I have a knife, I can kill monsters when I take it out of its sheath

Chapter 18: March forward, kill one step at a time

To the south of the city, there is a huge manor, whose splendor is incompatible with the dilapidated surroundings.

This manor is the headquarters of the Black Hawk Gang, Black Hawk Manor.

Wei Hong, the leader of the Black Eagle Gang, nicknamed Black Eagle, is at the pinnacle of the fourth realm of foundation building and is already considered an extremely expert in Maplewood Town.

In the lobby, the lights are bright, and Wei Hong is entertaining distinguished guests.

This distinguished guest is Bantou Zhao. Although Bantou Zhao is not very advanced and has not even built a foundation, he represents the government office.

There are currently only two official forces in Fenglin Town, the patrol department and the government office.

The Black Hawk Gang already has a patrol department as its backend, but the patrol department's recent actions have frightened Wei Hong. They have sacrificed several villages, captured souls, and built altars.

Wei Hong always felt that the patrol department was plotting something big. Once their plan was successful, the Black Hawk Gang would most likely be pushed out to take the blame and be directly sacrificed. He knew very well the urinal nature of the people in the Patrol Division. Therefore, he wanted to get rid of the control of the Patrol Department, and the only person he could rely on was the government office.

Therefore, killing Ji Chen was just an excuse. Wei Hong's real purpose was to use Zhao Bantou's identity to form an alliance with the government and find a way out for the Black Eagle Gang.

So when Bantou Zhao found Wei Hong, the two hit it off.

At the wine table, Wei Hong and Zhao Bantou called themselves brothers.

The two of them were sitting on the main seat, accompanied by the government servants brought by Squad Leader Zhao on both sides, and several hall leaders from the Black Eagle Gang.

After three rounds of drinking, Wei Hong patted his chest and promised.

"Brother Zhao, don't worry. My three brothers are all at the third level of Foundation Establishment. Not to mention a demon slayer at the same level, even third-level monsters can be easily captured."

When talking about foundation building, Bantou Zhao's smile became a little stiff. He had already reached the first-class consummation level more than ten years ago, but it was a pity that he had never been able to succeed in foundation building.

As if he saw the embarrassment of Team Leader Zhao, Wei Hong said with a smile: "Brother Zhao, relax, doesn't Ji Chen have a third-level demon elixir? I happen to know an alchemist, and I will ask him to help Brother Zhao refine it." Make a foundation-building pill to ensure Brother Zhao’s foundation-building success.”

"Don't comfort me. I know what my qualifications are. At this age, I have long given up on building a foundation. I'd better leave the third-level demon elixir to the gang leader. I heard that Young Master Ling has already reached the second level, so I can give it to him." Use it to break through the three realms.”

After another round of pushing and changing cups, Team Leader Zhao estimated that the time was almost up, so he took out three banknotes in denominations of one thousand taels and placed them in front of Wei Hong.

"Team Leader Zhao, how can you be so embarrassed!"

Wei Hong was about to refuse, but was stopped by Team Leader Zhao.

"Gang Leader Wei, you have to take this thing. This matter tonight is about killing monsters, not killing people. This is the bounty for killing monsters. If you don't take it, how will I get it? If I don't take it, how will the county magistrate get it? "

Wei Hong was stunned for a moment, then he smiled heartily, "I was the one who was rude, so I would be disrespectful."

After saying that, Wei Hong happily accepted the banknote.

"Come on, drink!"

Just as the two were pushing cups and changing cups, a noise suddenly came from the front yard, which was also mixed with screams and exclamations.

"What's going on!" Wei Hong frowned and said to a maid serving wine next to him: "Go out and have a look."

The maid put down the wine bottle and walked outside. As soon as she went out, she bumped into a man covered in blood.

The maid was knocked over.

The man covered in blood ignored him and hurried into the yard.

"Gang leader, something big has happened. A madman is here and he kills everyone on sight. Brothers can't stop him at all."


Wei Hong was furious. Who could be so bold as to come to his house?

"Bring me my halberd!"

Wei Hong shouted angrily.

Soon a young man came trotting over carrying a green dragon halberd.

Wei Hong was born with supernatural power, tall and good at wielding a green dragon halberd.

He himself is the pinnacle of the Fourth Realm, and the techniques he cultivates are horizontal training methods. In addition, because of the great killer weapon Green Dragon Halberd, even the Fifth Realm cannot be favored by him.

Captain Zhao was thoughtful, with a touch of worry on his face, so he asked.

"What does this person look like?"

The man covered in blood replied: "He is dressed in black, very young, less than twenty."

Bantou Zhao's expression changed. He had a feeling that Ji Chen was coming. If it were really him, it would be terrifying.

He and several other government officials looked at each other, grabbed the single knife on the table, and followed Wei Hong outside.

Seeing this, several other government officials quickly picked up their knives and followed him out.

Several hall leaders also went to get their weapons.

When Wei Hong came to the front yard carrying the Green Dragon Halberd, what he saw was corpses strewn across the field and rivers of blood.

A young man in black was walking in the yard, killing one person at a time, and no one could stop him.

The members of the Black Hawk Gang all stood in front of the young man fearfully. As the young man took one step forward, they took two steps back.

"Anyone who stands in my way will die!"

Ji Chen strode forward, killing one person with each step, and with each blow, a head fell.

Blood stained the yard.

"Come die!"

At this moment, a figure rushed out from behind Wei Hong.

This was a burly man whose size was not inferior to that of Wei Hong. He was holding an iron rod. He strode several meters in one vertical step and swung the stick towards Ji Chen.

This person is the third leader of the Black Hawk Gang, Xiong Batian, nicknamed Black Bear. He enters the house with all his skills and wields a 2.8-meter iron rod.

The air he hit with his stick exploded.

Ji Chen took a step to the side and slashed out with a single stroke of his knife. The knife slashed against the iron bar.


Xiong Batian, who had no way to hide, was split in half by the volley, and his blood spilled into the sky.

[Killing points +390]

The whole place was silent. Everyone was shocked by Ji Chen's knife. The dignified third master was actually killed with a knife.

"You are looking for death!"

Wei Hong was like a lion, furious and his hair stood on end.

He stepped out with a big halberd flying across the air, slashing towards Ji Chen, intending to kill Ji Chen with absolute power.

Ji Chen stamped his foot and the ground shook. The third master's iron rod bounced up and Ji Chen grabbed it in his hand.

He grabbed the stick with his left hand and swept it out with his backhand.


The weapons exchanged for a kill, sparks of fire splashed out, Ji Chen's arms shook and he took a step back.

Wei Hong also took a step back. He frowned slightly. Although he was in the fourth realm, he had the combat power of the fifth realm. Especially when the halberd was fired with anger just now, it was resolved so easily by the other party.

Wei Hong didn't know that Ji Chen was also in the Fourth Realm and had the ability to fight across levels.

Moreover, the Subduing Dragon Mental Technique is more domineering and can be practiced both internally and externally.

Ji Chen used one hand against both hands, passive against active. With just one move, he made a decisive decision.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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