I Have A Hundred God-level Apprentices

Chapter 1113: Please enter the urn

Came to the inner hall of Linghaimen, the gatekeeper Lingwu had been waiting for a long time.

"Zhou Ran, did you find out what happened?" Ling Wu asked with concern.

"Of course!" Zhou Ran said seriously, and sat in front of Lingwu. "Master, I'm afraid it's not simple, it's a huge force!"

"What kind of forces dare to exile people in Linghai City? Are we really bullying when we are Linghaimen?"

Ling Wu was angry and inflated with murderous force, filling the entire inner hall.

Zhou Ran didn't elaborate, just said: "Master, I think this matter should be reported to the temple. Please tell Qi Venerable to let him rush to Linghai City immediately. I have something to discuss."

"You don't need to inform the elders of the temple?" Ling Wu grinned. "After all, this is the business of Linghai City. If everything is left to the temple, will the Linghai Gate be very ignorant?"

Lingwu wanted Zhou Ran to tell the truth, but unfortunately Zhou Ran deliberately hid and refused to disclose half a word.

"In this case, let me see Qi Zun, tell him personally!"

Zhou Ran stood up. At this time, Ling Wu's face was already not very good-looking.

At this moment, the sound of fighting sounded in the Linghai Gate.

"what happened?"

Suddenly surprised, Lingwu rushed out of the inner hall and headed towards the place where the fighting sounds.

Zhou Ran also silently followed, and after coming to the backyard of Linghaimen, the two were fighting.

One of them is Kuangsha, and the other is Lingxuan, the deputy master of Linghaimen.

Kuangsha controlled the boulder in the backyard with an invisible silk thread, and smashed it towards Lingxuan. Lingxuan was not willing to show weakness, and resisted the attack of Kuangsha's boulder with a wave-like momentum.

The bystanders around were all the doormen of Linghaimen, but no one dared to stop them.

Chihiro also looked at her, her eyes full of panic and restlessness.


Lingwu shouted.

Seeing that the main exit of the Linghaimen gate stopped, the two men stopped fighting and retreated.

After seeing Zhou Ran, Kuangsha immediately came to Zhou Ran and said, "Zhou Ran, you guessed it, that's right, all of this is all Linghaimen guarding and stealing, self-directed and self-directed! Now."

"What the **** is going on?" Ling Wu asked his deputy master.

Ling Xuan dragged his head and said, "Master, it turned out that this guy set up a trap from the very beginning to lead us to the trap. I followed your orders to transfer those people, but just after I prepared to transfer, I was found by Kuangsha. Well, I fought with him."

Ling Xuan's words are equivalent to telling Zhou Ran and others the truth.

Lingwu knew that he could no longer hide it, so he never said any excuses, but looked at Zhou Ran and said, "Zhou Ran, why do you know these?"

Zhou Ran smiled and said, "In fact, I was also confused at the beginning, but when I started investigating, I found your deputy master secretly following us. From that moment on, I began to doubt, and then 'S investigations are all under a guise."

As Zhou Ran said, at first he was clueless.

However, Zhou Ran's insight is quite keen, and found that someone is tracking, and it is not others who are tracking him, it is the deputy master of the dignified Haimen.

In the case of the disappearance of the city residents, he and Qianxun and Kuangsha have taken over the task. Why is Linghaimen still not assured and sent someone to follow?

And the person sent was still a deputy master.

Thinking of this, Zhou Ran was suspicious.

One day's investigation, Zhou Ran was just making a fuss about it, pretending to be a clear look on his chest, in order to expose the Linghai Gate to flaws.

After returning to the Linghai Gate, Qian Xun and Kuang Sha didn't know about it, so Zhou Ran reminded quietly.

The paper was like a small stone, pierced into the palm of Kuangsha, and then Zhou Ran and Kuangsha and Qianxun separated.

The conversation with the master Lingwu was to make Lingwu start to panic.

Once what he said was disturbing to Lingwu, he would quietly order to transfer those captives.

It is a pity that the action of Lingxuan was discovered by Kuangsha and Qianxun, and Kuangsha fought with it, which brought Lingwu and Zhouran together.

"Linghai City was built by Linghai Gate. The people at Linghai Gate knew the structure of the city-state very well, and they were particularly familiar with the city residents. Taking advantage of the night curfew, the city residents could not come to their doors freely. Exile! Act in secret, quietly, only Linghaimen can do it!"

Zhou Ran spoke out what Linghaimen did.

"So it turns out, Zhou Ran, I admire your thoughts very much!"

Ling Wu couldn't help complimenting him, he was impressed by Zhou Ran.

Outside the city of Yunzong City, Zhou Ran saw through things he could not see through. Now, he has exposed his tricks again.

"Master, what else do you have to say?" Zhou Ran asked again.

"I have nothing to say." Ling Wu said calmly.

"Then let the captives go away!"

Zhou Ran made a request, but Lingwu refused.

"I won't let people go, Zhou Ran, you can take everything from the Linghai Gate, including my life~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But these city residents, I won't let anyone."

Ling Wu's attitude surprised everyone.

The main doormen of Linghaimen, who were willing to sacrifice their lives, were reluctant to be taken away by Linghaimen.

What exactly is going on?

The attitude of the door master inspired all the doormen of the Linghai door, and all the doormen were all blocked in front of Lingwu.

"Want to take away the life of the gatekeeper unless he killed me!"

"We will definitely protect the gatekeeper, the three of you will never succeed!"

The doormen were all united, and Ling Xuan, the deputy door master, was even more excited.

"Stupid guys who don't know anything, do you know what you are doing? There is nothing wrong with the gatekeeper what he did, and the wrong person is you! If you dare to step forward, blame us for not being welcome!"

Ling Xuan is fierce, he has already put up a fighting stance.

The opposite is the entire Linghai Gate, but there are only three people: Zhou Ran, Qian Xun, and Kuang Sha. No matter how they look, they are out of absolute disadvantage.

If they really fight, Zhou Ran and others don't even say that they saved the city captives who were taken away, just because they could not protect themselves.

"Uncle, why are you doing this?"

With a tear in his eyes, Qianxun questioned Lingwu fiercely.

Ling Wu said quietly, "Since it has been done, I have nothing to explain."

Chihiro said again: "Don't you also agree with Grandpa's approach? Even if the strong fairy doesn't rely on the soul, he can clear the turbid breath from his body! Grandpa he did it, he taught me the method and also taught you, Why do you have to do this kind of thing?"

The niece's questioning made Lingwu cry and laugh, not knowing how to answer.

After a long time, Lingwu said: "Qianxun, you are wrong."

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