"The master of the country deeply blamed himself for the wrong things he had done before and ordered Qingguo reform. Cut down the army, restore the power of the sect, and make great efforts to build new countries."

   "Withdraw the tax department and delegate the taxation power to the city-states of Qingguo. The city-owners of each city-state are responsible for their own profits and losses and do not need to be constrained by the state."

   "Order a truce, including Jing Guo, to send the credentials to neighboring countries to ensure that they will no longer raise troops."

   "Issued a letter of crime to the people of Qingguo, made the wrong things I have done public, and deeply regret it."

  Qinghuan said one by one, this Qingguo Guozhu has been very different from before.

Jing Kang, the head of the country, and the ministers present did not know what happened to Gyeongguk, but as long as Gyeongguk actively changed, everyone naturally raised their hands to support.

   "Envoy, you go back and sue the lord of Qingguo, and I have accepted his national book. I hope that the two countries will forever be good at Qin and Jin, and will no longer raise troops. If Qingguo has any difficulties, please speak!"

   Jingkang generously said that the twelve nations in the inner region have always been united in the same spirit. Although the former Qingguo was abominable, as long as the owner is willing to change, he will not refuse to be thousands of miles away.

   "Thank you King Guoguo!"

  Qinghuan completed his mission, he stopped staying and left.

   Jingkang glanced at the ministers around him, and he set his eyes on Zhou Ran.

"Champion Hou and Qing Jun have committed two offenses. You rejected the Qing Jun. You are a great hero of Jing Guo. Jing Guo’s nationals live and work in peace, and your credit is indispensable! Unfortunately, I do my best for the whole country. , But there is nothing that can reward you. If you go on like this, you will only give away the position of the sovereign!"

   Jingkang was grateful that although what he said was polite, it already showed Zhou Ran's transcendence.

  Zhou Ran smiled and said, "Guozhu, in fact, Jingguo is not without something that can be rewarded to me, there is something I always wanted, don't know if the Guozhu will give it?"


   Jingkang was surprised for a while. Zhou Ran actually asked for rewards. This was the first time he had broken the sky.

   Zhou Ran's face showed a meaningful expression, saying: "I want to see the underground of the palace."

The ministers present were all confused.

  The underground of King's Palace, what is so beautiful?

  Only the host, Jing Kang, looked solemn and said, "Champion, how do you know about this?"

   "I also knew it by accident, please rest assured, the owner, I will never have any thoughts!"

   Zhou Ran said again, his words silenced Jing Kang.

  After a long time, Jing Kang said seriously: "Since this is the champion, you come with me!"

   said, Jingkang took Zhou Ran to the back garden of the palace.

  The two came to a rockery, Jingkang pressed the organ on the rockery, and the rockery began to move, revealing the tunnel.

   "Please come in!"

   Jingkang invited Zhou Ran to enter, Zhou Ran walked into the tunnel, and then Jing Kang also came in.

  After both of them walked in, the rockery moved again and returned to its previous position.

   Jingkang took Zhou Ran to go through the tunnel, and it didn't take long before he came to the seat of Shura Pillar.

   and Qingguo’s asura columns are the same size, and even the patterns are the same. The core of Jingguo’s asura columns is also intact.

"Champion Hou, this is Jing Guo Xiuluo Zhu! At that time, the Antarctic Fairy sent a strong formation in order to shock the turbid breath of Inner Territory. Xiuluo Zhu was the sight of the formation! Later, the Antarctic Immortal ordered the Inner Territory twelve kingdoms The country’s sovereign guarded the Shura Pillars for generations to prevent the turbid breath from invading the inner region and disrupting the balance of the world.

   Jing Kang told Xiuluo Zhu's origins, and Zhou Ran looked at the King Guo Guo with surprise.

   Although his strength is not strong, Jingkang knows a lot.

   "Does the lord, the lords of the twelve inland regions know this secret?" Zhou Ran asked.

"In the beginning, this was indeed the case. But as the times passed, the position of the sovereign was changed. Some of the principals died before telling the next sovereign, and the secret was naturally lost. Some countries Because of the rebellion against the riots, it is naturally impossible for the newly appointed sovereign to know."

   "It turns out so." Zhou Ran smiled slightly, he stroked Jing Guo Xiu Luozhu with his hand. "I also heard about this incident by accident, and the person who told me about this matter entrusted me to protect the formation of the seal and prevent it from destroying the world, so I will come here to see it."

Jing Kang sighed and said: "Champion, you are not a thing in the pool. Jing Guo is too small to have space for you to show. This is fine, since you are entrusted to guard the Shura Pillar, then this It’s more appropriate for you to give it to you! With your strength, you will be able to guard Shurazhu! If no one is interested in this matter, I am afraid that the inner domain will soon fall apart."

   "What does this mean?" Zhou Ran stunned.

Jing Kang pointed to the Shura Pillar in front of him, and said: "In fact, although the core of this Shura Pillar is there, it has already cracked, which means that the Shura Pillar has not been able to sustain for too long. I'm afraid it won't work. I tried various methods, but I couldn't find a way to fix it. Because the matter is confidential, I can't turn to anyone."


  Zhou Ran looked at Shura Zhu carefully~www.wuxiaspot.com~In the inconspicuous place, there were indeed a few cracks.

   Although the center of the Qingguo Shurazhu was stolen, the column body was intact. In contrast, the Jingguo Shurazhu, who was afraid of cracks, had a bigger problem.

   It seems that this matter can't stand the delay.

Zhou Ran again said: "The Lord of the Kingdom, although I am entrusted by others, but I know nothing about the asura pillar and the stalemate, even if I want to contribute, I have no purpose. Can you tell me how to repair the asura pillar? Crack?"

Jing Kang thought about it and said, "I really can't do anything about it, but the Kingdom of Song Kingdom may know a little bit. The family of the Kingdom of Song Kingdom is the oldest family in the twelve countries of the Inner Territory. Learn more."

   "Song Kingdom?"

   Zhou Ran smiled slightly.

  As Jing Kang said, it is better to go to the Song Kingdom for help than to run around in Jing Guo without flies.

   "Sovereign, I will go to Song!" Zhou Ran resigned to Jingkang.

"Please wait a moment!" Jing Kang took out a token from his body and handed it to Zhou Ran's hand. "This is Jing Guoguo's decree. In the inner realm, only the lord can own it. Now I will hand it over You, no matter where you go, are like the owner of the country. With this token, I believe that the Song people will not embarrass you!"

   "Thank you, Lord!"

  Zhou Ran carefully received the order of the Lord of the Kingdom in the Qiankun ring, and he did not stay long underground, and left. .

   This trip is imminent and there is no need to delay myself.

  After leaving the palace, Zhou Ran resigned to everyone in the champion's mansion, and after explaining it, he embarked on a journey.

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