Fang Wu Mi didn't find the two.

These two people seem to have evaporated, and they don't exist anywhere in the abandoned land.

"How is this possible? Did they run away? Where did these two mice go?"

The Yishe people were surprised, and they couldn't even find their own desperation, which was far beyond their expectations.

Soul Hall people also realize that things are not good.

When the master of the palace used ten directions, no one could escape.

But Zhou Ran and Kuang Sha disappeared, which is very strange.

"How could it not be found? Is it possible that these two have entered the gate of Immortality?"

"What a joke? Both of them were damaged. How could they pass through the gate of immortality? How easy was that gate to pass?"

"If the two are still in the abandoned place, how could they not find it?"

The Soul Palace's various opinions made the main wing of the temple irritated.

Two doormen who chewed their tongues suddenly turned into a pile of meat.

The Soul Palace everyone was angry when they saw the Hall Master, and no one dared to discuss it in private, and could only hide side by side.

The Yishe people sent all of them out to search for the whereabouts of Zhou Ran and Kuang Sha.

The doormen searched the entire abandoned land, but still found nothing.

Time passed day by day, and half a month had passed in an instant.

The main wing of the Soul Palace is already in a state of extreme anger, and may erupt anytime, anywhere.

At this moment, Soul Master Xing Yong found the Wing Sheren.

In addition to the main wing of the temple, the Soul Hall also has two strong immortals. Xing Yong is one of them. Even if the wing of the anger is full of anger, he should leave some face to him.

"Xin Yong, what are you doing here? Those two people found it?" Wing She asked, angrily.

"Not so." Xing Yong shook his head, "The lord of the palace, I haven't been able to find it for so long, and it is impossible for the two of them to walk through the gate of Immortality. It can be seen that they must still be in the abandoned place! No one can find it, is this too strange?"

"what do you mean?"

The Yishe people looked at Xing Yong.

Although Deng Yong is not as good as himself, he has a better brain than himself, and maybe he guessed something.

"The Lord of the Palace, you have nowhere to look, is there a dead end?"

Xing Yong cautiously said that this sentence, but awoke Yi Sheren.

"Don't you say, those two guys have been hiding right under the Soul Hall?" Wing Sheren gritted his teeth, and if so, it would be a great insult to himself. "Xin Yong, you immediately search the ground of the general altar!"

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