"I will."

Zhou Ran nodded and agreed.

That night, Zhou Ran followed Lin Zhongze to King Jing Palace, leaving Gongsun Yu alone in the state division.

King Jing Palace is magnificent and magnificent.

The banquet address is in the Royal Garden of the Royal Palace. In the Royal Garden, there are many rare birds and beasts, exotic flowers and grass. Although it is night, the lights in the Royal Garden are as bright as the day.

"Freshman, please here!"

Lin Zhongze's polite invitation, Zhou Ran, was also polite, sitting directly on the seat.

After Zhou Ran took the seat, Lin Zhongze also sat down. The Jing Guoguo teacher actually sat under Zhou Ran's first head, which shows that he respects Zhou Ran very much.

The banquet began, all the wine and food were put on, the music sounded, and the enchanting dancers danced on the dance floor.

Zhou Ran was not interested in singing and dancing beauties, but it was Jingjing's royal wine, which made him have an aftertaste. After a while, he drank several bowls.

While drinking, Zhou Ran also paid attention to observe.

The invited masters are not the only ones. Representatives of Jing Guo’s other sects are also invited.

It is a pity that apart from the three major sects of Jingzong, Qiankunmen, and Jiangge, Jingguo is all a small school. Compared with them, he is the apprentice of the Donghua fairy.

Zhou Ran's feelings were overwhelming, but Jing Guoguo, Jing Kang, looked over.

"Qingfengju, thank you for attending the banquet of the royal palace to appreciate your face, and I hope you can listen to me explain."

The host's words were polite, Zhou Ran did not refute, but just listened.

"Several decades ago, I was not the king of the Kingdom of Kings, but I knew very well about the Fanyin Mountain! All this was done by the Antarctic Fairy, although I don’t know why the Antarctic Fairy and Donghua Fairy turned against each other, but the Fairy The powerful person in the realm will be shocked with a single step, and Jing Guo will not dare to revolt!"

"Under the persecution of the Antarctic Fairy, Jing Guo can only unite with the Qing Dynasty and the Song Kingdom, and with the power of the Three Kingdoms and the Three Territories, send dozens of powerful warriors to besiege the Donghua Fairy! Finally, the Antarctic Fairy attacked successfully, making the Donghua Fairy incense Xiao Yusi!"

"After this incident, Jing Guo always wanted to make up, but he couldn't get started! As for Jingzong's Fanyin Mountain plan, it was done by another force. Even I don't know the identity of this force, I can only open one. Close your eyes."

"Although I am the king of the kingdom of Jing, but the control of Jing is far inferior to that of the sect. Some things are naturally weak and weak. Please forgive me!"

Jing Kang took advantage of the wine and kept expressing that what he said was naturally true.

The reason why the Donghua Fairy died, Zhou Ran knew better than others. It was the Antarctic Fairy who did it. As for the forces planning the Fanyin Mountain plan, it was the Great Gate of the Inner Territory.

Lord Jing Guoguo opened himself up to himself, which shows that he really wants to win himself.

Regardless of Jingkang's position, Zhou Ran didn't show his own heart, just raised his wine glass and toasted with the master of the country.

Jing Kang's face is bitter, and the strong are all unruly people. Zhou Ran's attitude is ambiguous and reasonable.

The banquet was in progress, and a man dressed as an angel was rushing into the banquet.

"Special Envoy for the Kingdom of China, at the order of the Lord of the Kingdom, I would like to greet the Lord of the Kingdom!"

The messenger arrogantly shouted.

The music on the dance floor stopped, and the dancers retreated.

Jing Kang looked embarrassed and looked at the messenger he visited suddenly. He said, "Dear Envoy, it's not too early. I am feasting on the guests. Can the two countries discuss it tomorrow?"

"No!" the messenger refused, and took out the state book of Qingguo, reciting it aloud, "The master of the country has the order to open Jingguo's border city, shared by Qingguo and Jingguo!"

As soon as this remark came out, the expression on Jing Kang's face was no longer pretty.

The so-called frontier city is the first city in the outer region that enters the inner region. Since Jingguo is in the territory of Jingguo, Jingguo is solely responsible for the trade of the frontier city.

Although the border town is small, it is particularly prosperous.

Since merchants from outside the territory can only buy and sell in the border towns, goods and slaves from outside the territory can only be sold in border towns.

Jing Guo's tax revenue comes from the border city in 12 times.

Qing Guo does not border the outer realm, but he has a cheeky face to share the border city with Jing Guo, which is really difficult for the strongman.

"Envoy, Biancheng is the territory of Jingguo. Although Jingguo has a wide territory, it has no extra land. It is absolutely impossible to share the border with Qingguo!"

Jing Kang rejected the messenger.

The messenger did not flinch, but glanced at the masters of Jingguo present.

"I heard that King Guoguo is recruiting horses to replace the seats of the three ancestors! Unfortunately, these people at the banquet are all wine bags, and no one can be called a master! If the King Guoguo does not agree to his country. At the request of the Lord, Qingguo must hunt with Jingguo Guoqing, and also invite Lord Jingguo to think twice!"

The messenger's words were arrogant and impolite, which prevented Jing Kang from coming to Taiwan.

The collapse of the three major sects, Jing Guo's national strength was greatly damaged, and Qing Guo actually took advantage of it, embarrassing Jing Guo.

Jing Kang wanted to give this messenger some color to look at ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But at this moment, he was powerless.

While Jingkang was in trouble, a master on the table couldn't help but shouted: "Where's the guy, who doesn't know life and death, come to the banquet in the palace! If you don't let you see how powerful, you are still in the scene No one in the country!"

During the speech, the master rushed towards the emissaries of Qing Guo.

This master also has Yuanying's peak strength, and he looks like a huge beast.

But the messenger did not change his face, and did not even move.

When the master deceived himself in front of him, the messenger waved his hand gently.

With this wave of hand, the master in front of him suddenly stopped moving.

A cold expression appeared on the messenger's face.

"Don't you dare to be embarrassing in front of the emissaries of Kyogoku?"

As soon as the voice fell, the master suddenly fell to the ground. The whole body was motionless and dead.

The masters of Jingguo present were all stunned. The masters of Yuanying's peak strength couldn't hold up in front of the emissaries of Qingguo.

Everyone couldn't even see how the messenger shot, let alone teach the messenger.

Those masters who still wanted to start for Jingguo were all silent and sat on their seats obediently.

Jing Kang was so distressed that he asked the inner servant to clean up the body and warned the emissaries of Qingguo: "Emperor, although Jingguo is weak, but the thin and dead camels are bigger than horses, Jingguo is not annoying! If Qingguo continues to be aggressive, Even if Jing Guo fights with one soldier and one soldier, he must fight with Qing Guo to kill the dead net! Please also invite Qing Guo Guo to think twice, and don’t do anything that harms others!"

The messenger looked at Jing Guoguo's predominantly corrupted appearance, and was immediately proud of himself.

"Jingguodu is a field, and the lord is still dead, and he hopes that when the qingguo soldiers are under the city, the lord will still be able to do this gesture!"

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