I Have a Lot of Resurrection Coins

Vol 2 Chapter 970: Too many monsters


With an order from Old Man Yue, the Million Demon Army rushed forward!

Everyone didn't react, the old man Yue actually attacked the city at this time when the final battle was unsuccessful!

But the roar of the beast under the city of Wanli has already brought everyone back to their senses!


At this moment, it really broke out!

At the head of Wanli City, all the monks from the upper five realms had already left, and behind them were disciples of the same sect.

Jiang Yuni and others rushed to Jiang Lin's side, while Diao Da and others rushed directly to the room to copy their skirts.

No matter what, save this guy first!

"Jiang Lin! Don't even think about going back!"

"Fake, hand over your life!"

The monks of the upper five realms of the two worlds are going to besiege Jianglin and die!

In their eyes, Jiang Lin and Yumiao are too genius, the threat is too great, it is impossible to let them leave alive!

Otherwise, if Jiang Lin is given the opportunity and time to grow up, the consequences will be unimaginable.

However, although Jiang Lin and Chen Fang are in the Jade Pu realm, they are stronger than the average fairy realm, how could they let them kill themselves.

Jiang Lin's sword energy swept across, and the ice-colored sword energy drew an ice-colored sword circle. The demon world monk who was about to besiege was knocked into the air by a sword! The corners of his mouth were full of blood, and he suffered some injuries.

On the other side, the Qi Huang Qi of the imitation shattered from all around, and the elders in the world who wanted to capture and kill the imitation were also injured.

The two returned directly to their respective military formations without any hesitation.

Under the city of Wanli, the two armies are already clashing!

Next to the chariot in Fangchao skirt, the demon cultivators of the Upper Five Stages had already fought Diao Da Ji Jibo and others, but it was clear that Diao Da and their strength were greater than the opponents.

"Fangzhao skirt, your father, we are here to save you!"

The eagle screamed, and then turned into its original form. A large eagle with a length of 100 meters covered the sky and covered the sun. The bird's claws directly grabbed the chariot tied with the skirt of the house!

But the moment Diao Da was about to touch the chariot, Diao Da was in a trance.

When his mind was calm, Diao Da found that there was a sea of ​​fire beneath him.

At the same time, a woman in a white dress was standing on the hot lava!


The woman in the plain skirt raised her head, her long hair spread out, she looked shameless!

The woman just pointed at Diao Da, and Diao Dao found her body quickly falling backward!


Diao Da's eyes were in a trance again. When Diao Da reacted, Diao Da was already completely attached to the city wall like a meatloaf!

The bird's claws twitched a few times.

Fang Chaoqun was carried away from the confrontation of the two armies by Xiangrong.

Until this moment, Haoran Tianxia and Yaozu Tianxia are really fighting each other!

The various sword sects of the Haoran world formed a sword formation to resist the fierce offensives of the Yaozu world again and again.

As a traditional mage, Taoist monks are trying their best to output behind the battlefield.

One by one fireballs rushed into the air and fell into the monster army. Each monster beast was lifted into the air, and there was even a smell of barbecue in the air.

A fairyland Taoist elder waved the dust, and on the battlefield, the sand drifted and moved, less than ten breaths, these floating sand dust actually formed one gossip array after another!

The monks of the Yin-Yang family are similar to the Taoists, and even belonged to the same line in the ancient times. Later, they were separated because of the different paths.

After the evolution of later generations, the yin and yang family is completely self-contained.

The yin and yang Pisces kept swimming on the battlefield, and the eyes of the monk Haoran were black and white.

The Yin and Yang family counts the heavens and the earth to count people, understands history, and measures the future. The monks in the world feel that they can predict the opponent's move 0.3 seconds in advance!

And this 0.3 second is the biggest opportunity.

Chess monks don't watch playing chess all day long, when the black and white chess pieces are broken on the battlefield, one by one chess pawn! And the chess pawns are ready! Can kill monsters in the Dragon Gate Realm!

The Confucian scholars held the scriptures in their hands, like reading aloud in the morning, the scholars floated to the battlefield, turning the book wind is very cool, the monks in the world feel that their bodies are much lighter, and every time they move, the harm is better than before.

Buddhist monks recite Buddhist scriptures, golden Buddha lotus blossoms on the battlefield, golden light covering the monks in the world, like wearing a thin gold armor!

The Buddhist monk was even more angry at King Kong, rushing to the battlefield with a magic stick in his hand!

