I Have A Hundred God-level Apprentices

Chapter 1110: responsibility

Zhou Ran, Chihiro, and Kuangsha returned to Linghai City along with Lingwu and other people from Linghai Gate.

Chihiro is Lingwu's nephew. Linghai City is equivalent to her home, and Lingwu naturally has to treat her well.

Delicacy, 100 years of brewing, is essential, in addition to singing and dancing.

Linghaimen sings and dances, welcome Zhou Ran to wait for the guests.

At the banquet, Lingwu couldn't help but toast Zhou Ran and praised Zhou Ran fiercely, as if Zhou Ran was invincible.

Zhou Ran was also polite, and the wine delivered to his mouth never shrugged off.

After three drinks, Lingwu was grateful: "Zhou Ran, thanks to your help, I was able to rescue Qian Xun. Your kindness, I will definitely repay!"

Chihiro was busy: "Uncle, Grandpa wanted to see Zhou Ran, so I brought him thousands of miles away. The longevity world is not peaceful, Grandpa thinks Zhou Ran can change the status quo of the longevity world."

"Change the status quo? That's really great!"

Lingwu was happy, busy and toasting Zhou Ran.

Zhou Ran smiled bitterly and said, "I just came to report, and I didn't do anything. The reason why Yunzong would let people go is all because of the temple elder of Madam Qu. In comparison, my credit is too small. ."

"How is it possible? If it were not for you to see someone impersonating Yunzong disciples, we are afraid that we will always be trapped outside Yunzong City."

Ling Wu couldn't help wearing a high hat for Zhou Ran.

Everyone encountered ambush outside Yunzong City. Chihiro and Kuangsha also heard about it, but the two felt incredible.

"How could someone imitate Yunzong disciple's appearance and exercises? The appearance can be imitated, but the exercise is the ability to grow on the body, how can it be copied?"

"Yes! I think they should be disciples of Yunzong. The puppets you see are just blindfolded."

Both Qianxun and Kuangsha expressed suspicion, and it was also reasonable.

If it is not what he saw with his own eyes, Lingwu is hard to believe, but what he sees is true, Lingwu has personally confirmed it on the spot. It can be seen that this matter is true and true, and there is nothing false.

"It's true, absolutely not wrong! Rather than thinking about how Yunzong played tricks and conspiracies, it's better to think about who can do such things."

Ling Wu's words made everyone silent.

No matter how you look at it, it is a weird and strange thing.

It is a pity that this has exceeded the common sense of everyone, making it impossible for everyone to imagine how the enemy did it.

No clue, naturally no investigation.

Everyone was confused, but a guest suddenly came to the banquet.

No one else is Mrs. Qu.

Mrs. Qu walked in there, no one communicated, so when Mrs. Qu came to the banquet, everyone was stunned.

"Mrs. Qu, you come here, you will be far away!"

Lingwu quickly got up and greeted the temple elder.

"Lingwu, can you speak in one step?"

Mrs. Qu straightly said that she came this time to find Lingwu to discuss things.

"Yes, please follow me to the inner hall!"

Lingwu will not refuse, and immediately invited Mrs. Qu to the inner hall.

The confidential layout of the inner hall is a good place to speak. There are soundproof barriers. The people inside have finished speaking, and the people outside cannot hear.

Not waiting for Mrs. Qu to speak, Lingwu hurriedly said: "Ms. Qu, I went to Yunzong City to find Yunzong Theory, but on the way I met an ambush. It seemed to be a disciple of Yunzong, but in the end, it was not them at all, just a few. Just a puppet!"

Lingwu made no reservations and told Mrs. Qu about the incident in the woods outside Yunzong City.

Although she didn't know herself, Mrs. Qu was the elder of the temple. She might know something if she saw her well.

Lingwu wanted Mrs. Qu to give details, but Mrs. Qu did not give him any answers.

"This matter is strange, Lingwu, even if it is me, I can't understand it for the time being. I will report to the temple and let the people of the temple help investigate."

Mrs. Qu had all spoken of this, and Lingwu could not continue to find out.

The eyes of the temple spread all over the world of longevity, maybe what could be investigated.

Seeing that Lingwu stopped talking, Mrs. Qu said again: "Lingwu, this time I came for an important thing, that is about the batch of missing criminals!"

Ling Wu froze for a while, and said: "Mrs. Qu, I have told the temple. Isn't the temple saying that it won't be investigated?"

Mrs. Qu sighed and said, "The temple governs the longevity world with benevolence and righteousness. It is naturally tolerant to its forces. Not to mention that the loss of sinners has nothing to do with you. Even if those sinners are released by you, no one will blame you! But the spirit Wu, as the master of Linghaimen and the master of Linghai City, do you need to shoulder some responsibilities?"


Mrs. Qu said the most vulnerable part of Ling Wu's heart.

He is also considered to be a prince of the longevity world, and everything he has is given by the temple.

After getting everything, it is natural to fulfill the corresponding responsibilities, this is his mission, no one can shake ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Lingwu is silent.

Mrs. Qu stood up and patted Lingwu on the shoulder.

"Lingwu, you are a wise man, knowing what I mean! For the temple, maintaining the balance of the eternal life is a very important thing! As a subsidiary of the temple, Linghaimen should also know this One point! In order to maintain the balance of this world, the sacrifices of these sinners are needed, and their sacrifices are not in vain, but valuable! But if someone moves the heart of concealment, let those sinners go, even in the name of morality Denying everything the judges do, then by then, the entire longevity world will be destroyed! Which one is more important is not really known when the spirits are painted."

"I know."

Ling Wu nodded heavily, but his voice was too weak to be heard.

After getting the exact answer from Lingwu, Mrs. Qu finally smiled with satisfaction.

"Lingwu, making mud without dyeing, is everyone's dream, but unfortunately, how many can really be done? Without strong power, I cannot protect the people around me, just like you. , Under the outward appearance of the appearance, it is all rotten inside. If you want to go to hell, you and I can't escape! Lingwu, you can do it yourself!"

After leaving a word, Madam Qu left the inner hall.

After Mrs. Qu left, the whole body of Lingwu froze, and his head continuously showed what Mrs. Qu said to herself.

As Mrs. Qu said, she has long been unclean.

Dirty hands even made me have the urge to chop off.

It's a pity that he can't get out of his way, and that he should always come. Even if he doesn't want one hundred, he can't stop this from happening.

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