Zhou Ran went straight to the main altar of Tianhai Pavilion. Pavilion Master Hai Xiong and Pavilion Master’s wife Yun Xi saw Zhou Ran and were immediately overjoyed.

Since Zhou Ran did not pass it through, neither of them knew that Zhou Ran was coming, and did not prepare for a while.

"Zhou Ran, you came too suddenly, it is too late to treat you well, please forgive me!" Hai Xiong said politely.

"Maybe!" Zhou Ran smiled, "Why do people call me the city lord as soon as I enter the city?"

"Because you have a share in this city!" Haixiong explained, "If you don't have your city building order, Tianhai City would never be rebuilt."

"It turned out to be so."

Zhou Ran finally understood, but the top priority was not to discuss the ownership of Sky Sea City.

I came to Tianhai City by myself for a big ship.

"Pavilion Master, Madam, I want to go to sea, but my boat is too small, I'm afraid I can't go where I want to go, so I want to borrow a big boat from Tianhai City."

Zhou Ran revealed his purpose, Hai Xiong and Yun Xi looked at each other.

Yun Xi quickly asked, "Where are you going? Linghai is a very dangerous area, but you don't want to go wherever you want."

The corner of Zhou Ran's mouth curled slightly, and he said that he had no proof, and then took out his own chart.

Haixiong and Yunxi were dumbfounded when they looked at this chart.

Yun Xi looked at Zhou Ran in surprise: "Zhou Ran, where did you get this chart? Why are the undeveloped seas recorded in such detail?"

"Undeveloped?" Zhou Ran was taken aback, "What is undeveloped?"

Yun Xi hurriedly explained: "The longevity world is located in the spirit sea and is surrounded by it, but the longevity world's exploration of the spirit sea is only concentrated in a very small area. The longevity world will detect the area as the inner sea. One Linghai storm took place in the inner sea, and the wider area was not discovered, so it was called the outer sea! The outer sea is very dangerous, even if the immortal strong do not dare to step in, naturally there is no chart, but you The nautical chart records the map of the open sea. Who did it on earth?"

"It was given to me by the people in the trial court."

Zhou Ran told the truth and did not conceal Haixiong and Yunxi.

Haixiong and Yunxi glanced at each other, and they nodded in unison.

"It turned out to be the trial court. No wonder it can draw a chart of the open sea. Looking at the entire longevity world, only the trial court has this ability!" Hai Xiong sighed.

Yun Xi exhorted: "Zhou Ran, although you have a chart, it doesn't mean that you are safe from going to sea. The outer sea is completely different from the inner sea. Everywhere is dangerous. Even the elders of the temple dare not venture into the outer sea. Why take the risk?"

"But there is the place where the holy beads are produced, which can help me activate the power of holy beads. I have to go!"

Zhou Ran's attitude was determined, Hai Xiong and Yun Xi naturally could not persuade them.

Although the three sects of Tianhai Pavilion, Linghai Gate, and Yunzong did not break their faces with the temple, there will be a battle with the temple sooner or later. If Zhou Ran cannot activate the power of the holy pearl, this battle will undoubtedly be defeated.

Zhou Ran risked his life to go to the open sea, also in order to give the three major sects a chance to win.

Yun Xi sighed and said: "Zhou Ran, since your heart is determined, we can't stop you. As for you to borrow a boat, Tianhai Pavilion will comply with your request, but the spirit ship is driven by spiritual power. Even if you are talented, you can’t control it, so I’ll send someone to drive the boat for you.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Hai Xiong looked at his wife.

Haixiong is an upright person, not good at lying, so he can't understand why Yunxi said that?

But on second thought, it is reasonable to do so.

"Yes, Zhou Ran! If you want to leave the inner sea and go to the unpredictable outer seas, only the newly built spirit ship of Tianhai City can go. You can't drive a boat, no matter how abundant aura is, it will not help, if the spirit ship spins in the sea, You can't reach your destination at all."

Haixiong also echoed his wife.

Zhou Ran smiled faintly and said, "No problem, just find a boatman to drive the boat for me!"

Now that an agreement was reached, Hai Xiong immediately prepared ships for Zhou Ran.

The longer the navigation distance in the Linghai, the larger the ship is needed. Tianhai Pavilion has lived on the Linghai for a long time, and the shipbuilding skills are naturally quite clever.

The ship lent to Zhou Ran is not only big, but also equipped with a spirit control system, so it can sail in the spirit sea without paddling and sailing.

As for the boatman, he was someone Zhou Ran knew.

"I have seen the city lord!"

Hailan politely saluted Zhou Ran. Although he had fought with Zhou Ran, he is now respectful of Zhou Ran. After all, Zhou Ran's status is noble, and the expansion of Tianhai City is all the credit of Zhou Ran.

"It turned out to be you, I hope I can have a pleasant voyage this time!"

After a few words, Zhou Ran got on the boat.

Hailan also boarded the spirit ship. The spirit ship had no sails or oars. There was only one central control compartment. Hailan walked into the central control compartment and pressed her hand on a ball in the middle of the central control compartment. UU reading www.uukahnshu. com

The orb absorbed Hailan's aura and suddenly burst into light.

The spirit ship was also activated as a result, slowly leaving Tianhai City and heading north.

The central control cabin has a wide field of vision, and there is no need to go out to see the scenery of Linghai.

The Linghai was still choppy, and the fish and shrimp in the sea sprang out from time to time, as if performing, but Zhou Ran knew that it was fish and shrimp desperately avoiding predators.

Because this spirit ship is very large, it travels extremely smoothly on the waves, without any turbulence at all.

However, although the scenery of Linghai is beautiful, it is sometimes bored.

Zhou Ran looked at the sea view for a while and felt tired, so he sat down and watched Hailan carefully controlling the spirit ship.

Hailan injected his aura into the sphere, using the sphere to control the spirit ship forward. Although it was a rare thing, it was not complicated.

Zhou Ran learned it without a few glances. Next time he would drive a boat by himself, he would definitely be familiar with the road.

"Hailan, your strength in Tianhai Pavilion should be on the top?"

"The city lord is absurdly praised!" Hailan smiled bitterly, "Even if I rank in the Tianhai Pavilion, looking at the entire longevity world, my strength is far inferior."

Zhou Ran said again: "You don't need to belittle yourself, at least in Tianhai Pavilion, you should be one of the best, so after Tianhai Pavilion is stationed in Yunzong City, you are sent to guard Tianhai City, and this time, let you go with me, for It is to protect me. If there is no strong strength, I can't shoulder the heavy responsibility at all!"

Hailan did not deny Zhou Ran's words.

"There is no way, the pavilion master's strength is greatly reduced, and the deputy pavilion master defected and left. Looking at the entire Tianhai Pavilion, no one except me can shoulder the heavy responsibility of protecting the city master! Hope this time, I can fulfill my mission and keep you safe. Bring back."

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