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The temple is a well-known force in the world of longevity.

Responsible for maintaining the balance of the entire longevity world, and thus has the authority to reward good and punish evil.

The strong who is recognized by the temple will be given holy beads. This strong man will have many privileges in the longevity world; on the contrary, people who are not recognized by the temple will be crusified by the temple even if they are strong.

Although the abandoned land is not valued by the world of longevity, the destruction of the Soul Hall is not trivial.

Even the temple was in a state of emergency.

The altar is a place where the elders of the temple gather, and only if there are very events, the elders will come here.

The middle table is round. The elders sit around the table. The round table means that the elders have no distinction between high and low. All elders have equal power.

"It has been 137 years, since the last gathering?" An old man with white hair sighed with emotion. "If it were not for the Soul Palace, you would not reunite."

"Is it time to mourn the past?" The woman beside the old man reminded that although the woman was old, she looked like a child. "The Soul Palace is about the whole eternal life world. The small hole is not blocked and will cause a big disaster. ! How to deal with the aftermath must be considered long-term!"

A bearded man on the opposite side sneered: "What's the best way to think about it? Rebuild the Soul Palace and continue the soul trading, won't it?"

The white-haired old man and the old woman looked at each other, and finally the old man spoke.

"Soul trading, injuring innocent people, in order to survive, as long as the strong self-cultivation is enough, there is no need to live to eat the souls of others! The reconstruction of the soul temple, I am afraid that it is impossible!"

The bearded man laughed wildly.

"Self-cultivation? Do you really think we are three-year-old children? Who have not lost the Yuanshen? Who have not eaten the soul of innocent people? For thousands of years, the strong men of self-cultivation and self-cultivation have all been abandoned. The monsters in the land can sit here, and none of them are clean!"

The words of the bearded man silenced the altar.

Some things can be done as long as you know it in your heart.

The soul trading was originally invisible, but the demand was huge. Even if the temple had no right to prohibit it, it could only close one eye.

Seeing the atmosphere a little awkward, another glamorous woman hurriedly said: "The temple has always been outside the system, and there is no need to be as urgent as those vulgars. The priority is not to hold yourself accountable, but how to make up the caves of the soul temple , Destroyed in the ant cave. Although the Soul Temple is small, it also mobilizes the whole body. The resolution of the temple must convince everyone!"

As the woman said, the temple stands above morality, no matter what the elders of the temple do, there is no need to weigh it on the balance.

Above the round table, the elders started a discussion.

Some people say that as long as the access to the soul is guaranteed, other forces in the longevity world can intervene in this matter.

It is also said that, taking advantage of the destruction of the Soul Palace, to stop all forms of soul trading, the fairy powerful should strictly abide by the courtesy and not use his brain.

It is also said that the system of good and evil is implemented within the longevity world, and the soul ranch is built, and those who are judged to be evil are sent to the ranch for the use of the strong fairy.

As time passed, the elders' discussions were fruitless.

After all, it is a matter of life and death for the entire longevity world, and when it touches the interests of all parties, even if the temple has authority, there is no way to reconcile it.

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