"That's true!" The majestic face sank.

Xiong Xiaoyin said again: "In order to deal with the snow beasts, the Northerners have exerted their full strength. How can there be time to take care of things outside?"

When the daughter mentioned the snow beast, Xiong Hun suddenly fell silent.

The grievances between the northerners and the snow beasts are too many to describe in words.

Zhou Ran curiously said: "When I was in Jingguo, I often heard people talk about the power of the snow beast, but I didn't know how powerful the snow beast was. Could you tell me to listen?"

Xiong Hun glared at Zhou Ran and said, "The Snow Beast is the pain in the hearts of the people in the North, but you are as fun as you do, really have no conscience!"

Xiong Xiaoyin hurriedly said: "Dad, Brother Qingfeng is an outsider, he doesn't speak well, and he can't blame him. It's no problem telling him."

"You say it! I don't want to say it!"

Xiong Hun was too lazy to pay attention to Zhou Ran and went back to his room.

Xiong Xiaoyin said: "Brother Breeze, don't blame your father. Many people in Northland died in the hands of Snow Beast. He will inevitably touch the scene. If you want to know, I will tell you!"


Zhou Ran nodded and listened.

Xiong Xiaoyin said slowly.

"There are a total of three snow beasts in the Northland, two of them are the peak of the God of God. The strongest snow beast has never fought with all its strength. Its strength is far above the other two snow beasts. No one knows its true strength!"

"The Northlanders are not opponents of the Snow Beast at all. In order to appease the Snow Beast, they can only offer a sacrifice each month. This sacrifice is not something else, but a strong man above the innate level. The Snow Beast feeds on the strong man. The strength is also getting stronger."

"Because of the snow beasts invading the northern land, the northern land has become a land of Jingguo. It belongs to Jingguo nominally, but it is not subject to Jingguo's temperance. It has its own customs, culture and lifestyle."

"The Northlanders have always wanted to get rid of the Snow Beast, but the Snow Beast is too strong to do anything. The Northlanders have resorted to outsiders, but they have been repeatedly cheated. Now the Northlanders resist foreigners, so when you appear, Dad Will take someone to deal with you!"

Zhou Ran listened silently and couldn't help feeling.

The snow beast is so strong that it will convince the whole north without using all its strength, but the north people are helpless.

"Xiaoyin, you said the Northlanders have been cheated repeatedly. What's the matter?" Zhou Ran asked again.

"A few months ago, Jingzong came to Beidi and negotiated with my dad, saying that he could help the Beidi people to deal with the snow beast, but let his dad use the glazed lamp in exchange! The glazed lamp was accidentally obtained by his father. Dad agreed to fight against the snow beast. Jing Zong came out of the nest, but after arriving in the north, he did not fight the snow beast at all. Instead, he deceived the glass lamp! Dad was so mad that he only recovered a few days now. "

"So it turns out."

Zhou Ran smiled slightly. It turned out that Jingzong's last glazed lamp was so bad.

Knowing the history of the Northland, Zhou Ran started drinking and eating meat again.

Compared with the royal wine in King's Palace, the wine and meat here are sparse and ordinary, and can only fill the hunger and thirst. However, in the bitter cold, there is no need to worry about so much.

"By the way, Xiao Yin, who was involved in the northern land together with the magic weapon of space, there is another person, don't know where that person is?" Zhou Ran asked again.

"I don't know." Xiong Xiaoyin shook his head. "Dad, they only found you alone. As for the other person, they don't know where, maybe they didn't come at all!"

"is it?"

Zhou Ran's mouth twitched.

Since that space magic weapon is located in the Northland, Yan Hui will definitely come here, but he has not been discovered by the Northlanders.

There are only two possibilities. One is that he has been buried in the snow, and no one knows his whereabouts. The second is that he is familiar with the terrain of the Northland and hides from the beginning.

"Brother Breeze, you have been a guest from afar, but the north is poor and poor, and the house is so simple that you can only make up for it here." Xiong Xiaoyin felt ashamed, she pointed to the corner of the house, "The bedroom is where my father sleeps Yes, I usually sleep outside on weekdays, but fortunately it’s warm, and it shouldn’t be frozen. After going to bed tonight, I’ll take you away from the north, how about it?”

"Thank you."

Zhou Ran was grateful that of course he wouldn't care about the small house. After eating and drinking, he fell asleep.

Xiong Xiaoyin saw Zhou Ran falling asleep, and he also felt relieved, and came to the other side of the house, lying down in a suit.

While Zhou Ran was a guest at the home of the Chief of the Northland, Yan Hui, who had come to Northland with Zhou Ran, had already arrived in another place.

This is a huge snow cave, and Yan Hui walked in carefully.

"Twenty years! Twenty years, I'm back!" Yan Hui said to herself, "Originally I wanted to make the breeze lay and the snow beast fire, I sat in the benefit of the fisherman, I did not expect the yin and yang, I have also been sent here by the Qiankun scroll! It’s no wonder, I have already positioned the scroll here!"

Yan Hui walked step by step. Inside the snow cave was a huge pothole, full of bones.

These bones are the bones of the strong who were eaten by the snow beast.

Yan Hui looked at these bones~www.wuxiaspot.com~ couldn't help but tremble.

"How many talents do these beasts have to eat? You will feel at ease? The Northlanders are foolish, and the Jingguo people are even more foolish. They can't even handle the three snow beasts. No wonder they are being bullied by other countries!"

The deeper the snow cave, the more careful Yan Hui will be, because the depth of the snow cave is where the three snow beasts live.

Yan Hui step by step, finally reached the innermost of the snow cave.

Fortunately, the biggest and strongest beast is falling asleep.

The snow beast sleeps for a long time, and can sleep for several months at a time. Since the male beast does not wake up, the north ground can be peaceful for a while.

As for the little beast, it seems to have been injured a little, and the mother is licking the wound.

"Little Snow Beast is injured? Who hurt it? Is it the breeze dweller?"

Yan Hui was stunned, but the puzzled expression lasted only a moment.

For Yan Hui, how the little beast is injured is not worthy of concern. What he is most concerned about is the light above the male beast's head.

Yan Hui looked straight at the light, and could not help gritting his teeth, he quietly took out his own scroll of Qiankun.

"The scroll of Qiankun encapsulates everything, but this magic weapon is incomplete, and only the last thing can get its most powerful effect! By that time, the snow beast will be driven by me, not only the north, but the entire scene. The country will also be my thing! It is for this reason that I devoted myself to celebrating the country and playing for the host of the country!"

Having said that, Yan Hui dared not act rashly.

The snow beast is extremely strong. With its own strength, it can't beat even the smallest snow beast, not to mention the largest male beast.

Yan Hui can only meditate cross-legged in the snow cave, adjust his inner breath, and always be prepared. Once the time is right, he will put the light from the top of the male beast into the scroll of Qiankun.

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