The eighteen arhat formations of the Buddhist school and thirty-six golden human formations, each of which is as strong as the sun, and the changes in it are even more wonderful. All trapped monsters and monsters are killed by counting their rods between the three breaths.

The Mohist monks have rangers, and they usually go down the mountain and fight righteousness. They are upright and more capable of craftsmen. Among them, the craftsmanship is a self-contained one.

The Mohist rangers cooperated with the Mohist institutions. The mechanical white tigers shredded one real tiger after another, the clever snakes entwined the giants tightly, and the blue dragon and vermillion bird flying in the air kept spraying. The fire then threw explosives that could kill the monks in the Dragon Gate realm.

The place where the Mohist monks appeared, suddenly formed a momentum of crushing!

The painter monk splashed ink to become a dragon, and the black dragons swept across the battlefield.

Medical monks can also poison people. They pierce the monks and monsters in the monster world with poisonous needles. They either have muscle numbness or there are villains dancing on their heads. The slow response is not just a grade.

According to the law of conservation, the slower the battlefield, the faster the tire reincarnation.

In addition to the doctor monks and hormone needles, when the hormone needles were pierced into the body of the monks in the world, everyone felt that they were strengthened, and they became more brave as they fought.

Of course, this is not without cost. After this battle, they will have to lie in bed for at least a month and a half, but it is better than death on the battlefield.

There are hundreds of families in the world, each showing their directors. Although the monks and beasts of this monster clan are more than several times the number of the monsters in the world, the world has gradually formed an advantage on the battlefield.

However, whether it is Yaozu Tianxia or Haoran Tianxia, ​​they all know this, this kind of advantage is false, like a bubble, it is simply burst.

Because there should not be too many monsters in the world of the monster clan, and not too many monsters, they can withstand such a loss.

Not to mention that none of the Twelve Demon Kings in the Demon Race World made a move!

And the most important thing is that none of the elite troops of the Demon Race World came, all of them were in the middle army of the Demon Army or were still in the rear.

At this time, those monks and low-level monsters who came to the battlefield for the first time were on the battlefield.

Such behavior is similar to the way of raising Gu in the monster clan world before.

That is to let the monster beasts and monsters sacrifice, so that the surviving monsters and monsters can gain luck, and then get the training of blood. When they go to the battlefield next time, the improvement of their strength is not just a little!

And this approach is that only Yaozu Tianxia does this.

Because the world of the demon race does not need to speak rules, they all speak with strength, and all demon cultivators and demon beasts cannot retreat, otherwise they will be beheaded to show the public.

Of course, this is also inseparable from the demon beasts and demon cultivators of the demon clan.

Haoran naturally knows this, but do they have other ways?

No, even if they knew what the Yaozu world was doing, Haoran could only take action, otherwise would they wait for them to climb the city wall directly?

This is impossible.

Moreover, Yaozu Tianxia wanted to "raise gu", so why didn't Haoran Tianxia want to show its momentum one after another?

"Do you want me to shoot?"

Jianya had already come to Old Man Yue's side.

Although Jianya usually travels alone, at this critical time, especially on the battlefield, he must obey the military orders. If there is no order from the old man, no one of the Twelve Demon Kings can take action.

Otherwise, it may be a small accident, which will lead to the collapse of the battlefield.

Watching the awe-inspiring singing of the world on the battlefield, the old man Yue shook his head: "Don’t worry, I never thought that I would be able to conquer Wanli City in one siege, waiting for the death of 200,000 monsters, and 50,000 monsters. Repair, let's retreat first."

"Senior Yue, I know that you are raising Gu." At this time, the refutation also came over, "Our demon army is indeed too large in number, and the strength is too weak, which drags down the entire army, but Senior Yue, this is the first battle. If Haoran Tianxia wins, if their momentum rises, I am afraid they will be unstoppable."

"It's all right." The old man Yue still smiled relaxedly, "The higher the aura of the other party, the more desperate they will become when they lose more. The so-called climb high and fall badly is such a truth, Wanlicheng , They can't stand it for long."

He frowned slightly, still wanting to say something, but Jian Ya stretched out his hand to stop him and shook his head.

In the end, Jianya and the others did not question the decision of Old Man Yue.

After all, Old Man Yue is a cultivator who has experienced the war of the ancients, and no one understands the trade-offs better than him.

Since the old man Yue thinks that the first battle can be released, it is to release.

Regarding their discussion, Huang, Wu Suxu, and Yan Su and others did not care at all.

Anyway, the people who died were not from their forces, they were all small sects, or uncivilized monsters.

