Zhou Ran touched her daughter's head and said, "Xiaoran, you let him be your servant, then let it be you!"

   "Thank you dad!"

  Zhou Xiaoran jumped happily.

   "Thank you Master! Thank you Master for not killing me!"

  Ning Yuanzong grateful, thanks to Zhou Xiaoran, he was able to save a dog's life.

   stayed in Qingshan, not afraid of no firewood, Ning Yuanzong had secretly calculated in his mind.

  Why did Zhou Ran not know that his three disciples were born with anti-bone, and their nature was difficult to move, but Zhou Xiaoran's power broke out, and Ning Yuanzong could not help temporarily, and staying with Ning Yuanzong by Zhou Xiaoran could also stimulate Zhou Xiaoran's growth.

  If it's an extraordinary period, he will take action.

   The matter here is over, Zhou Ran takes his daughter and Ning Yuanzong back to the cave.

   The grotto is more lively than before.

   Zhou Ran’s apprentices received news from Lv Zhicai, worrying that Master would come and gather in the cave, and the scene was quite grand.

   Fang Tianzheng, Liu Feng, Bai Zhijun, Zhang Jingqi, Mu Yu...all are famous people in China.

  All these big figures came for the sake of Zhou, and it can be seen that Zhou Ran's power is strong.

  Lei Niejiu's group of innate monks came to ambush Zhou.

   But in the end, but the bamboo basket was empty.

   Lei Nie was slashed by Zhou Ran's sword of Qiankun, and no ashes were left. The innate monks did not dare to make a difference if they had no backbone.

  Zhou Ranqiang, Lei Nie, who was connected to the Profound Realm, were all killed in a spike. The confrontation with it was basically a pedicure.

   Plus Tianzheng and others came, these innate monks had no chance of winning. In order to save their lives, they could only plead with Zhou Ran.

   "Master Zhou, the reason I did this was all forced by the guy from Rene!"

   "Yeah! Everything is done by Lei Nie, as well as Ning Yunxiao and Ning Yuanzong, Guangcheng Ning family does not have a good thing!"

   "I don't have that kind of thinking at all. I beg you to look at the face of the cultivation circle in China, and spare me!"

  Everyone begged for mercy, Zhou Ran looked at these innate monks who pleaded with him coldly.

  Ning Yuanzong also stood beside Zhou Ran. He was able to survive, relying on Zhou Xiaoran to plead for himself. Whether Zhou Ran would forgive these people could not intervene.

  Teachers, students and parents of the primary school attached to Yu An Xiu Xing University all looked at Zhou Ran in amusement, waiting for Zhou Ran's decision.

   The scene just now was **** and cruel. The pupils saw the whole process of Lei Nie being killed by Zhou Ran, and there was a shadow in their hearts.

  Li Qiqi, Zhang Xiaoyan, Lin Wan'er three friends, see Zhou Xiaoran came back, all excitedly came to Zhou Xiaoran.

   "Xiaoran, you are fine! We are very worried about you!"

   "Is the person behind you the one who kidnapped you just now?"

   "How did he follow you?"

   Inquiries from friends kept, Zhou Xiaoran was also happy to say: "He is now my servant, will not treat me!"

  Ning Yuanzong heard Zhou Xiaoran's words, involuntarily squeezed his fist, but still put on a smiling face.

  Li Qiqi asked again: "Xiaoran, do you think your father will spare those people?"

   "I don't know." Zhou Xiaoran said silently.

  When I came back with my father just now, my father's feelings changed a little, but Zhou Xiaoran didn't know where it was different.

   The current father is a little different from the previous father.

   Therefore, Zhou Xiaoran couldn't hold Zhou Ran's next behavior.

   Zhou Ran did not express his position, and Lu Zhicai came to Master's side.

   "Master, what do you think?"

  Lv Zhicai inquired carefully, Zhou Ran's decision was about the future of the entire Chinese cultivation field.

   "If it were you, what would you do?" Zhou Ran asked back.

   "Enemies should be settled and not settled, and grievances should be reported with virtue, just to show gratitude to the practitioners of the Chinese nation!"

  Lv Zhicai honestly said that he was generous in heart, and of course he could not bear the heart to ruin so many congenital monks. This is also the wealth of the cultivation circle in China.


   Zhou Ran's mouth slightly tilted. Although his second disciple kept persuading, he had already made a decision in his heart.

  In the ring of Qiankun, a spirit sword flew out, which is the jade blood sword of one of the nine swords.

   Zhou Ran had just beheaded Lei Nie, a strong man. Any sword among the nine swords, the sword shone with cold light and buzzed.

  Blood of the strong is the best tribute to sword sacrifice.

  The jade blood sword was unsheathed, and all the innate monks who pleaded with Zhou Ran were all aggrieved. I don't know what Zhou Ran was going to do?

   Xu Siyao noticed something was wrong and quickly said: "Zhou Ran, what are you going to do? You must be spared and spared!"

   Zhou Ran just smiled at Xu Siyao.

   "Si Yao, there are some things that must be done."


   Before she finished, she noticed that Zhou Ran's eyes had changed.

   It was a kind of utter eyes, full of love, but without any color of pity.

  What kind of look is this?

  It's just this look, Xu Siyao already knows what these people will end.

  Xu Siyao no longer speaks, Jade Blood Sword has flew out.

   A congenital monk was too late to react, his head flew up, and blood spewed out of the blood hole ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ was spectacular.

   This scene has not been seen by many students, because before that, Lu Zhicai and others have blocked the sight of many students with Zhenyuan.

   Zhou Ran’s apprentices just watched silently, and did not mean any dissuasion of Master’s behavior.

  Innate monks who originally asked Zhou Ran for mercy were all dumbfounded.

   pleaded for himself, but in exchange for Zhou Ran's cruel shot, this guy, Zhou Ran, did not mean to be merciless at all.

   asks him for mercy, it won't help.

   Zhou Ran also saw the thoughts of the monks in front of him, and shouted: "I won't spare you, you will either stand up to resist, or you will kill by the neck!"

   With this remark, Ning Yunxiao and a group of innate monks would naturally not have any hesitation, and they all rushed to Zhou Ran like a mad dog.

   Begging for mercy will surely die, if you rise up to resist, there may be a ray of life.

   These innate monks, will not let go of the only chance of survival, use their own means, and make trouble for Zhou Ran.

   It is a pity that the power of the innate monks, in front of Zhou Ran, was not worth mentioning at all, and he used the strongest trick, but it was nothing more than a mantis.

   Zhou Ran's disciples did not shoot, only relying on their own strength to fight these innate monks.

   A jade blood sword is Zhou Ran's only means of attack. .

   But even so, these innate monks are not opponents at all.

  Drinking the blood of the strong, the power of the jade blood sword is no longer the same. Shutting through the crowd, the enemy will be beheaded.

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