This is Zhou Ran's first contact with Turbid Breath.

  Just so, Zhou Ran realized that this is an evil force that cannot be described by words.

  Dizziness not only affects Dongli, Zhou Ran even feels that Dizzy is trying to control himself. If he is not determined to be strong, he may be captured by Dust.

   The force of Dongli has been expanding constantly, and has reached an unprecedented level.

   Feathered Sixfold is the strongest opponent Zhou Ran has encountered.

  Jian Jiaguan, he had a war with Dongli, Dongli has not yet exerted the power of turbidity. As of now, Dongli is no longer retained, and all the power is released.

   The whole palace, even the whole country, was shaking violently.

  Faced with such an opponent, Zhou Ran naturally did not dare to neglect. In the precepts of Qiankun, the jade blood sword flew out, and Zhou Ran held the jade blood sword in his hand.

   Dongli has lost his mind, just like a fierce beast, rushing towards Zhou Ran.

  Zhou Ran held the jade blood sword to resist the attack of the lord of the country.


   rang loudly, Zhou Ran's body, actually took a step back involuntarily.

   Dongli bare-handed fist, collided with the indestructible jade blood sword, actually did not fall down, Zhou Ran clearly felt that it was not Dongli himself that blocked the jade blood sword, but the muddy breath covered by the surface of his body.

   is like a hard armor, which makes you unable to start.

   Right and wrong, Sudden Breath actually hit Zhou Ran.

   Zhou Ran took another step back, keeping a distance from Dongli.

  The turbid breath cannot infect oneself, but the spirit sword like jade blood sword is not necessarily.

  In case the spirit sword is controlled by the muddy breath, he is afraid that he will not be able to walk around.

  Since he couldn't get close, Zhou Ran waved the jade blood sword, and a qi of Qi left toward the east, but the motion of Dongli remained motionless, and he took the attack of Jian Qi.


   Zhou Ran was stunned for a while, the sharp sword spirit disappeared after entering Dongli's body.

   was confused, and Dongli's mouth was cocked.

   After being controlled by Dizzy Breath, Dongli didn't have half a sentence, but from the expression on his face, he could see that he had a good heart.

   The master of the Kingdom of Qingguo gently waved his hand, a black sword gas, but actually came to Zhou.

   Jianqi is exactly the same as Zhouran's Jianqi, with a black turbid breath. As for its power, it is stronger than Zhouran's Jianqi.

  Zhou Ran jumped upward, avoiding the attack of Jian Qi.

   Black sword gas poke the palace out of a hole.

  Zhou Ran came to the roof of the royal palace. Dongli missed a hit and followed him up.

  At this moment, it was already late at night.

  The dark night sky, only a full moon hung high, silver moonlight spilled to the earth, but it provided Zhou Ran with a lot of light.

   "The moon in the real martial world is much larger than the moon of the earth."

  Zhou Ran looked at his opponent while enjoying the moonlight.

   This guy can actually bounce back his sword spirit, can it be said that all his attacks will be reflected back by the muddy breath?

  With the mood to give it a try, Zhou Ran released all the nine-handed spirit swords from the Qiankun ring.

  The spirit sword hangs in the air, shining under the moonlight.

  The spirit sword formed a circle around Dongli, and soon left towards Dongli.

   The dense sword shadow, there is simply no way to dodge.

  Zhou Ran controlled the Nine Handling Spirit Sword, and stabbed Eastward from different directions.

   If it is an ordinary strong person, a True Elemental Shield will be opened around the body to resist the attack of the Spirit Sword.

   But Dongli is completely different, he did not evade.

   The nine-handed spirit sword struck the Middle East, but it seemed to have entered a black hole. It disappeared suddenly.

   Suddenly, the nine-handed spirit sword flew out of Dongli's body again and came toward the master Zhou.


   Zhou Ran's complexion sank slightly.

   It seems that his guess is correct. After Dongli has absorbed the turbid breath, the turbid breath can resolve his attack.

  No matter the attack of Jianqi or Spirit Sword, they will return without success, and finally strike themselves.

  Zhou Ran jumped high, avoiding the attack of the nine-handed spirit sword.

   Although the rebounding attack was rapid, the nine-handed spirit sword was Zhou Ran's own possession. The spirit sword's strength was exhausted, and Zhou Ran took this opportunity to regain control of the nine-handed spirit sword.

In addition to the jade blood sword, all other spirit swords are included in the Qiankun ring.

   The blow just now was just throwing stones to ask for directions.

  Zhou Ran can almost determine the strength of Dongli, but only absorbs and reflects the attack. This kind of power is nothing to himself.

   "Reflect my attack? Unfortunately, the power of reflection is limited, I don't believe it, you can reflect all the power back!"

  Zhou Ran said to himself that the power he had just exerted was only a small part of his power.

  If I fight with all my strength, I'm afraid I will hurt the surroundings.

Fortunately, in order to awaken the gluttony, Dongli killed all the people in the country. Since this is the case, he has no worries and can give it a go.

   Determined, Zhou Ran jumped high and came into the air.

The real elements in    are continuously released. Various forces are mixed together by the power of the chaotic formula to form a huge joint force.

  Zhou Ran's body is even brighter than the moonlight in the night sky.

  The power of the dragon clan came into being, so that behind Zhou Ran, a pair of wings formed by the true element were added.

   The power of feathering is quite different, and it is several levels stronger than the peak of the joint. Zhou Ran only feels that the strength is vigorous, and it is difficult for himself.

  Zhou Ran raised the Jade Blood Sword high, and only then can he exert his strongest power.

  When everything was well prepared, Zhou Ran topped down and swung the jade blood sword heavily.

  This is the supernatural dragon that Zhou Ran realized with the power of the dragon clan, breaking a sky, a giant dragon, spreading his teeth and dancing claws towards the east.

   Dongli was affected by his breath, and he was still still in the face of a fierce attack. Instead, he opened his arms and greeted Zhou Ran's attack.

   "I don't believe it, you can bounce back such a powerful force!"

   Zhou Ran shouted, and the dragon collided with Dongli's body.

   violent sound sounded, the whole palace was shaking.

   The houses in the palace could not bear such power at all. The houses collapsed one after another, like a ruin, and deep holes appeared on the ground of the palace.

   Dongli's body also fell into the ground due to the attack of the dragon breaking the sky.

  But even so, Dongli's body was not injured.

  The power of the turbid breath resisted the attack of the dragon breaking the sky, Zhou Ran's strongest magic power actually returned without success. .

   Watching the power of the dragon breaking the sky is almost exhausted, but Zhou Ran has raised the real element in his body to the peak.

  The dragon appeared again, madly biting Dongli's body.

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