Dongli was controlled by the turbid breath from an early age, until Zhou Ran completely abolished his skills, he was free from the turbid breath.

   Therefore, Dongli is more familiar with turbidity than anyone, and knows how to remove turbidity.

  Zhou Ran's heart is very clear, Dongli's own technique is feasible.

  The time was running short, Zhou Ran hurried back to the palace of King Song and found Song Gong, the sovereign.

   Song Gong at this time has long lost the momentum of the past.

   The country is out of control. The strength of the Imperial Guards and the city guards cannot be maintained at all. It is only a matter of time before the entire Song Kingdom is occupied by turmoil.

   "Guardian, I have a spell that I can try, but I need to gather the power of a hundred powerful players in the same realm."

   "Hundreds of powerhouses?" Song Gong opened his eyes wide, "Where are the hundred powerhouses in Song Kingdom?"

  Zhou Ran said: "If Song can't find a hundred people, then gather the power of Jingguo, Qingguo, and Songguo, and the three kingdoms in the west, will they not be able to get 100 people?"

   "Only try!"

  Song Gongmian nodded for the difficulty.

  The country is going to die, only dead horses can be used as living horse doctors.

  Song Gong and Jing Guoguo, Jing Kang, have always used space technology to communicate with each other. The key thing, naturally, also depends on space technology to discuss.

  The technique of breaking turbidity is the name that Dongli created for himself.

  To perform the technique of breaking the cloud, one must gather a hundred powerful persons with the right.

   Jingkang knew this and immediately informed the whole country that Song Gong was also convening a master in the Song Kingdom. Around the world, more than 60 powerful co-leaders were gathered.

  Qingguo also got in touch with Jingguo and Songguo, and the messenger Qinghuan spoke to the two countries, saying that Qingguo's successive battles damaged a lot of combat power, but he was willing to contribute all the power for the tranquility of the western border.

   In this way, there are more than 70 powerful people who intend to join forces and intend to jointly perform the technique of breaking the cloud.

  Although there is still some distance from the hundred people, but it is too late, Zhou Ran calls on all the strong men to launch the technique of breaking the cloud.

  The dense text appeared in the sky, which is the method of constructing the technique of breaking the cloud.

   These characters were made by Jing Guo and Song Guoguo using space technique, and they can be seen in the entire west.

  Drums don't need a heavy hammer, more than 70 powerful players who know the right way immediately know what they should do, so they can do everything they can and cast spells.

  People gather firewood and the flame is high, and the technique of breaking the cloud is launched immediately.

   The haze that lingered in the three kingdoms of the West was greatly impacted.

  The people in Shimen also realized that someone had launched an array to clear the turbid breath, but they didn't care.

  Shi Ji snorted coldly, and said, "The turbid breath is deep-rooted in the inner region. How can the area spell be cracked? Even if there are more powerful people in the group, it is impossible to fully understand the turbid breath!"

  As the master of Shimen, Shi Ji was instructed to induce turbid breath, which had been brewing for a long time, and naturally knew how to deal with it.

   During the speech, the strength of the people in Shimen increased by another 10%.

   The faint turbidity became deeper again.

   The strong men who performed the technique of breaking the cloud all looked at this scene in shock. More than seventy strong powers from all walks of life exerted their full strength. Was it so simple to be cracked?

   Song Guoguo Song Gong was in a panic, saying: "Champion, the technique of breaking the cloud has just been performed, how can it be suppressed?"

   next to Song Gong is Zhou Ran.

  As an advocate, Zhou Ran did not immediately cast his spells. He knew that Shimen would definitely fight back.

   At this time, Shimen had already shot, Zhou Ran no longer kept, immediately jumped into the air, and then began to perform the technique of breaking the cloud.

   These days, Zhou Ran delves into the technique of breaking turbidity day and night, and has gained new insights into this technique.

  Zhou Ran cast his spells and immediately resonated with other people's technique of breaking the cloud.

   The whole western area burst into a harsh buzzing sound.

  With the buzzing sound, the power of the cloud breaking technique increased greatly.

  Although Zhou Ran has only one person, his strength is enough to be able to withstand ten co-leaders. As soon as he shot, he became the leader of everyone.

   Under the leadership of Zhou Ran, the technique of breaking turbidity regained the upper hand, and the turbidity gradually faded.

   Seeing this, Shi Ji didn't dare to neglect.

   "Zhou Ran, if you want to crack the turbid breath, you haven't become a climate!"

   said, Shi Ji's body changed.

   The whole body disappeared, replaced by waves of power.

  Shi Ji integrated his body into the turbid breath, making the turbid breath stronger again.

  The turbid breath collides with the technique of breaking turbidity, and the two forces are intertwined, bursting out bursts of sparks.

  The three kingdoms of the western world have become a mess of porridge, and no one can be spared.

   Even the strong men who are above Yuanying, can't hold it, and they were stunned by the powerful force.

   The scene in the sky is like the end of the world.

   The remaining people have no other way but to pray to heaven.

   "God! Please bless us! Clear these black gases!"

   "Don't let the group of people at Shimen succeed, they are guilty and deserve to be punished!"

   "Please give the people in the west a way to live!"

  People's prayers did not change the situation.

   The power of turbid breath and the technique of breaking turbidity are still fighting in court, and the two forces, regardless of Xuan, still compete with each other.

   The seventy powerful co-leaders who performed the technique of breaking the cloud, could not hold on with the Shimen crowd, and the time passed by one minute and one second.

   From sunrise to sunset, the two sides fully competed for half a day, and finally divided the victory.

  The turbid breath gradually power of the turbid technique is getting weaker and weaker, and the whole western world is once again lingered by the dark turbid breath and fell into despair.

  Shi Ji also recovered her original body, and she was about to win. She started laughing.

   "Zhou Ran, you're done! The Shimenmen are well-trained, can it be compared with the temporarily gathered Wuhe people?"

  As Shi Ji said, although Zhou Ran found seventy powerful co-authors, but the seventy powerful co-authors took their own actions and could not exert the full power of the technique.

   More importantly, the strength of the strong is not as good as the Shimenmen in terms of continuity. It took half a day, and the 70 strong men have long been exhausted.

  In addition to the insufficient number of people, the Shimen side can naturally regain its advantage.

  Zhou Ran's complexion, thinking of countermeasures, a voice rang next to his ear.

   "Don't give up, if you give up, everything is over!"

   Zhou Ran was stunned, what is this voice?

   Right and wrong, under the ground, a force suddenly burst out.

  The power of unknown origin is actually the technique of breaking the cloud. The power is strong, and there are dozens of powerful people who have joined forces.

  Zhou Ran didn't know who helped him, but the opportunity should not be missed, he must not miss it.

   "You guys, hold up!"

   Zhou Ran shouted, and his words aroused the fighting spirit of all the powerful players. .

  Although there is no strength anymore, but for the entire Western Realm, the strongmen used their last power.

  The power of the technique of breaking turbidity was strengthened again, and it quickly passed the end of turbidity, and the black gas in the air gradually faded.

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