Zhou Ran realized that this is not the real world, but an illusion.

   The composition of the illusion may be related to the light that comes into contact with me.

   "What is that light?"

   Zhou Ran muttered to himself, and in doubt, an elder came over.

   looks old, but has a serious look, thick black hair, and a full face, giving a solemn feeling.

  Zhou Ran looked at the elder up and down. Because he was in a fantasy, Zhou Ran could not see the strength of the elder.

   The elder glanced at Zhou Ran and said, "It's actually a human on earth!"

   Zhou Ran was shocked, this elder actually saw at a glance that he was not from the real martial world, but from the earth. Where is he sacred?

  The elder saw Zhou Ran's surprise and said, "Don't be surprised, I have always been in good company with the Northern Dome Fairy. He comes from the earth, and you have the same breath as him."

   Zhou Ran's face sank. This person had a good relationship with the North Dome Immortal. His status was not low.

   "Who the **** are you?" Zhou Ran asked directly.

  Elder did not intend to hide Zhou Ran, saying: "I am the Antarctic fairy, but I am dead."

   "Antarctic fairy?" Zhou Ran snorted. "Is that the Antarctic fairy who has established an internal domain hierarchy, built a domain wall to isolate the external domain, and also intends to kill his wife?"

  After entering the inner domain, Zhou Ran heard a lot of rumors about the Antarctic Fairy, and he did not have a good impression of this strong fairy.

   Faced with Zhou Ran's accusation, the Antarctic fairy smiled bitterly.

   "It seems that you know quite a lot! But even if you see it with your own eyes, it will be fake. What you hear is not worth believing."

   There is something in the Antarctic fairy words, Zhou Ran smiled coldly.

   "Do you mean you have been wronged, but you are actually a good person?"

The Antarctic fairy said: "The so-called human will die, and his words are also good. I am already a dead person. What do I deceive you? Can you meet me in a too illusory environment? It is also destined. Without me, you are just afraid of not being able to Get out of the gluttonous body."

   "This is too illusory?" Zhou Ran looked around, "This illusion is doing well, and it is no different from the real world."

The Antarctic Fairy sighed and said, "If it is not to protect the last trace of the soul, why should I build too illusory? Over the years, there have been countless people devoured by gluttons, and it is really amazing that you are only in shape Surprised."

   said that the Antarctic immortal pulsed Zhou Ran, his face suddenly showing a look of consternation.

"Just in conjunction with the pinnacle of the realm, can actually withstand the gluttonous spirit pressure! What kind of exercises are you practicing, I can't even know? Although it is the realm of combining, the power in the body exceeds the feathering, and it is close to the realm of the fairy! Even Chaos tactics will be, why do you get the inheritance of the East China Fairy?"

  Antarctic fairy asked several questions in a row, Zhou Ran did not know where to start.

  However, the Antarctic fairy did not bother to ask in detail, and said, "Well, since I got the inheritance of the Donghua fairy, I will take it together, I hope you can kill my son for the world!"

   "Killed your son? That Qingguo Guozhu?"

  Zhou Ran was confused, the so-called tiger poison does not eat the child, the Antarctic fairy actually let himself kill his son, is there another hidden reason?

   "Regarding this matter, I will tell you later, it is imperative to upgrade your practice! If you can't enter the feathering state, you can't escape from the gluttonous body." The Antarctic fairy changed the topic.

   "Into the realm of feathering?"

  Zhou Ran was stunned. After practicing the Chaos tactics himself, his skill greatly increased and reached the peak state of the union.

   But after that, he felt powerless, and he always owed some heat from the Feather Realm. Because he didn't meet the famous teacher, Zhou Ran never knew what was going on.

The Antarctic Fairy smiled and said: "Your power has already exceeded the realm of the common doctrine. If you really fight, the powerful of the feathered realm may not be your opponent. The reason why you can't really feather is because you have not grasped the feathered realm. The true meaning. Feathering the Ninefolds is a realm of pseudo-elves. The way of cultivation is naturally different from before. Today, when you meet me, I will teach you a set of luck methods. After cultivation, you will naturally have an understanding!"

   "Thank you."

  Zhou Ran responded, and the Antarctic fairy told Zhou Ran the luck method.

  Drums don't need a hammer, Zhou Ran was originally very strong, and once he found the trick, he couldn't manage it.

  The real element in Zhou Ran's body increased sharply, and the surrounding ground began to tremble.

  Antarctic fairy said: "You are really talented and smart, and you will learn it in a short time. However, if the power in the body is fully released, too illusory will collapse."

  Zhou Ran no longer releases power, and forcibly suppresses the constant force.

  Antarctic fairy said, "Earthman, since I have inherited my heritage, I will do things for me."

  Zhou Ran Tucao said: "Antarctic fairy, how can your husband and wife all be the same, pass on your skills to others, and then entrust them to do things for yourself!"

   The Antarctic fairy was helpless and said, "This matter is not only about the real martial world, but also about the safety of the earth. Don't you want to hear it?"

   "Regarding the safety of the earth?"

   Zhou Ran was surprised, why did the thing in the real martial world ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ endanger the earth?

   The Antarctic Fairy saw Zhou Ran's interest, and he no longer hid. He straightened: "Not only the Zhenwu world and the earth, but also the other connected worlds will suffer. Three thousand worlds, no one is spared."

"so serious?"

   Zhou Ran's eyes widened, endangering the three thousand worlds, for fear of being unusual.

A dignified expression appeared on the face of the Antarctic fairy, saying: "A long time ago, I noticed the existence of turbidity in the world of Zhenwu. Turbidity can disturb people's minds, confuse the people, and even make the whole world collapse. In order to resist the turbidity, I built the domain wall to block the inner domain from the outer domain, and set a seal on the domain wall. In addition, I divided the inner domain into twelve countries, so that the owner of the kingdom guarded the turbidity for generations, and kept the inner domain peaceful for life. "

   "It turns out so."

   Zhou Ran nodded silently.

  Everyone can only see the Antarctic Fairy build a domain wall and formulate a hierarchy, but they don't know the purpose of the Antarctic Fairy.

  There are mixed opinions on the Antarctic fairy.

   "So what happened to the Donghua Fairy? Does your husband and wife turn their eyes, is it related to the turbidity?" Zhou Ran asked again.

"Exactly!" said the Antarctic fairy. "We, the husband and wife, are enemies against the turbid breath in our lives, but the turbid breath is permeable, even if we have the power of the fairy realm, we can't resist it. Once, the turbid breath invaded the Taiyin Inner House of the Donghua Immortal. I know that the situation is serious, and let her kill the child, but the Donghua Immortal insists on acting alone, and our husband and wife are turning their eyes."

  Antarctic fairy words made Zhou Ran's heart sink.

In the seemingly simple words, there are thousands of emotions.

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