Zhou Ran was silent and his expression was calm, but the children of the family of Rijima were completely panicked.

   "The elevator was destroyed, we can't get out!"

   "What should I do? I don't want to die here!"

   "Damn eight **** gods, they want to kill the invaders, why hold us buried?"

  The children of this family have a lot of prospects for cultivating their honor in Japan.

   Today's festival is actually just to rub the credit, no one thought it would kill people.

   But the elevator was destroyed, no one could escape from birth, the children of the family, all looked at the Eight Great Heavens of God's Shadow with anger.

   These abominable old guys actually did such a cruel thing.

  Another Tianren shouted: "Cultivators of Hijima Island are never greedy for life or death! Anyone who loves life is not qualified to live!"

  The children of the family all gritted their teeth, and although they hated, they could do nothing.

   Here is four or five hundred meters underground, like a huge cage, trapping everyone.

   There was a sound of sand and gravel breaking overhead, and the ground began to shake violently.

  Eight Heaven Forbearers all looked at Zhou Ran coldly.

   "Mystic Island has begun to collapse, and even if the fortress is strong, it will be destroyed within ten minutes."

   "Taishan pressure, Zhou Ran, you do not want to escape!"

   "We will wait for you in hell!"

   Zhou Ran's face was heavy, how could he let others sleep soundly on the side of the couch?

  Bada Tianren provoked in front of himself, representing that their lives had come to an end.

   "Go die!"

   Zhou Ran hummed, and Jade Blood Sword flew out.

   The eight elders drive the Vientiane Sen Luo array, and have exhausted all the real elements. In the face of the indestructible jade blood sword, they simply cannot resist.

  In an instant, Jade Blood Sword killed all eight elders.

  The death of the eight elders cannot change the current situation.

  Kimchi Island collapsed, and no one could escape.

   Those children of the family of Rijima had no choice but to step on each other and trampled on each other, resulting in countless deaths and injuries, and the ground was covered with blood.

  Nakata Kauri suddenly rushed into the venue, behind her, followed by many Chinese practitioners.

   The chaos just now made the whole Shenying headquarters chaotic.

  Nakata Kaori, although unable to escape, was able to do his part.

   The elite loss of the **** shadow was exhausted, the guard strength of the three underground floors was sharply reduced, and Nakata Kaori saw the opportunity and rescued the Chinese cultivator who was used as a human experiment.

  After saving the cultivators from China, Nakata Kaori took these cultivators to the fifth basement and met Zhou Ran.


   Nakata Kaori greets Zhou Ran.

   Zhou Ran lightly looked at Nakata Kaori and didn't speak, but his eyes showed a sign of appreciation.

   Nakata Kaori rested her mind, and she was not busy.

   "Tang Yuning, are you okay?"

   Nakata Kaori asks Tang Yuning that the purpose of his lurking **** shadow is to save her. Now Tang Yuning is safe and sound, and she is relieved.

   Tang Yuning, Mu Yu, and Zhao Yin all nodded in response to Nakata Kaori, and the Chinese cultivators rescued by Nakata Kaori were far less relaxed.

   "From the explosion just now, it is almost possible to judge that this is about to collapse! None of us can escape!"

   "I thought I was saved, but none of us could be saved!"

   "We are dead! The God Shadow headquarters is a stronghold, no one can destroy it!"

   This group of Chinese cultivators abandoned themselves and angered Tang Yuning and Mu Yu, and the two immediately refuted.

   "Don't be discouraged, Master must have a way!"

   "To be right, there is nothing rare to live Master!"

  Tang Yuning and Mu Yu argued reasonably, and the practitioners in China did not dare to say much.

   Everyone looked at Zhou Ran, and Zhou Ran's power was the only hope for everyone to escape.

   Zhou Ran glanced around, and he hadn't panicked since just now.

   No matter how hard a fortress is, it is just a wall, not a seal.

   Since it is just a building, as long as there is enough power, it can be destroyed.

   Zhou Ran looked up and looked at the top of his head. In the Qiankun ring, the nine-handed super spirit sword flew out.

Jade Blood Sword, Ben Lei Sword, Shui Han Sword, Ling Xu Sword, Ju Que Sword, Chi Yan Sword, Mo Yuan Sword, Tian Wen Sword, Zhu Qing Sword, if it is not a last resort, Zhou Ran will not use Jiu Ling Ling at the same time. Sword.

   But this time, the situation was urgent.

  After the upgrade of the spirit sword, the nine-handed spirit swords have not yet fought together. At this moment, the nine swords are suspended in the air, and the sword body is shining with golden light.

   The nine-handed spirit sword has attracted everyone's attention.

  The children of the family of Rijima are all trembling, I wonder what means Zhou Ran will use?

   As for Tang Yuning and others, they were very excited.

  Zhou Ran is going to make real effort, so that everyone is saved.

  Under the eyes of all eyes, Zhou Ran manipulated the nine-handed spirit sword. The figure of the nine-handed spirit sword became more and more blurred, and it had reached the point where it became a sword.

  Nine swords soon merged into one sword, Zhou Ran held the sword tightly in his hands.

   Holding the sword in his hand can exert much more powerful power with the sword of luck.

  Zhou Ran raised the Hejian high, and then swung it down heavily. This is Zhou Ran's killer—the sword of Qiankun.

   fierce sword intention, toward Zhou Ran's head.

   The earth trembled, as if crying about Zhou Ran's power.

   Family members of Rijima are all scared and dumbfounded. In this world, there is such a powerful force.

  Tang Yuning, Mu Yu, Naotian Xiangli, Zhao Yin and a group of Chinese practitioners were all surprised to speak.

   The power of this sword is enough to open the earth.


   There was a resounding sound~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Zhou Ran's sword intention hit the ceiling above him.

   The collapse of Kamiji Island stopped, the sun shining in, and the sound of the gurgling seawater also reached everyone's ears.

  Everyone looked at it in shock.

   "He...he split the island of Gods!"

   "Oh my god! What power is this?"

   "It's terrible! The powerful in China is terrible!"

  The children of the family of Rijima are all afraid and sincere.

  Ba Da Tian Ren actually intends to kill the strong man of this degree, I really do not know life and death.

   These children of the family, where dare to stay here, have the chance to live, all like birds and beasts scattered.

   Tang Yuning and others were also shocked.

   Zhou Ran was actually able to split the Divine Island into two halves. His strength could not be described in words at all.

   "Let's go!" Zhou Ran looked around for a while, "Shenzhi Island is destroyed, and the seawater will pour in later, if we don't escape, we will be swallowed by the seawater!"

  Zhou Ran ordered that everyone would not dare not follow.

   Soon, Zhou Ran took everyone to the island of Shenzhi Island. This is where Zhou Ran entered the headquarters of Shenying.

   Although the Eight Great Heaven Forbears were dead, there were also a lot of ninja ninjas stationed here. Seeing Zhou Ran and others came, they all gathered together.

   "Who are you?" a ninja asked. .

  Tang Yuning stood in front of Zhou Ran and said, "Fuck me all!"

   When the group of ninjas saw Lord God Shadow, they dared not to follow at all, and they all spread out obediently.

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