I Have A Hundred God-level Apprentices

Chapter 1151: The tragedy of the Black Lingzhu

Zhou Ran and Yun Hong were in a stalemate, and the huge power released from their bodies even formed hurricanes, making the surrounding bystanders afraid to get too close.

The ruins of Linghai City were all swept up by the hurricane.

"Run away!"

The Yunzong disciples shouted, this is the strength of the suzerain and Zhou Ran, but if anyone is unlucky and gets involved in the hurricane, they will die.

The doorman of Linghai Gate also wanted to escape, and did not dare to approach the core area where Zhou Ran and Yunhong fought.

Chihiro also realized that if he didn't run away now, it would be too late later.

"Lingxuan sect master, let's stay farther away!"

Qianxun warned that she wanted Lingxuan to escape farther.

However, Lingxuan's behavior was quite weird. When the ruins of Linghai City were destroyed by Zhou Ran and Yunhong's power, there was something wrong with the expression on his face.

Everyone fled to the periphery, but Lingxuan walked towards the bottom of the ruins.

"Lingxuan Sect Master, what are you going to do? Danger!"

Qianxun chased him, Ling Xuan caught off guard.

"Chihiro, what are you doing here! Run away! Get out of here!"

Lingxuan was anxious, and wanted Qianxun to escape quickly.

But when he was distracted, the Qianjin Falling Body technique he had performed disappeared.

Ling Xuan's body was also involved in the hurricane. Because Zhou Ran and Yun Hong were too strong, Ling Xuan was unable to resist.


Ling Xuan screamed.

Qianxun quickly followed, and she grabbed Lingxuan's hand.

Although his own strength is humble, but the heart that wants to save Lingxuan will not change, Qianxun used all his best to pull Lingxuan out of the hurricane.

"It's useless, let go!" Lingxuan shouted, "Qianxun, if you are also dead, how can I explain to Master Qi?"

"No! I must save you!"

Chihiro is unrelenting, she won't let go even if she dies.

Seeing this, Lingxuan said, "It's useless, Qianxun, you can't save me! It doesn't matter if I die, if you die, the entire Linghai City will be unsaved, so you must survive! Under the main altar of Linghaimen, the Black Spirit Orb is there. You must find the Black Spirit Orb!"

"What? Black Spirit Orb?"

Qianxun was stunned. At such a crisis, Lingxuan also took the Black Spirit Orb into consideration.

What kind of treasure is the Black Spirit Orb, the master of the Linghai Gate did not even care about his life for the Black Spirit Orb?

"Lingxuan Sect Master, what's the matter, wait until I save you to talk about it!"

Qianxun would not let go, nor would she give up Lingxuan to find some black spirit orb, she just wanted to save Lingxuan.

At this moment, a voice came.

"Black Lingzhu is really here!"

It was the voice of Yun Sect Sect Master Yun Hong. Although his entire body was head-on with Zhou Ran, Yun Hong's ears were not deaf.

Especially with the hurricane bonus, nearby sounds can be transmitted to their ears through the hurricane.

The Black Spirit Orb is extremely important to Yun Hong, and Yun Hong can abandon everything just to take the Black Spirit Orb.

The hurricane stopped, because Yun Hong had given up duel with Zhou Ran, his whole body was turned into a cloud of energy, and he headed towards the main altar of Linghai Gate.

Lingxuan is safe, and there is no need to worry about being sucked in by the hurricane, but the expression on his face became more and more frightened.

"Quickly stop him! Never let him touch the Black Spirit Orb!"

Ling Xuan yelled, and chased Yun Hong.

But Yunhong's speed is extremely fast, how can Lingxuan catch up?

A gust of wind passed by his ears, someone was a step faster than Lingxuan, not someone else, it was Zhou Ran.

"This guy, don't even want his life?"

Zhou Ran sneered. When the strong and the strong fought for their lives, the one who took the initiative to unload would be very dangerous. Unexpectedly, Yun Hong would ignore the three words Black Lingzhu.

In order to obtain the Black Spirit Orb, he was willing to be hit hard by himself when he unloaded his strength.

Zhou Ran himself was injured, but the injuries he suffered were naturally not as severe as those suffered by Yun Hong.

This Sect Master Yun has only half his life left, and only the yearning for the Black Spirit Orb is left in his eyes, even if he loses his life.

Yun Hong acted first, and his speed was naturally the fastest.

Linghai City had been destroyed, and the main altar of Linghai Gate was naturally destroyed, but Yun Hong knew exactly where the main altar was.

"Just under the ground! Just under the ground!"

After arriving at the general altar, Yun Hong was very excited.

The tail behind him was inserted into the ground, opening a big hole in the ground, and Yun Hong took advantage of the situation and entered the big hole.


Zhou Ran gritted his teeth, although he tried hard to catch up, but it was too late.

Even if you use spatial techniques, I'm afraid it won't help, because Yunhong has already reached the underground of the main altar.

As soon as Zhou Ran reached the entrance of the big cave, Yun Hong's voice came from below.

"I got it! It's the Black Spirit Orb, it's really the Black Spirit Orb! My wish is about to come true!"

Yun Hong's voice was full of excitement, but Zhou Ran's expression sank.

I don't know what the Black Spirit Orb is, if it can enhance Yun Hong's power like a Yunhu, then he will fall into a bitter battle again. U U Reading www.uukanshu.com

Just as Zhou Ran was in confusion, Yun Hong's screams came from below.

"What's going on? How could this be!"

Accompanied by the screams, a huge black gas expelled from the entrance of the cave.

Like a fountain, the black air rushed into the sky.

"My wish! My ideal!"

Yun Hong's screams became louder, Zhou Ran clearly saw Yun Hong being caught in the black air, and his whole body slowly disappeared.

Zhou Ran quickly took a step back. This black air seemed to be muddy breath, but it was somewhat different from muddy breath.

When he wasn't sure what the black qi was, Zhou Ran didn't dare to act rashly.

The Yunzong disciples were all dumbfounded. Unexpectedly, the Sect Master died unclearly. Originally thought he had obtained the Black Spirit Orb, he did not expect that he would die in the Black Spirit Orb's hands in the next second.

The Linghaimen were also taken aback. No one could understand what happened just now.

Lingxuan and Qianxun also came to the entrance of the cave, and Lingxuan couldn't help but feel heartbroken as he watched the black energy continuously spraying from the entrance of the cave.

"How could this happen? Why did this happen? Linghaimen's efforts were all in vain. Why did Yunhong want to get involved in the Black Lingzhu? Who instigated him?"

Lingxuan's heart was full of doubts, but Zhou Ran looked straight at the jet of black energy.

"Lingxuan sect master, now I’m afraid it’s not the time to hold Yunhong accountable, because that guy is already dead. Now can you tell me what happened here? Also, what is the Black Spirit Orb and why before Are you tight-lipped about this?"

Zhou Ran's question caused Lingxuan to complain repeatedly.

By now, it was no longer possible to hide Zhou Ran. If it were Zhou Ran, there might be a way to stop this.

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