I Have A Hundred God-level Apprentices

Chapter 895: Donghua fairy appeared

   "So strong aura, is this the fairy cave house?"

   Zhou Ran carefully savors the aura in the air.

   This aura is denser than any feng shui treasures I have ever seen before. It is no longer aura mixed with air, but aura mixed with air.

  Zhou Ran felt that it was not just aura, but also a hint of fairy air, probably the breath left by the Donghua fairy.

  Thanks to Reiki, the plants of Fanyin Mountain are extremely tall and dense, and the whole Fanyin Mountain is enveloped in green plants, like a giant green giant.

  Zhou Ran stayed at the foot of Fanyin Mountain for a while, and walked straight up the mountain.

   walked for a while, except that the aura became stronger and stronger, and there was nothing abnormal.

  After two hours, Zhou Ran finally came to the mountainside of Fanyin Mountain. He suddenly saw a mountain gate.

  The mountain gate is made of stone. If you don't pass through the mountain gate, you can't move on.

   If it is only a stone, Zhou Ran can break with the jade blood sword, but Zhou Ran feels a powerful enchantment on the mountain gate.

   The enchantment ignores any external force, and even Zhou Ran’s use of sword will not help.

   "This is probably the entrance to Fanyin Mountain, right?"

  Zhou Ran said to himself, since it is the entrance, you must use the key.

  The golden key flew out in the ring of Qiankun.

   There is no key hole above the mountain gate, but the golden key is still inserted, and then the mountain gate shoots out a dazzling light.

   The door opened, and the road in front of Zhou Ran suddenly opened up.

   Zhou Ran walked in, and the scenery in front of him changed again.

   The towering trees covering the entire Fanyin Mountain were all gone. Zhou Ran could see the blue sky as long as he raised his head.

   "What about trees?"

   Zhou Ran was puzzled.

   Fanyin Mountain deserves to be an immortal's dwelling. Before and after entering the door, the scenery it sees is quite different.

  Donghua immortal probably laid some kind of strange alchemy on Fanyin Mountain, right?

  Now that he has entered the mountain gate, Zhou Ran is naturally more careful and his speed of movement has slowed down.

   Suddenly, Zhou Ran was shocked by a huge force.

   Zhou Ran stopped and saw that there were seven huge stone pillars in front of him. Each stone pillar flashed a burst of light. This is not ordinary light, but originated from a powerful force.

   Even Zhou Ran was struggling. He felt a huge wind, which made him unable to get close.

   "Is this the fairy array laid before the immortals of Donghua Fairy?"

  Zhou Ran raised the real element in his body and stabilized his body before he could approach slowly.

   spent the effort of nine cattle and two tigers, Zhou Ran finally came to the front of the seven huge stone pillars. He looked at the stone pillars, and there were words written on the stone pillars, but Zhou Ran couldn't read any words.

   "Do these words record the magical power of Donghua Fairy, or the growth history of Donghua Fairy?"

   Zhou Ran was puzzled, but he didn't bother to bother.

   The wind around the stone pillar is so strong, if you don't want to find a way, you might be blown away by the wind.

Fortunately, there are seven stone pillars, which is an important reminder in itself.

  Zhou Ran carefully took out a piece of the spirit soul from the Qiankun ring and placed it on one of the stone pillars.

   The Soul Shard was suddenly swallowed by the stone pillars and disappeared.

  At the same time, the surrounding wind was slightly weaker.

   "Spirit Soul Fragment really works!"

  Zhou Ran was so happy that he took out the second Soul Shard.

   The second Soul Shard fell into the second pillar, and the strong wind weakened again.

  Zhou Ran didn't dare to neglect, and put all the fragments of the soul into the stone pillar in one go.

   In this way, all the strong winds around the fairy array disappeared.

Zhou Ran finally breathed a sigh of relief and said, "The golden key opened the gate of the mountainside, and seven fragments of the soul broke the fairy array around the stone pillar, and everything was used. I don’t know what will happen next? Will the entrance to the treasure open?"

  When he was puzzled, Zhou Ran's feet suddenly emptied.

   It turned out that there was a hole under his feet. Zhou Ran unexpectedly fell into the hole.

   This hole is extremely deep, as if there is no bottom.

  Zhou Ran didn't know how long he had fallen before he fell to the ground.

   is dark around, even with Zhou Ran's eyesight, he can only barely look at things.

   This is the deep part of Fanyin Mountain, all in front of me is a smooth rock wall, where I am, but it is empty, nothing.

   "This is the treasure of Fanyin Mountain? Those people who have prepared the Fanyin Mountain plan for so long, actually for this empty cave?"

   Zhou Ran felt incomprehensible.

  The legend of Fanyin Mountain is like a treasure, but there is nothing here.

  In this case, what exactly are the Jingzong and Qiankunmen groups planning?

   spent so much effort to open the mountain gate with the golden key, and broke the fairy array left by the Donghua Fairy with seven pieces of Soul Soul, is it just to run for nothing?

   Zhou Ran was also dumbfounded, not what he expected.

   was confused, but Zhou Ran suddenly burst into light in front of him.

   It is no longer a dark cave, but a green grassland.

  The warm sunlight shines on my body~www.wuxiaspot.com~ makes Zhou Ran feel like a spring breeze.

   "Why did the scene change? What the **** is going on?"

   Zhou Ran was a bit stunned, but he was surprised to think about the situation when he entered the mountain gate just now.

  I don't know what is going on, but in front of Zhou Ran, a young and beautiful woman suddenly appears, Luo skirt fluttering like a fairy.

   The woman came to Zhou Ran and asked, "Who are you?"

  Zhou Ran asked: "Who are you again?"

   The woman disdainfully said: "Where are the lunatics? Actually talking to this fairy!"

   "Donghua fairy? Are you Donghua fairy?"

   Zhou Ran was shocked.

   In his own impression, the Donghua fairy was supposed to be a white-haired old man, but unexpectedly it was a beautiful woman.

   But just thinking about it, it is quite easy to practice in Yan Yanfang when you have reached the realm of fairy.

Since the Donghua Immortal is in front of him, Zhou Ran will not be neglected naturally, immediately said: "I have seen Donghua Immortal, I am Zhou Ran, come from the earth, enter the Zhenwu world from the two realms, and then come from the outer domain to the inner domain. By chance, I got the golden key to Fanyin Mountain, and was entrusted by your servant before he died. I became the guardian of Fanyin Mountain! I saw the fairy!".

   Zhou Ran told Donghua Fairy the story of his own one, fifteen to ten. Even if Donghua Fairy was well-known, he was surprised by Zhou Ran’s adventure.

   "Are you actually from another world? It's unbelievable. It turns out that the North Dome Fairy has always said that it is true!"

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