I Have A Hundred God-level Apprentices

Chapter 988: Sword sacrifice

   Jingguo champion Hou, became a topic figure in Jiuqu City.

   Faced with the clever tongue of the Sect Master, even the explanation was troublesome, killing the opponent as soon as he shot.

   has done such a thing, but makes it impossible for all people to refute. The domineering and prestige he possesses are far from comparable to others.

   Several days have passed, and the citizens of Jiuqu City are still talking about this.

   "What kind of person is this champion? Why is it always unpredictable?"

   "Who knows? Some people say that he is arrogant, but some people admire him with five-body investment. Many girls in the city have secretly promised him that he likes such a man."

   "Although the champion is unreasonable, he is still a good person, otherwise, how could he save the whole city from the sword formation?"

  City residents' comments, but Zhou Ran was too lazy to ignore them.

   During this time, Zhou Ran has been living in the main palace.

   Qu Yang, the main lord of Jiuqu City, served Zhou Ran as a guest, and waited before the saddle, and gave up the secret room of the main lord's palace. Gong Zhouran used to retreat.

  Zhou Ran carefully regulated the breath in the body and sorted his thoughts in the back room.

   The person he met before was afraid that it was the disciple of the North Dome Fairy. This disciple finally betrayed the North Dome Fairy and disappeared.

   It was a thing that happened tens of thousands of years ago, and now it is very old and cannot be traced.

  The North Dome Immortal Seals the Two Realm Passages, and the Antarctic Immortals build the domain wall to guard the turbid breath. Are these two things involved?

   Jianzong's sword offering may provide some clues to himself.

  Zhou Ran closed in the secret room for several days, only three days from the sword sacrifice.

  From Jiuqu City, it takes three days to go to Longyin Mountain. It is also time for me to leave Jiuqu City.

Zhou Ran resigned to Qu Yang, Qu Yang reluctantly said: "Champion, don’t know today, I don’t know how you and I can meet each other. You are the most admired person in my life in Qu Yang. Be cautious. Jianzong can hide the true face for so long, showing the depth of the city, they do not know what means will be used."

   "Thank you."

  Zhou Ran responded, said goodbye to Qu Yang, and left the city.

  From Jiuqu City all the way to the east, as the altitude increases, the surrounding scenery becomes more and more beautiful.

  The scenery in the south is very different from the west in the west. Zhou Ran headed towards Longyin Mountain while enjoying the scenery along the way.

  Long Yinshan is a few miles away, you can see the face of Longyin Mountain.

  Like a sword, insert it straight into the cloud.

  Compared with Longyin Mountain, the domain wall is just a dwarf.

   The closer to Longyin Mountain, the more lively around.

  The officials of the three kingdoms in the South have come to Longyin Mountain to observe the ceremony.

Qu Yang once said to Zhou Ran that Jianzong’s sword sacrifice has never sent invitations, and outsiders can come at will, but even so, there are endless stream of visitors from the three countries of the South, including the royal family, which can be seen Jianzong is respected in the South.

  Zhou Ran went up the mountain with these people who watched the ceremony, and it didn't take long before he reached the middle of Longyin Mountain.

  The location of the sword festival is here.

  Zhou Ran was somewhat stunned, and asked the people around him: "Why is the land of Jianzong sword sacrifice not the top of Longyin Mountain, but on the mountainside?"

"Friend, did you come from outside the country?" The people around me looked at Zhou Ran in surprise, but also explained to Zhou Ran patiently, "This is not halfway up the mountain, just the foothills! Long Yinshan is high, looking at a glance If you don’t reach the top, and there is a dragon on the top of the mountain, even if you are as strong as Jianzong, you will not dare to set up an altar on the mountain!

   "The top of the mountain?"

   Zhou Ran also raised his head, looked into the air, and really could not see the top of the mountain.

  The altitude of Longyin Mountain can't be guessed at all. Is it true that the Dragon Clan lives on the top of the mountain?

   was thinking, and suddenly there was a crowd.

  The royal representatives of the three southern kingdoms also came to the viewing platform. Although they did not come in person, they represented the entire country.

   Others got up and saluted the three kings. After the representatives of the three kings took their seats, all the people sat down slowly.

   Zhou Ran silently looked at the guests around.

  The sword festival of the sword sect, not only participated in the three royal families in the south, but also had a lot of celebrities. There were hundreds of people before and after. The scene was magnificent and amazing.

   Everything is ready, and Sword Sect Master Aotian finally came out. Behind him there are dozens of Jianzong doormen.

   is neatly dressed, and each person is holding a spirit sword in his hand, giving a feeling of heroism and coolness.

Aotian salutes the spectators and says, "Dear guests, welcome to the annual sword sacrifice of Jianzong! Although the gate sect replaces Heavenly Way, although the souls under the sword are not innocent, they also complain about the crowd. The sword sacrifice is designed to sacrifice the sword , Appease the souls who died under the sword of Jianzongmen within a year!"

   said, Aotian and dozens of doormen opened their positions, and the spirit swords in their hands all pointed into the air.

   Dozens of spirit swords, the infusion of dozens of people's true elements, make the sword gas straight into the sky.

   In the sky, the rune of the sword array appeared, and the rune was shining, making it impossible to look directly at it.

   After a while, the sword gas was injected into the sky, turned into a spirit sword, and fell like a raindrop to the altar of the sword sacrifice.

  Aotian and Jianzongmen are shining and welcoming Jianqi.

  The sword qi that descended from the sky, although extremely sharp, could not hurt the human body~www.wuxiaspot.com~ penetrated through the body of everyone and inserted on the altar.

   The entire altar was filled with swords, the sword formation was completed, and the sword sacrifice was the beginning.

   In the air, a lot of images of souls appeared, and these souls flew with open teeth and claws.

  Sword Sect gatemen held the spirit sword and walked towards these souls.

  The souls of each are defeated by the sword of the gate sect, and the posture is beautiful, and the sword is shot like a dance.

   The guests present were all dumbfounded.

   "It's worthy of Jianzong! The blues of Jianzongmen are better than blue, no wonder they can stand invincible."

   "Every year's sword sacrifice, the strength of these gatekeepers is even better. I believe that in a short time, Jianzong will become the largest gate in the inner domain!"

   "Although it is a performance, it is an opportunity for Jianzong's gatekeepers to show their strength. Jianzong is so strong that the southern border can be assured!"

   The sound of whispering also passed into Zhou Ran's ear.

   Zhou Ran was not interested in the strength of Jianzongmen, he carefully sensed the surrounding atmosphere.

   has a familiar smell, but this smell is mixed with Jian Qi, and it cannot be recognized for a while.

   The Sect of the Sword Sect continued to kill the soul. Each time the soul was killed, the strength of the sword array was increased by one point. After a while, the entire altar was wrapped in the powerful force.

   At this moment, under the altar, suddenly burst of black gas. .

  The black gas invaded the entire altar with the speed of thunderbolt.

  The sword festival was originally the same as before, but when the black gas appeared, all the people realized that this year's sword festival is completely different from the past.

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