Song Guoguo, Song Gong, has made the worst plan.

Zhou Ran didn't take it seriously, saying: "Sovereign, Song nationals are more than 10 million? Let them leave to avoid disaster, I'm afraid that many people will not be spared."

Song Gong smiled bitterly: "The matter is here, where can we continue to hesitate? Even if the nationals cannot all escape, it is good to be able to escape one more person."

Song Yu was also anxious and said: "Championship, I have something to say later! Now we must notify Song nationals to move to a safe place."

Zhou Ran looked at the crater emerging from the Beast Island and said, "Sovereign, don’t you say that the crater represents a poor beast core? Why do I have so many craters on the island after I played with Shi Ji? ?"

"That's because Pangqi doesn't have only one veterinary nucleus. On weekdays, there is only one main veterinary nucleus to maintain body function. If the power goes away, other veterinary nucleus will also wake up!"

Song Guoguo's explanation, Zhou Ran immediately understood.

"In this case, as long as a beast core is suppressed, this beast can be calmed down."

Song Gong froze for a while, saying: "Houhou, do you still want to suppress Pangqi? This is not the same as before. The power of Pangqi has increased by more than a hundred times. You can suppress Pangqi again, just to lose your life. Go in."

"Sell yourself in? Unfortunately, I never do loss-making business."

Zhou Ran smiled and took Tianlu Baojian to the biggest crater.

This is exactly where Zhou Ran suppressed the strangeness. Due to the brutal force of the strangeness, the volcano has started to erupt, and the lava is rushing towards the sky. Before Zhou Ran is close, the cheeks are baked.

Song Gong and Song Yu couldn't stop them, they could only watch Zhou Ran go to danger.

Song Yu hurriedly said: "Master Lord, why don't we leave here! If we don't leave, it will be too late!"

Song Gong glared at Song Yu fiercely and said, "The champion Hou has spared his life for Song Guo. How can we go away? Even if we want to go, we must take the champion Hou together, if he There are three long and two short, we must take his body back!"

Song Yu didn't dare to say much, and only looked at Zhou Ran.

In the face of the raging beast, what kind of power is needed to suppress it?

Facing the suddenly ejected crater, Zhou Ran held Tianlu Baojian in his hand, and injected the true elements in his body like before.

Tian Lu Bao Jian has begun to shine, and has resonated with Zhou Ran's power.

However, this alone is not enough. The poor and fierce are extremely fierce. After the storm, it is even more invincible.

Zhou Ran not only used his full strength, but also used Chaos tactics to absorb the surrounding aura and inject the absorbed aura into the Tianlu treasure.

Tianlu Baojian and Qiongqi are connected with each other, the strength of Tianlu Baojian is enhanced, and Qiongqi can also sense it.

Qiongqi desperately resisted the power in Tianlu Baojian.

Beast Island began to tremble violently and could no longer stand. Song Gong and Song Yu flew into the air, watching the situation of Beast Island.

The ground is already cracked, and under the cracked ground, all is hot lava.

The magma engulfed the whole beast island, and the flowers and trees on the island were all wiped out.

In an instant, Beast Island has become a scorched earth.

Not only that, the Beast Island has begun to move after violent shaking.

"Oops! Poor Qi is about to leave here!" Song Gong exclaimed.

Song Yumian was ashamed, saying: "The champion Hou still couldn't help the beast. This beast was irritated and it would devour everything!"

As soon as the words fell, a fresh breeze blew towards Song Gong and Song Yu.

The two were shocked. The volcano on the Beast Island is erupting. Where is the breeze?

Right in the middle, the two found Zhou Ran not far away.

The breeze actually came from Zhou Ran.

Look again, the ground of the trembling beast island no longer trembles, the cracked ground returns to its original state, and the hot magma returns to the ground.

Although the ground of Beast Island is still hot, the situation is much better than before.

"Does the champion Hou suppress the poor?" Song Gong said to himself.

At this time, she found that the volcanoes on the beast island had shrunk back one by one, as if the chickenpox on her face had disappeared.

After a while, the main volcano no longer erupted, and the whole beast island returned to calm again.

"Oh my god!"

Song Gong couldn't believe his eyes.

Zhou Ran is just a surname of the two surnames. He has never used Tianlu Baojian before, but this time, he has subdued Qiqi by Tianlu Baojian.

This man's attainment is so staggering.

The lava returned to the ground, and the temperature on the surface of the Beast Island also recovered.

Zhou Ran, Song Gong, and Song Yu returned to the ground of Beast Island.

At this time, Zhou Ran was exhausted, and the whole person gasped for breath. After sitting down, he was still out of breath.

Qiongqi is worthy of being one of the four great beasts. After the storm, the power has already passed the fairy realm.

Zhou Ran relied on his vigorous force to forcibly suppress the poor, and one can imagine his own consumption of real yuan.

Fortunately, it only consumes real money, and a little rest can recover.

"It's a pity that the whole island was burnt." Zhou Ran smiled bitterly.

Song Gong shook his head and said, "Leave the green hills, no worries or firewood. As long as the island is kept, the flowers and trees on the island will grow back in a short time."

During the speech, Song Gong, the sovereign of Song Guo, knelt down in front of Zhou Ran.

"Guardian, what does this mean?"

Zhou Ran didn't want the prince to kneel to himself.

"Champion Hou, you saved Song Guo's thousands of people, you deserve my kneeling! I represent Song Guo's thousands of people in Li Min, thank you for your life-saving grace!"

Zhou Ran helped Song Gong up and said, "It's too early to say that I saved Song Guo from thousands of people."

"What do you mean?" Song Gong is Zhou Ran said again: "In the beginning, Qiongqi really ran away, powerful, and has already passed the fairy realm! But in the end, Qiongqi's power But suddenly it disappeared, if it were not so, I would not so easily restrain the power of the odd."

"How could this be?"

Song Gong face is ashamed.

Originally thinking that Zhou Ran restrained the brutal runaway, Song Guo could sit back and relax.

But listening to Zhou Ran saying this, I'm afraid there will be a bigger conspiracy next.

Qiongqi is one of the four great beasts, and the power in the body is mostly turbid breath. This is an unknown force. If the turbid breath is controlled by people, I am afraid that something terrible will happen.

"That being said, we can't leave Beast Island at this point, and we must stay on the island until Pang Qi is completely calm!"

Song Gong said again, even if he knew there was a conspiracy, he could only take one step at a time, which was also a helpless move.

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