I Have A Hundred God-level Apprentices

Chapter 1257: Go up to Linchang Peak

"It's muddy breath!"

Madam Qu exclaimed.

As the head of the elders of the temple and the immediate boss of the Black Emperor, he would not be afraid of turbid breath or something.

But this is because of her own strength, Madam Qu's strength is enough to counter the turbid breath, and she is not afraid of the turbid breath entering the body.

Even if the turbid breath really enters the body, it can be easily resolved as long as it is purified with a living soul.

However, as a strong immortal, Madam Qu is still very afraid of pure muddy breath entering the body, because it will consume a lot of energy, even if it is purified by soul, it will take a long time.

The power that entered the body was pure muddy breath. Thanks to muddy breath, Madam Qu's strength was greatly reduced and she could not fight with all her strength.

"What the **** is going on? Is it Zhou Ran?"

Madam Qu reluctantly used the crutches to stabilize her figure, her eyes looked at Zhou Ran incredible.

Except Zhou Ran, she could not think of anyone else.

But Zhou Ran has been attacked by the turbid breath, should he lose consciousness?

Why does a person who has lost consciousness have the power to resist?

Madam Qu was in shock, Zhou Ran had slowly opened his eyes, his eyes were so clear that he didn't seem to be controlled at all.

"How could this be?"

Madam Qu realized that Zhou Ran had conspired against herself, but she did not know how Zhou Ran had conspired against herself.

Simply getting rid of the control of turbid interest is also impossible for ordinary people.

Although he won, Zhou Ran's expression was not relaxed. He knew very well in his heart that he was only temporarily unharmed, and no one could say clearly what the future would be like.

"I just tried it, but I didn't expect it to succeed!"

Zhou Ran said lightly, a pair of wings had grown behind him, and these wings were formed by power, just like the wings of a flying dragon.

Upon seeing this, Madam Qu finally understood the ins and outs of the matter.

"It turns out that it is the power of the dragon! The power of the dragon can suppress the turbid breath. I thought it was just a legend, but I didn't expect it to be true!"

Madam Qu gritted her teeth, as the elder of the temple, she has never been so gaffe.

I know everything about the longevity world, but there is only one thing, and that is for the dragon clan.

The dragon was rejected by others and lived in Lin Changfeng. The power of the dragon in Zhou Ran's body was not prominent, so he also ignored it. Unexpectedly, the power of the dragon would actually become a straw to save him.

"Boy, there really is you!"

Shu Xin also praised that even Zhou Ran did what he could do nothing.

It prevented Madam Qu’s conspiracy and made Madam Qu cripple. For thousands of years, Shuxin has not been so happy for a long time.

"Shu Xin, I will return my strength to you. Now I am just suppressing her with muddy breath. Once she recovers or a helper comes, I will not be able to escape!"

Zhou Ran smiled bitterly, and with the power of the dragon clan, he resisted the muddy breath in the body, and finally successfully got rid of the restraint, and while Madam Qu was not paying attention, injected a pure muddy breath into her body.

In this way, Madam Qu needs to spend a lot of time recovering, and she also has a chance to escape.

"Boy, take care!"

Shu Xin was unambiguous, and he took back all the power lent Zhou Ran.

Zhou Ran felt weak, but helpless.

The top priority is not to rest, but to escape from this place of right and wrong as soon as possible. As for the heart of the tree, there is no need to worry.

The sacred tree just took root in this feng shui treasure land, and the people in the temple did not move him so quickly.

"Zhou Ran, even if you escape to the end of the world, you cannot escape the control of the black tree! Your destiny has changed from the moment you touched the black spirit necklace!"

Madam Qu said coldly, she was caught in Zhou Ran's tricks, so naturally there was no way to pursue Zhou Ran.

But no matter where Zhou Ran escaped, he couldn't escape to the heavens. Now Zhou Ran was already a container of turbid breath. Other than that, he would have no possibility.

Zhou Ran glanced at Madam Qu, but said nothing.

After the muddy breath entered the body, his whole person was close to collapse. At this moment, besides running away, he had no extra strength left.

Zhou Ran used his body skills and quickly escaped from the secret realm.

After escaping, Zhou Ran felt that the aura around him had become thinner, making him a little uncomfortable.

It is as if someone who is accustomed to oxygen inhaling suddenly came to the plateau. The lack of oxygen will make people breathless. At this time, Zhou Ran has a similar feeling.

However, it is not the time to express the concentration of spiritual energy. Zhou Ran's heart is very clear that he must leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible.

As for where to go after leaving, it is not enough for outsiders.

Zhou Ran didn't even tell Shu Xin, because he was afraid that Madam Qu would send someone to stop him when she knew.

"It's time to cast space spells!"

Zhou Ran said silently, there was no one around, and his physical strength had recovered a little.

The space magic in the Scroll of Universe is not easy to use casually, it will consume a lot of physical energy, UUReading www.uukanshu.com must inject a lot of power into the bookmark before it can be used.

It doesn't matter if you use it when you have plenty of energy, but once you lose your energy, using space spells is useless, or it won't work, or you will go to a completely different place.

Zhou Ran took a deep breath and took out the bookmark that recorded the space technique from the Scroll of Universe. After that, Zhou Ran cautiously injected a small amount of power into the bookmark.

The bookmark began to shine with a dazzling light, which resonated with Zhou Ran's power.

"It's time! It's not Tianhai City, Linghai City, or Yunzong City, but a completely different place. Only that place can help me resist the turbid breath! I have to decide how I live, Even if I die, I will never become a container of turbid breath!"

Zhou Ran muttered to himself, the light of the bookmark had engulfed Zhou Ran's body.

After the glare disappeared, Zhou Ran's body also disappeared.

Although there was not much power left in his body, Zhou Ran successfully used the space spell and came to where he wanted to go.


A wind blew towards Zhou Ran's cheek, which made Zhou Ran feel extremely comfortable.

This is not the wind caused by force, but the strong wind blows because of the high altitude.

"So familiar taste!"

Zhou Ran breathed a sigh of relief. After coming to this place, he might be able to find a way not to be swallowed by the turbid breath.

As soon as he took a step forward, a pressing momentum came to his face.

The reason is nothing else, but a golden dragon flew towards Zhou Ran. This golden dragon is Zhou Ran’s friend, and this place is also Zhou Ran’s blessed land. It is the place where the dragons gather. Scale long peak.

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