"When the Black Spirit Orb ran away, everyone was at a loss, but you were able to suppress the power of the Black Spirit Orb and steal the Black Spirit Orb silently! Xing Ming, who are you? Why did you do this? Things?" Zhou Ran asked coldly.

Without waiting for Xing Ming’s answer, Xing Kong said, “Zhou Ran, why should the presiding judge tell you? Don’t forget that you have offended me. Everything we do is to deal with you! Now it’s black. The spirit orb has been obtained by the presiding judge, Zhou Ran, your death date is here!"

Zhou Ran didn't bother to pay attention to Xing Kong's words, but looked at Xing Ming, the presiding judge.

"Is this really the case? You did all this just because I offended your men, just to deal with me?"

Zhou Ran's words point to the core of the problem.

Xing Ming is definitely not the kind of person who is sympathetic to his subordinates. He has done so many things for Xing Kong, no matter how he looks at it, it is suspicious.

"Hmph! I saw you!" Xing Ming sneered, "I am not such a noble person to set up a conspiracy to vent my anger! Zhou Ran, do you know that I hide my purpose from others? Under the purpose, it is the least noticeable!"

"That's it."

Zhou Ran also laughed. Now that Xing Ming admitted, then the truth of the matter became clear.

Xingkong didn't understand the presiding judge's words, as long as he suffered a crime, it would be good for him.

It was precisely because of this that Xing Kong could not perceive the slightest crisis at all.


Before Xing Kong could react, his body was split in half.

It was no one else who shot, it was the chief judge, Xing Ming.

Xing Kong couldn't say his last words at all, so he fell into a pool of blood.

Zhou Ran saw this scene, but didn't say a word. Xing Ming would kill Xing Kong, as he expected.

"In order to achieve the goal, even the loyal subordinates will be killed. Xing Ming, isn't the court where justice is done? What you do has nothing to do with justice unless you have other goals!" Zhou Ran lightly said.

Xing Ming was noncommittal and did not comment on Zhou Ran's words.

Zhou Ran knew that his words had touched the heart of the presiding judge, and he continued: "You are not a member of the trial court at all. You have become a judge for other purposes! It is your purpose to seize the Black Spirit Orb. what exactly is it?"

"It's useless, Zhou Ran, I won't answer any of your questions!"

As the judge, Xing Ming's psychological quality is not comparable to others, no matter what Zhou Ran says, he will not be shaken in the slightest.

Zhou Ran finally gave up, and the corner of his mouth curled slightly.

"Since you are unwilling to say a word, then take your secret into the coffin! Xing Ming, I will kill you and return the Black Spirit Orb to Linghai City!"

"It's up to you to return the Black Spirit Orb?"

A cold expression appeared on Xing Ming's face, which formed a sharp contrast with the calm expression of the judge.

This judge no longer needs any cover-ups, his only purpose is to kill Zhou Ran and take the Black Spirit Orb as his own.

Xing Ming got angry, and he kept releasing his power.

Zhou Ran watched silently, and he was worthy of being a judge, and Xing Ming's power soon entered the early days of Tianxian.

He was also a strong celestial being. He fought against Yun Hong just now. Before getting enough rest, he faced another strong. Even if Zhou Ran's ability was strong, he couldn't hold it.

Xing Ming also saw this, so he would fight Zhou Ran head-on.

"Zhou Ran, you are too arrogant! You fought with Yunhong, and I saw it really from a distance. You have reached your limit! Now you are covered in bruises, how can you be my opponent?"

While speaking, Xing Ming took out a fragment.

Zhou Ran had never seen that kind of fragment, but the aura released from the fragment could know that this fragment was the Black Spirit Orb.

"Is the Black Spirit Orb broken?" Zhou Ran looked straight at the fragments of the Black Spirit Orb.

"No!" Xing Ming said triumphantly, "After the Black Spirit Orb has released all its power, it will transform into fragments. Once it is set aside and continues to absorb negative forces, it will become a round bead again!"

The other party patiently explained to himself, which was unexpected by Zhou Ran.

But since Xing Ming dared to say so much to himself, it meant that this guy must be confident.

He took out the fragments of the Black Spirit Orb, definitely because the fragments of the Black Spirit Orb could help him fight.

Zhou Ran muttered in his heart, but Xing Ming didn't give Zhou Ran a chance to think.

Within the fragments of the Black Spirit Orb, the black aura just vented out again, and the air column came straight towards Zhou Ran.

Zhou Ran was taken aback, and relying on instinct to avoid it, the black air column destroyed the ground behind him, leaving a deep mark on the ground.

"Good guy!"

Zhou Ran gritted his teeth angrily. When the Black Lingzhu ran away, he did not dare to approach. He did not expect that now, Xing Ming would use the power of the Black Lingzhu to fight against him.

The dignified presiding judge ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ unexpectedly resorted to such despicable and shameless means.

"How about it, are you scared?"

Xing Mingzhi was proud. He was originally a strong heavenly immortal, but now with the help of the Black Lingzhu, he is naturally confident.

Not to mention Zhou Ran's bruises, even if Zhou Ran fights with him 100%, there is no chance of winning.

"Afraid? How could I be afraid?"

Zhou Ran snorted coldly, and the Jade Blood Sword in the Universe Ring flew out.

After a battle with Yunhong, the Jade Blood Sword was already exhausted, but he had to fight. If Xing Ming left with the Black Spirit Orb, he was afraid that something more unpredictable would happen.

Zhou Ran felt quite puzzled. Everyone was helpless with the Black Spirit Orb. Why did Xing Ming, the chief judge know how to use the power of the Black Spirit Orb?

It seems that the presiding judge is not simple at all, and the envoy behind him is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

"That broken sword again? Zhou Ran, how can your sword resist the indestructible Black Spirit Orb?"

Xing Ming said arrogantly, since he had already used his power, he had no intention to stop.

The fragments of the Black Spirit Orb burst into a dazzling light again, but this light was black.

Accompanied by the black light, the black aura changed again. The air column that was originally like a giant dragon has become countless small tornadoes.

Zhou Ran knew very well in his heart that although these tornadoes were small, their power was not faster than the air column just now.

If he was hit by a tornado, he would be seriously injured even if he didn't die.

Zhou Ran was calm and calm, releasing his perception to the maximum. Once Xing Ming launched an attack, he would evade immediately.

The seemingly ordinary battle, in a sense, is about the destiny of the entire longevity world.

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