"Dare to dare to enter the secret realm with this strength, your little guys really don't know that the sky is thick!" At this time, the Mitutoyo Taoist looked at a few people and couldn't help frowning.

After a pause, he continued: "Well, since my Mitutoyo encounters, then we are destined, you follow me first, I guarantee you will not be in danger."

After hearing the words, Guo Xingjian on the side hurried forward: "Thank you, Senior Huang."

Seeing this, Mitutoyo snorted and said nothing.

Guo Xingjian was embarrassed. He had long known that Mitutoyo had a strange temperament. He didn't expect that he was just saying something for a while.

Upon seeing this, Zhou Ran and Qi Shuyan also stepped forward to thank the Sanfeng Daoist, and the Sanfeng Daoist suddenly appeared happy.

There are Mitutoyo people, and it is those giants who are suffering along the way.

In half a day, according to the speed of the people, they should have traveled a long distance, but they still can't see the mountains.

Along the way, Qi Shuyan chatted with Zhou Ran from time to time, and Zhou Ranxian was bored and chatted with Qi Shuyan. Guo Xingjian on the side occasionally cast threatening eyes.

In this regard, Zhou Ran is completely invisible.

Although he deliberately hides his identity for the purpose of God Soul Grass, he is clearly a Grand Master of the Ninth Grade. What kind of colored pen is Guo Xingjian in front of him?

"Who!" Just as the group of people continued to move forward, a cold voice came, and four figures appeared in front of the group of people.

When Zhou Ran looked at it, he saw that it was Zhan Yulan's group, and at this time, the group was obviously more embarrassed than when he had seen him on the ship.

Fortunately, Lei Zhenhui, Zhan Xuelan's original fairy-filled dress appeared some holes, Pei Yingtai's breath was a bit unstable, Zhan Yulan's maid Tao Chunyue was even worse, her arm was bandaged, obviously injured.

Recognizing Zhou Ran, Pei Yingtai's expression suddenly froze.

"It's really a narrow road!" said Pei Yingtai staring coldly at Zhou Ran, his eyes full of anger.

He didn't expect that this secret realm was so dangerous. He almost died in the hands of those giants with his strength. If Lei Zhenhui arrived in time, he might really have to explain it here.

At this moment, he was venting his anger with anger, but did not expect to meet Zhou Ran.

"Uncle Hui, you can always do it here!" Pei Yingtai knows that he is not Zhou Ran's opponent and can't help looking at Lei Zhenhui.

"Leave it to me." Lei Zhenhui nodded with a smile.

With that said, he took two steps forward, and Han Mang looked at Zhou Ran and said: "Young man, you shouldn't offend Red Flame Hall!"

Seeing that Lei Zhenhui and Pei Yingtai met with Zhou Ran's enemies, Guo Xingjian couldn't help but feel pleased.

He now desperately wants to die in this secret realm. In this case, no one knows about his attack on Qi Shuyan.

Along the way, Zhou Ran never mentioned that thing, but as long as he was alive, he was always a time bomb.

The dead are the most secretive!

Zhou Ran frowned, and was about to step forward, Mitutoyo stopped him.

The Mitutoyo people looked at Zhou Ran in a playful way and asked with a smile: "Boy, are these your enemies?"

Zhou Ran glanced at Lei Zhenhui and others and gently nodded, "It's true."

Really speaking, Lei Zhenhui and others are not qualified to be his enemies, but he is now Zhou Ping's identity.

Hearing what Zhou Ran said, Mitutoyo nodded his head lightly and gave Zhou Ran a slap: "Good boy, there are enemies everywhere, like the old man!"

Zhou Ran was speechless, because he was not the real Grand Master of Jiu Pin, otherwise Mitutoyo's slap in the face would have to shoot him into a fracture.

At this time, Mitutoyo turned to look at Lei Zhenhui and others with an arrogant look: "You have heard from me that this kid has an appetite for the old man. From today, the old man will cover him! If you have any hatred, although Come to the old man, and the old man will do it all!"

A smile flashed in Zhou Ran's eyes, and this Mitutoyo was quite interesting.

Seeing the intimate appearance of Mitutoyo and Zhou Ran, Lei Zhenhui couldn't help frowning lightly and said in a deep voice: "At the fourth elder Lei Zhenhui of Xia Chiyan Hall, I don't know if you are?"

He knew very well that if he could enter this secret realm and hadn't walked here in the slightest embarrassment, he would definitely not be an ordinary strong man.

A look of anger appeared on the face of Mitutoyo, and he sneered: "What was the Haicheng Guo family first, and now it is the Red Flame Hall, my Mitutoyo hasn't done it for a long time, and any small characters want to ride my head Shit and pee!"

Upon hearing this, Lei Zhenhui and others suddenly changed their complexions.

"Young people don't know that you are a Sanfeng Taoist. They are offended. I hope they will not be surprised!" Lei Zhenhui hurriedly respectfully said.

Mitutoyo, this man, but they have a headache when they see the Lord of the Flame Palace.

Pei Yingtai and others saw this and hurriedly respectfully saluted.

"Count your acquaintance." Sanfeng Taoist sneered.

"I just said, this kid is covered by me. Do you still want to trouble him?" After a pause, he continued to ask.

"Don't dare!" Lei Zhenhui and others immediately replied.

With a scornful smile, Mitutoyo turned and took Zhou Ran and his group to leave. At this moment, he seemed to have a good idea in mind. A bright flash of light flashed in his eyes: "Four of you, go with us."

"This..." Lei Zhenhui hesitated.

The Mitutoyo people said that he was going to cover Zhou Ran. Isn't it fun to ask them to follow a piece?

"Why? Not willing!" Mitutoyo frowned.

"All listen to the instructions of seniors!" Lei Zhenhui's expression changed, and hurried back.

He didn't want to offend Mitutoyo, if he was hated by him, he would have a headache later.

Seeing that Lei Zhenhui and others walked reluctantly, the Sanfeng Daoist smiled and said: "Hahaha, I like that you can't see me and can't kill me!"

Although Lei Zhenhui is unhappy, he can only hold back. Mengfeng Taoist can live for so long with such a cheap character, and his strength is naturally far superior to ordinary practitioners.

"Boy, don't you have any opinions about him following us?" At this time, Mitutoyo turned and looked at Zhou Ran and asked.

"Senior is just happy," Zhou Ran replied lightly.

"Not bad, I like you kid more and more." Mitutoyo suddenly smiled.

Zhou Ran was speechless, could he not hear his words complimenting him?

Several people are talking ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There was a sudden footstep in front of me.

Hearing the horrible footsteps, everyone's face changed slightly, judging from the footsteps, it should be a big guy more exaggerated than the rock giant they had seen before.

An excitement flashed across the face of Mitutoyo: "You are waiting here, I will go back as soon as I go!"

As the words fell, he had flown in the direction of the footsteps.

After Mitutoyo left, Pei Yingtai's face was full of humiliation. When Mitutoyo was there, he could only endure even if he wanted to teach Zhou Ran a lesson.

Seeing that, Lei Zhenhui patted him on the shoulder and whispered in a voice that only two people could hear: "There will be a way."

Pei Yingtai's eyes lit up and quickly looked at Lei Zhenhui.

Lei Zhenhui smiled, looking at the direction where Sanfeng Taoist disappeared and whispered: "It is not difficult to lead him away with the character of Huang Lunatic."

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