There are no saints in the Yaozu world, and it's almost normal to open the way with their blood.


On the battlefield, it was obviously the Yaozu Tianxia who took the lead in the war, but the situation was really leaning to one side, and even some of the cultivators who participated in the war for the first time in Wanli City felt a little relaxed.

However, they still kept in mind the teachings of the sect, and they must not be careless, so they generally remained vigilant.

But in the second half, they found that they were playing more and more smoothly! Even when the demon army started to collect gold to retreat, they were the only ones who reacted.....

This is... over?

Didn’t it mean that the battlefield under the city of Wanli was fierce and it was difficult to go back alive? Why is their strength so bad?

Even after returning to the city, they were still in a daze, feeling unrealistic.

But I don't know where the cheers are, telling them.

In this first battle, I won, and it was extremely easy to win, and I could even have a cup of afternoon tea.

On this day, in order to celebrate the victory of Wanli City, the store started activities again. Even Chunfenglou and Xinhuanlou are free of drinks and seafood at half price! Even as long as you are in good health, you can buy two get one free!

For a while, Wanli City was plunged into lively joy.

Looking at the lively scene of Wanli City, the old people of the Chen nationality and experienced old people of all sects felt bad.

They knew that this battle was nothing at all, and the other side indicated that they were going to send it here!

But the problem is, the elders in Wanli City know, but so many new people who come to Wanli City for the first time don't.

And they can't dissuade them too much and keep them from celebrating.

After all, no matter what, they were determined to die for the first time to win the city, and let them not celebrate, but suppress their emotions, this is very easy to happen!

Wanli City can only allow experienced old people from all sects to remind their disciples-the first battle is nothing, the more tragic battle is still to come, don't underestimate the enemy! What they faced this time was just some low-level demon cultivators and demon beasts.

The elders of these sects did so, trying their best to persuade their disciples.

The effect is still there, but the effect is not known.

On the contrary, everything was peaceful in a military camp east of Wanli City.

After the war, Jiang Lin returned to his mansion and paid for the food, the next day Jiang Lin and Bai Qiao came to the barracks.

The battle between the two worlds has already kicked off, and the training of the two armies of the White Kingdom and the White Empire has to be put on the agenda.

They didn't play last time, and Jiang Lin didn't plan to let them play next time.

This is not because Jiang Lin is afraid of losing something.

The army must be trained, and only soldiers with a hundred battles can rule the battlefield.

It's just that the time is not mature enough.

In comparison, there is neither a sad atmosphere nor a tense atmosphere in the barracks of the Yaozu world, and not many people feel how disappointed by the failure of the first battle.

At most, I just feel a little aggrieved. After all, watching the people in Haoran go back happily, I must be upset!

"Prepare, let the two hundred thousand low-level monsters and some new monks attack the city again."

Mi Lan looked at the Twelve Demon King and said lightly.

"Do you still want to send them victory?" The Demon King squinted his eyes.

Mi Lan: "There are too many demons and too little food."

彘: "..."

On the fourth day after the war, Yaozu Tianxia attacked the city again, and Wanlicheng faced the enemy.

Two hundred thousand monsters left 30,000 and returned, and 30,000 monsters were repaired with 10,000, and the world triumphed.

On the sixth day, the monster clan continued to attack the city, a total of 300,000 low-level monsters, and 100,000 monsters who entered the battlefield for the first time.

The monster beast returned with 60,000 left, and the monster cultivator survived 50,000, and the world triumphed.

On the seventh day, the Yaozu world continued to attack the city, and the world triumphed.

On the eighth day, the demon clan attacked Wanli City at night, and was directly repelled by Haoran Tianxia. He chased the demon and repaired the monster for twenty miles, killing 300,000 enemies.

On the ninth day ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the monster world will attack the city again! At this time, the morale of Wanli City was already extremely high.

No matter how the elders of the sect reminded them, even though the new cultivators who came to Wanli City for the first time said they knew, they had already begun to underestimate the enemy in their hearts.

The battle in Wanlicheng, perhaps, wasn't that difficult?

At the same time, the news of the continuous triumphs of Wanli City spread all over the world, except for some elders and experienced monks, the world was full of joy!

"Okay, this time, let's try again."

In the first month after the war, the old man Yue touched his beard and looked in the direction of Wanli City. Behind him, there are monsters and monsters who have gathered luck on the battlefield every time they escape from the dead.

Compared with the first defeat, they are all broken mirrors who have experienced life and death! The eyes are full of blood!



[I have to save the manuscript, the days without saving it are too difficult...]

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