I Have A Hundred God-level Apprentices

Chapter 1260: The birth of Hei Di

"What's this sound?"

Madam Qu was taken aback for a moment, she had already noticed that something was unusual.

"I don't know, it seems that the dead are breathing!" The man in class said again.

"Someone is breathing? Doesn't it mean that all the experimental objects are dead? I want to see what this living experimental object looks like!"

Madam Qu sneered, and the men in her class were also unambiguous, and removed all the corpses, and finally saw the survivor.

Zhou Ran saw it very clearly. Although the survivor of the breath was young, his appearance was exactly the same as the Black Emperor. It seemed that Madam Qu's confidant, the Black Emperor, was born here.

Madam Qu looked at the child in front of her and said: "In the black tree forest, the turbid breath is absorbed all the time. The turbid breath is enough to destroy a person's mind and body, but he can survive. It can be seen that this child and others The experimental product is different."

"Madam, what are you going to do?" the man in class asked.

"He seems to be immune to muddy breath, but if he wants to be recognized by the black tree, it's not just not afraid of muddy breath! Starting today, he will use twice the muddy breath and throw it away if he is dead. If I live, I Will come here again!"


Mrs. Qu's orders, the men in his class did not dare to obey.

The picture in front of Zhou Ran started to turn again, and several months had passed in a blink of an eye.

In these few months, the man on his side injected a thick turbid breath into the black emperor's body. The black emperor's body was painful like a tear, but there was no way.

Although Hei Di was thin, but his willpower was quite tenacious, he actually endured unimaginable torture.

Gradually, the Black Emperor actually merged with the muddy breath. He no longer rejected the muddy breath, but the muddy breath protected his body.

However, this does not mean that the Black Emperor is completely fine. Due to the long and horrible torture, his mental breakdown, after gaining the power of the turbid breath, the Black Emperor has become extremely cruel.

Half of the black trees in the black tree forest were destroyed by the black emperor, and there was no grass around the black emperor.

Faced with such a situation, the man in his class just watched silently, without any extra action, he was waiting for the opportunity.

After the black emperor and the turbid breath assimilated, the black trees in the black tree forest continued to decrease, and finally reached the point where there was no one left, leaving only a few seeds.

Seeing that the time was right, the men in his class reported to Mrs. Qu.

Madam Qu came to the Black Emperor for the first time. She looked up and down the appearance of the Black Emperor, and couldn't help getting excited.

"It succeeded! Finally succeeded! The Black Tree Forest recognized this child, and he became the new Black Emperor. Now the Black Emperor is under my control, that is to say, I not only control the spiritual energy, but also control the turbid breath. The two pillars of the longevity world are in my hands!"

Madam Qu was talking to herself, but Hei Di was not a fuel-efficient lamp.

After gaining infinite power, Hei Di's character became more and more violent. Facing Madam Qu, he naturally wouldn't have the slightest tolerance.

The Black Emperor rushed towards Madam Qu like a cannonball.

Unfortunately, the Black Emperor couldn't compete with Madam Qu at all.

Several huge chains tightly locked the Black Emperor's body, making him immobile.

Madam Qu looked at the Black Emperor coldly and said: "It's really unruly, but courage alone cannot defeat me! I don't allow anyone to disobey me. You are the new Black Emperor, the new Black Emperor General Becoming my right and left hand, I cannot tolerate betraying me by both hands! So, forget those painful memories in the Black Tree Forest! Without painful memories, you will have eternal happiness and you will become the world of longevity Existence under one person and above ten thousand!"

While speaking, Madam Qu put her hand against the center of the Black Emperor's forehead.

A wave of power was injected, and the memory of the Black Emperor was thus erased by Madam Qu.

Without the painful memories, Hei Di's character is no longer irritable, and the expression on his face is no longer ferocious, but has become a lot more relaxed.

Madam Qu not only erased the memory of the Black Emperor, but also added some other content.


Hei Di knelt in front of Madam Qu, and he swore allegiance to Madam Qu.

"very good!"

Madam Qu pursed her mouth and smiled. With a wave of her hand, the black tree seeds that fell on the ground were gathered by her and turned into a necklace.

"This is the Black Spirit Necklace, Black Emperor. Starting today, this necklace will be your amulet. At the same time, it has also been recognized by the Black Tree and proved to be the Black Emperor!"

Madam Qu said heavily, and hung the Black Spirit Necklace around the Black Emperor's neck.

After watching everything from the perspective of a bystander, Zhou Ran woke up from his sleep.

"Is it a dream?"

Zhou Ran muttered to himself, although it was a dream, it was a very special dream.

This dream is about the Black Emperor, who was the last person identified by the Black Tree Forest.

Who made him see all of this, no matter what Zhou Ran thought, UU reading www.uukanshu.com couldn't think of the answer.

More importantly, after seeing all this, he still had no help at all. Zhou Ran was still at a loss as to how to resist the bad breath and control himself.

Take a look at the Dragon Clan literature in your hand, it is over, and there are no other new things.

"It seems that the compatriots of the Dragon Race can only give me so much help. I can only rely on myself for the rest."

Zhou Ran sighed, he had been away for too long, if the temple took advantage of his absence to start with the three major sects, it would not be worth the loss.

Since there is no harvest at Lin Changfeng, Zhou Ran can only choose to leave.

Early the next morning, Zhou Ran bid farewell to Jin Tong. Jin Tong naturally would not stop Zhou Ran. He sent Zhou Ran to Shankou and waved goodbye to Zhou Ran.

"Zhou Ran, the green hills will not change, the green water will flow long, I wish you a smooth journey!"

Jin Tong sent his blessings to Zhou Ran, Zhou Ran replied hastily, and left Lin Changfeng.

"I don't know how Linghai City is going, it's better to go back as soon as possible." Zhou Ran said eagerly.

Time is tight. If you want to return to Linghai City for the first time, the only way to use space magic is the most appropriate.

Zhou Ran was also unambiguous, and straightly took the bookmark that recorded the spatial technique from the scroll of universe, and injected spiritual power into the bookmark.

The bookmark gleamed immediately, and the space spell was activated immediately.

Zhou Ran's body entered the different space, thinking that he would be able to reach Linghai City soon, but after Zhou Ran came out of the different space, the scene in front of him was not Linghai City, but a completely different place. .

"Why is this place so dark? Why are the surrounding trees black? And, why would I feel so suffocated?"

Zhou Ran thought in his heart, but he didn't expect that the space magic would fail, and he came to a strange place.

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