Under the command of Zhou Ran, the soldiers of the Imperial Guard have recovered their vitality.

The entire Vientiane army formation, once again, is like a copper wall and an iron wall.

In contrast, the Qinguo left army was unsustainable, and there was no commander-in-chief, and the army was like a scattered sand.

The soldiers of the left army fell down one by one, and the military division Yan met, and immediately Jin Ming retreated.

The soldiers fled around, unable to take care of the companions' bodies.

This battle was a natural victory for the Imperial Guard.

But despite the victory, the soldiers of the Imperial Guard were in the dark.

"What the **** is going on? We have won?"

"But the opponent is the main force of the Qing Guozuo Army, how could it be easily defeated by us?"

"Where are their commanders?"

Although he was puzzled, the victory was the victory, and the soldiers all cheered and cheered after the relief.

Gao Yan, the commander of the Imperial Guard, was also confused. He could only ask Zhou Ran: "Breeze House, why did the other army suddenly have no heads? Just now, Bai Chen pursued you all the way, where did you go?"

Zhou Ran smiled and said, "That guy is unfamiliar with Jingguo's terrain. I was taken to a secluded place and lost my way, so I didn't return home."

"So it turns out."

Gao Yan nodded, convinced of Zhou Ran's words.

Qing Guozuo General Bai Chen was at the top of his team, even if Zhou Ran was even more powerful, I was afraid that he would not be able to kill him.

Zhou Ran lured Bai Chen to the point of loss, which led Qingguo's army to headless. This reason was reasonable.

Regardless of what happened to Bai Chen, Zhou Ran made great contributions to this battle. It was with Zhou Ran that the Imperial Guard was able to resist the enemy several times stronger than himself.

Now that we have won a game, we have to celebrate it.

Gao Yan ordered a banquet in the barracks to treat the soldiers.

In the evening, the barracks sang and danced, and the soldiers sipped and ate meat, eating a piece of meat, a happy scene.

Zhou Ran is also enjoying it.

The wine in the military camp is all Jingguo royal wine. This kind of royal wine tastes good and Zhou Ran likes it very much.

Above the banquet, Zhou Ran happily.

Gao Yan beside him couldn't help wearing a high hat to Zhou Ran.

"Qingfengju, you are really the great benefactor of Jingguo. If you defeat this, you are the pillar of Jingguo, replacing Wuyanghou! It's just around the corner! I really don't understand why a strong man like you has been silent and unknown before?"

Zhou Ran is too lazy to ignore Gao Yan, but drinks himself.

After another drink, suddenly a spy came to report.

"High commander, Qingfeng layman, the enemy retired!"

As soon as this remark came out, Gao Yan suddenly opened his eyes.

"Does this really matter? Did they really retreat?"

Gao Yan was puzzled.

Qingguo's army is proud of itself. Once frustrated, it will definitely repay it.

This time, the main force of the left army was unable to break through, and instead defeated the soldiers, Gao Yan thought that they would definitely vow to fight back.

But now, the Qingguo army has somehow retreated, what is going on?

The spy again said: "I heard that General Guo Zuo is missing, and Zuo Jun has no commander in chief, so he has to retreat."

"Tianyi! Tianyi!" Gao Yan laughed, "Qingfengju, it seems that the guy is really lost, he hasn't returned yet! Jing Guo's strength is weak, but the monsters in the desolate place are not weak, such as Bei The snow beast of the land, even the best master of the road, will be smashed! If the guy was eaten by the snow beast, that would be great!"

Zhou Ran looked at Gao Yan silently. This person has a simple mind, but it is quite suitable for making friends.

Since the left army of the Kyung Kook Army has retired, it represents this battle. The Guards won. After this battle, Kyung Kook fears that he will also pay attention to the strength of Kyung Kook and dare not underestimate.

The frontier city was finally kept, and even if Kyung Kook re-raised the soldiers, I was afraid that he would wait for a while.

After confirming that the Qingguo Army had indeed retired, Gao Yan ordered the class division to return to the North.

In the battle of Jianjiaguan, the Imperial Guard defeated the powerful enemy with fewer wins and overwhelmed the powerful enemy, which made the king Jingkang happy.

Jing Kang immediately ordered the royal palace to feast and reward the three armies.

This time, the banquet was much grander than the last one. The sovereign, Jing Kang, took out all his belongings and rewarded the Guards soldiers.

The soldiers were jubilant and celebrating the victory.

Everyone has a reward, and Zhou Ran, the person who has the first merit, is even honored as the guest of honor.

The owner of the country, Feng Zhouran, was the champion of Jingguo, rewarding mansions, jewelry, and servants. When Jingkang issued the banquet, Zhou Ran did not have to thank him.

Lin Zhongze, the state teacher beside Zhou Ran, glanced approvingly.

"Qingfeng lay...No champion, from today, you are a noble under Jing Guo alone and above 10,000 people! Rebuilding Jing Zong and letting you replace Wuyang Hou's seat is just around the corner!"

The national teacher touted himself as being the best, Zhou Ran just laughed and said nothing.

After the banquet at the palace, Zhou Ran returned to Gongsun Mansion. Although the title of Champion Hou came down, the mansion, jewelry, and servants had not yet been delivered, so Zhou Ran could only stay in Gongsun Mansion temporarily.

Gongsun Yu had already heard that Zhou Ran had received the reward, and said quickly: "Uncle Qingfeng, our Gongsun family finally raised his eyebrows! Not only did he vindicate Zhao Xue, you also sealed the champion~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is the matter of Guangzong Yaozu, our Gongsun family 'S ancestral grave is considered a smoke!'

Zhou Ran said nothing.

He is not interested in things outside fame and fortune.

The reason why he assisted Jingguo to break the enemy is all because of the black unicorn sent by the sovereign.

Compared with his own name, Zhou Ran is more concerned about the information of Hei Lu.

Zhou Ran was also tired after going out for battle. After staying in Gongsun Mansion overnight, the champion Hou Mansion was completed the next day.

Zhou Ran was invited to the Hou Mansion by the headmaster in the palace.

Hou Mansion is very grand, and its area is several times larger than Gongsun Mansion. Not only that, but the decoration of Champion Hou Mansion is extravagant and splendid everywhere, comparable to the palace courtyard.

The maidservants who were rewarded by the sovereign were all carefully selected from the palace. Each one was born with water spirits, and they were all first-class beauty.

As for jewellery, it is also a luxury of all things, so that the Houfu added a pearlescent treasure.

It seems that Jing Guoguo, Jing Kang, spent a lot of time in order to show himself to himself.

"Champion Hou, this champion Hou Mansion, are you satisfied?"

The head waiter carefully asked Zhou Ran, but this big man in Jingguo must be waiting for him.


Zhou Ran said lightly that although the champion Hou Mansion had been built, he did not mean to stay in Hou Mansion at all.

After sending away the attendants in the palace, Zhou Ran left Yingcheng and walked into the jungle outside the city.

This is the location of the Hei Lu branch. Zhou Ran was familiar with the road and found the towering ancient tree that had been there before.

After entering the tree cave, Zhou Ran saw Ye Ziwen of Hei Lu Jingguo Branch.

Ye Ziwen immediately greeted him and said, "The VIPs are here again. Unfortunately, the VIPs have no clue what they want to know."

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