Like the Western Wall, it is also a towering city wall. The gate at the gate is also strictly guarded, and the guards constantly check the people who pass the gate.

Fortunately, Zhou Ran and others were all merchants. For the merchants, the guards also opened their eyes and closed their eyes, and they soon let go.

   Everyone entered the territory of the southern kingdom.

   walked all the way, everyone was impressed, but there is no banquet in the world, and since it has arrived at its destination, it is natural to part ways.

   Businessmen reluctantly said goodbye, and then went their own way.

  Only Zhou Ran and Jia Gui walk side by side.

  Jia Gui, as the host, came to his place and became a tuberculosis.

   "Although the Shang State is not as good as the Song State from the Breeze Brothers, it is also a prosperous place in the South. The whole country is divided into 19 city-states. Each city-state is self-contained and does not interfere with each other.

   "In addition to the city-states, there is also Longyin Mountain, the highest mountain in the inland region. It is said that there is a dragon **** on the mountain. If someone gets the true story of the dragon god, he will benefit forever!"

   "The country's masters work hard to love the people, rest with the people, and Shang Guo does not compete with other countries. This creates the prosperity of Shang Guo!"

   "Not only that, there are many ancestors in Shang Guo, and Zong Men's children are well received in the country. As long as they enter the realm of Yuanying, they can receive a subsidy in Shang Guo!"

  Jia Gui kept talking, telling Zhou Ran all of Shang Guo in his eyes.

   Zhou Ran listened silently and did not speak.

   There are as many city-states as possible, but Zhou Ran does not need to go around. According to Jia Gui's arrangement, the two people only need to pass through three city-states to go to the country.

  Jia Gui led the way to a city-state named Jiuqu City.

   "Brother Breeze, rest in this city today, I will take you to eat delicious!"

   said, Jia Gui brought Zhou Ran into Jiuqu City.

  Jia Gui is quite familiar with the city. After a while, Zhou Ran was taken to the most luxurious wine shop in the city. This merchant friend, ordered a table of dishes to thank Zhou Ran. In addition to the dishes, there were several pots of fine wine.

  Zhou Ran is also a person who knows the goods. As soon as the fine wine comes on the table, he knows that it is different, and he takes several sips.

   "The wine is good! Among the wines I have ever tasted, it is the best!"

   Zhou Ran gave a very high evaluation.

Jia Gui immediately proudly said, "But isn't it? Breeze Brothers, you don't know, the spirit wine of Jiuqu City is famous all over the inner region, and many merchants from far away will come to sit in Jiuqu City for this purpose. Glass of spirit wine."


   Zhou Ran's mouth curled up.

   There are many foods with Reiki, and wine and meat dishes can carry Reiki, but the Jiujiu City's Reiki offers a refreshing feeling. I am afraid that this Reiki is not an ordinary Reiki.

  Zhou Ran no longer asks in detail, since the wine and meat are on the table, they should enjoy themselves.


   Zhou Ran raised his glass and pushed the cup with Jia Gui.

  The two of them ate meat while drinking, and after a while, all the dishes on the table were swept away.

   Zhou Ran also got a little bit up, and was about to step down, and several men came to the restaurant.

  When the boss of the restaurant saw this, he immediately greeted with a smile.

   "Several guests, please inside! Today's drinks dishes, all free!"

   Zhou Ran heard, the wine suddenly woke up.

   "Free? Does this boss stop doing business?"

  Zhou Ran wondered, Jia Gui invited his own table, for fear of being of great value. Who are the men?

  Jia Gui saw the doubts in Zhou Ran's heart and hurriedly said: "Brother Breeze, you don't know. Those are all Jianzong people, so they can be exempted!"

   "Jianzong?" Zhou Ran looked at the men again, as expected, each man wore a sword around his waist. "Why is Jianzong free?"

   "Because Jianzong is the largest sect of the Three Kingdoms in the South, and has a great reputation! In addition to the violence, Jianzong has done a lot of good things for the South, and the people are grateful to Jianzong, so this restaurant is free for Jianzongmen!"

   "Excellent reputation? Except for the violence Anliang?"

   Zhou Ran's face showed a sarcastic expression.

   If this is the case, Wang Jue, a sect of Jianzong, will not abandon the lives of merchants in order to deal with himself.

  Wang Jue didn't even show his sword in order not to reveal his identity. He didn't have the chance to pull the sword until he died.

   There is an account between himself and Jianzong, but these things cannot be told to Jia Gui.

  Zhou Ran looked out of the wine shop, and there were many people walking on the street, and many people with swords around their waists.

   "Are all the sword-bearers all Jianzongmen?" Zhou Ran curiously said.

  Jia Gui also looked out of the window and said, "Not all, but the Jianzong doormen have come a lot recently, probably because of the coming of the sword sacrifice."

   "Sword Festival?"

   "Yes, this is the annual event of the sword sect! The sword sacrifice, Wan Jian sent together, the scene is magnificent, if you don't go to the ceremony, it will be a pity!"

  As soon as he mentioned the sword offering, Jia Gui seemed a little excited.

   Zhou Ran ignored it, but continued to look at the scenery outside the window.

   A horse crossed the street and immediately rode a middle-aged man, a pair of immortal wind bones. The middle-aged man also had a saber at the waist, which was extraordinarily luxurious.

   "God! It's Lord He actually came to Jiuqu City!" Jia Gui beside him exclaimed.

   "Yang Tangzhu? Who is he?" Zhou Ran asked again.

   "Yin Tang Lord Yin Tianjiao, he is the Lord of Sword Sect, and his swordsmanship is superb. It is said that no one can match it! He is not only the Lord of the Hall, but also a powerful contender for the next Sect Sect Master!"

  Jia Gui detailed the origin of Yin Tianjiao.

  Not only Jia Gui, but also the crowds on the street were attracted by Yin Tianjiao and worshipped one after another.

   People's eyes are full of envy, and many women have cast their eyes on Yin Tianjiao.

  Zhou Ran doesn't want to have a relationship with Jianzong for the time being. He has too many people of Jianzong in Jiuqu City, so he is too lazy to care.

   "Alcohol is good, drink one more!"

   Zhou Ran said to Jia Gui that Jia Gui immediately asked for two more pots of wine and continued to drink with Zhou Ran.

  Drinking at night, they went to the hotel to stay.

  Jia Gui was invincible, and had already fallen asleep in bed.

   Zhou Ran is different. The body is powerful and can resist wine. Zhou Ran just lay in bed for a while, and the wine woke up most of the time.

  At this time, Zhou Ran suddenly noticed a figure flashing outside the window.

   "Even if Jiuqu City is prosperous, the streets at night should also be quiet. Who is walking? This person deliberately hides his breath, obviously he doesn't want others to discover that there must be ghosts in his heart!".

   Zhou Ran muttered to himself, and then jumped out of the window, chasing after the man.

   The man was not alone. There were still several people in his hands, but he was still on the ground, and he was as light as a yan. After a while, he jumped out of the city.

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