I Have A Hundred God-level Apprentices

Chapter 1163: Return to the desert

In the beginning, Zhou Ran only planned to go to the deserted place with Qianxun.

However, Lingxuan, the master of Linghai Gate, was not at ease, so he volunteered to follow him, and the two-person line became a three-person line.

"Abandoned land is the place where immortal powerhouses in the world of longevity are most unwilling to go. As the name says, no matter whether it is people or the entire land, they are all abandoned. There is turbidity everywhere, everywhere Monsters, no matter how strong they are, they will encounter danger!"

Lingxuan spoke word by word, and this was the reason he followed.

Whether Zhou Ran or Qianxun are their most important friends, there should be no surprises.

The three set out from Linghai City and walked for a day and a half, and finally reached the gate of Dengxian.

According to the regulations of the longevity realm, people outside must reach the realm of immortals, and their souls are pure and flawless.

The people inside the gate of the immortal want to go out, but there are not so many restrictions. Of course, when they return, they must check the soul.

"You are going to the Abandoned Land?" The gatekeeper Jin Xianren looked disdainful. "You are the ones who have defeated the beasts and have a lot of future, so why bother? Don't blame me for not reminding you, the Abandoned Land and the Longevity World It's not the same. There are turbid breaths everywhere, and the soul is easily contaminated. If the soul is no longer pure when you return, you will not be able to pass the gate of ascending immortality!"

Jin Xianren kindly reminded, but Zhou Ran and others were determined.

"Don't worry, we know it!"

"Yes, we have considered it clearly."

"Please let us out!"

Seeing the trio's decisive attitude, Jin Xianren couldn't persuade him anymore, so he opened the door to the immortal.

After walking out of the gate of Dengxian, Qianxun immediately took out the holy tortoise from Qiankun Ring. The holy tortoise carried Zhou Ran, Qianxun, and Lingxuan to the deserted place.

It takes a day to go from the gate of Dengxian to the deserted place.

The three of them sat calmly on the holy tortoise and kept looking at the surrounding scenery.

As we get closer and closer to the abandoned place, the surrounding air has also changed.

The aura is much thinner than the aura in the longevity world. Not only that, the aura is also mixed with impurities, which makes it very uncomfortable to breathe into the body.

Lingxuan sighed: "I have never been out of the gate of immortality, and I have only heard about the Abandoned Land. Legend has it that the air in the Abandoned Land is poisonous. It is indeed correct today."

Qianxun smiled bitterly: "We think that the poisonous air, the people in the abandoned land breathe every day. What we can do for them is to destroy the soul hall. It is impossible for ordinary people to enter the longevity world, because This is the law of the longevity world, now think about it, is such a law really fair?"

"Chihiro, even a sage person, dare not have such dangerous thoughts."

Lingxuan looked at Qianxun, and because of the Lingwu sect master, he kept Qianxun in his eyes.

Although the former Chihiro liked wild guesses, he was still under the constraints of the longevity system.

But now, Qianxun has directly denied the law of the longevity world. This is a rebellious language, and the reason why Qianxun said that is because of Zhou Ran's influence.

Both Qianxun and the late sect master Lingwu were deeply influenced by Zhou Ran.

Maybe it won't be long before, and I will change because of Zhou.

"The abandoned land is here!"

Zhou Ran pointed to the scenery in front of him, which was the deserted place.

Compared with the lush scene in the longevity world, the abandoned land is just barren, the land is bare and there is no vitality.

Ling Xuan looked at everything in front of him in amazement, the thin aura and the muddy breath everywhere made him ask questions.

"Do people really live in such a place?"

"of course!"

Qianxun nodded, she took the holy tortoise back into the universe ring.

The environment here seems familiar, it should be the place where I have been, but I have only been here once, Zhou Ran should be more impressed.

"Let's go!"

Zhou Ran didn't want to waste time, so he went straight to the main altar of the Soul Palace.

Qianxun and Lingxuan followed closely behind.

Although the abandoned land is vast, the location of the soul hall's main altar is not far from the longevity world. After all, to buy and sell souls, the closer it is to the longevity world, the better.

With the strength of the three of them, they arrived at the main altar of the Soul Palace in a short while.

Zhou Ran looked at the familiar Soul Hall. When he fought against the Yisheren, the Soul Hall's main altar should have been destroyed, but he didn't expect it to be rebuilt so soon.

"Huh?" Zhou Ran noticed a weirdness, "Why can't I feel the breath of a living person?"

Qianxun and Lingxuan were also aware of it.

"It's really not angry. Is the soul hall main altar empty?"

"In other words, the main altar of the real Soul Palace is not here, but in another place."

The two of them kept guessing, but Zhou Ran shook his head.

"If the soul hall main altar is not here, they won't rebuild it here. Since it has been rebuilt, there must be someone inside, and this person is just a little special."

Zhou Ran stopped talking nonsense, but walked straight into the Soul Palace.

There were dozens of people in the former soul hall, the hall master, the soul master, and ordinary members together ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, but now, the soul hall seems quite deserted.

"It seems that for the sake of soul trading, the soul palace has abandoned even the most basic principles!"

Zhou Ran said silently, behind him, Qianxun and Lingxuan had been following.

The three of them finally arrived at the hall of the soul hall, the hall was still empty, there was no one.

This scene surprised the three of them.

Qianxun widened his eyes and said, "There is no one in the lobby of the soul hall, how about people? Did they all go out hunting for souls?"

"I'm afraid that's not the case."

Zhou Ran's face sank, and his hunch was quite accurate.

In the previously empty lobby, suddenly there were a lot of black shadows. These black shadows were all human, but not human.

There is no anger in him, only a powerful body is left.

"Be careful! It's a monster!"

Ling Xuan shouted loudly, unexpectedly so many monsters would gather in the lobby, that is to say, the entire soul hall was occupied by monsters.

The true bodies of the monsters in Abandoned Land are the elimination of the immortal powerhouses. They possess the strength of the immortal realm. After turning into monsters, they are naturally not easy to deal with.

Although the three people present are all immortal powerhouses, if they don't deal with it carefully, they may face a crisis.

The surrounding monsters didn't stop either, and rushed towards Zhou Ran and the other three.

The three of them didn't dare to neglect, and they did their best to fight the monsters.

There were dozens of monsters, each of them possessed powerful strength, and the three of them fell into a bitter battle at once.

Fortunately, although the monster's power is strong, it has lost its reason and its attacks are chaotic. Although the three of them are at a disadvantage in number, they can also deal with it cautiously, but they are not dangerous.

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