I Have a Lot of Resurrection Coins

Vol 2 Chapter 995: Brother Jiang! Still alive? !

   Chapter 997 Brother Jiang, he! Still alive? !

  In the courtyard, the sharp voice of the **** in the palace rang through the courtyard.

  Guo and his wife first came to the courtyard to make an order.

  As the Jin Dynasty’s military and horse governor, the most important thing is the status of Guo Xian Yuanying’s military cultivator, and his decree is just to give the emperor Fanchen the most basic face.

  As for the so-called kneeling, it is naturally not necessary at all.

  "The sacred dictates that General Guo Xianguo will enter the palace immediately, and the emperor said: ‘I, I have important matters to discuss with General Guo’ Qin here!"

  The wife glanced at her husband next to him, Guo Xian frowned slightly, and said slowly: "Guo Xian takes the order."

   "General Guo, please don't delay the hour." The chief **** bent over to Guo Xian, "General Guo will enter the palace with the old slave."

  "Lao Feng Gonggong is here."

   "General Guo is polite."

   Father Feng got up and left the courtyard first.

  Mrs. Guo held her husband’s palm: "I will enter the palace with my husband."

   "Nothing." Guo Xian patted his wife's little hand.

   "The concubine will give her husband a windbreaker, it's cold outside."

   "There is no need to be so nervous, can your majesty eat me? Besides, I am a monk in the Nascent Soul Realm. It's late at night, so go back and rest first."

  Guo first patted his wife's little hand, kissed her on the forehead, and turned to leave.

  "General Guo"

  Walking in the imperial palace of the Jin Kingdom, Father Feng looked at Guo Xian who was behind him, and spoke with a bit of embarrassment.

   "Does Feng Gonggong have anything to say first?"

   "General Guo."

  Duke Feng deliberately spoke.

   "The old slave knows that General Guo has an extraordinary talent for monasticism, and he is the man in my mind. The strategy of war is unique in the world, and he is extremely close to him. The old slaves and others are sincere respect for General Guo."

   "Feng Gong Gong." Guo Xian interrupted Feng Gong Gong's words, "Feng Gong Gong doesn't have to be like this. Feng Gong knows the intrigues in the hall, and he doesn't like it much."

   "If General Guo is like this, the old slave speaks bluntly."

   Father Feng swallowed.

  "General Guo has a lifespan of thousands of years, and the old slaves are ordinary people. Those soldiers are also ordinary people. It is nothing more than a few decades in this life. Jin has exhausted all the strengths of the country. Please General Guo not to reluctantly."

  Feng Gong Gongyu fell, and there was only the sound of footsteps between the two, which made people a little scared in silence.

  Gong-gong Feng swallowed, and the cold sweat on his forehead was already emerging.

Even if Grandpa Feng lived deep inside, he knew that General Guo was only grateful for his majesty’s kindness to work hard for the Jin country. Actually, a fairy like General Guo would be the emperor himself in this troubled time. What about being king?

  "Have your majesty asked the father-in-law to talk about these first?"

  For a long time, Guo Xian spoke slowly.


Father Feng nodded, and the two fell silent again.

  Only the sound of footsteps leading to the Yushufang step by step.

   "Your Majesty is waiting for the general in the study, and the old slave takes one step first."

  Finally, the two of them walked to the imperial study room, and Feng Gonggong retired.

   "First, please see your Majesty."

   Outside the imperial study room, Guo Xian made a gift.

   "General Guo, come in."


   Pushed the door and entered. In the imperial study room, the middle-aged emperor was sitting at the desk, not knowing what was being written.

   "Your Majesty." Guo Xian bowed his hand.

   "Xianer, come and come." Seeing Guo Xian, King Jin quickly got up and pulled Guo Xian to a seat.

   "I wonder if your Majesty is here to come first?" Guo Xian asked.

   "Actually. Actually, there is nothing wrong." King Jin's eyes flowed, and he looked very guilty, "There is just a document that needs your son-in-law to look at it."


   "Yes." King Jin wiped the cold sweat from his forehead with some guilty conscience, picked up the paper that had just been written on the book table, and handed it to Guo Xian with some anxiety.

  Guo first got up and took it with both hands and opened it.

  This is a letter.

  On top of this letter of surrender, there are also the signatures of several generals of the Jin country.

  Looking at Guo Xian's calm face, King Jin was also a little bit apprehensive.

  The King of Jin cannot be regarded as a Ming prince, nor can he be called a faint prince, but can only be said to be a mediocre lord.

  Ten years ago, King Jin once saved the life of Guo Xian, who was seriously injured. After that, Guo Xian settled in Jin, and King Jin even married his only daughter to Guo Xian.

  It can be said that Guo Xian was in Jin, and he was already under one person and over ten thousand people. Even this "under one person" is still open for discussion.

  But Guo Xian is extremely abiding, just dealing with official duties and practicing military practice.

  In the past ten years, the situation in Jin has been smooth, and no one dynasty dared to invade Jin.

  It is not an exaggeration to say that Guo Xian is the patron saint of Jin.

   But now, the times are different.

  The demon clan invaded the world on a large scale, refuting the personal conquest of Qianguozhou, and Qianguozhou has already fallen for more than half.

  What if Guo Xian resisted several attacks?

  The refutation is only the strength of those dynasties of Qianguozhou, and the refutation of his soldiers has not moved a bit!

  Sooner or later, the Kingdom of Jin fell.

  Now that the Jin State has a chance to surrender, the Jin State royal family and officials can survive.

What if    can survive and take refuge in the Yaozu world?

   "Your Majesty, if you don't accept it first, what should your Majesty do?" After reading the letter of surrender signed by court officials and 80% of the generals, Guo Xian raised his head and looked at King Jin.

   "If it is General Guo Xian, you do not accept it." King Jin swallowed, "Then I can only strip off General Guo's military power."

   "That's it."

  Guo Xian smiled slightly, and after looking at the screen, he spoke slowly.

   "Jin lost, I also lost."

  From time to time, from behind the screen, a man walked out slowly. It was one of the twelve demon kings in the demon clan, "Refute".

  "General Guo Xian will stop persuading you?"

   chuckled and looked at Guo Xian.

   "No need."

  Guo Xian sighed softly:

   "A soldier is not in war, but in the subordination of the emperor, ministers, and ministers. They work with one heart, the way of centrifugation, and 0 is also the art of war."

   "Since you let my monarch surrender, and let the court, civil and military officials all be distracted, there is no need to fight this battle."

  The words fell, Guo Xian took off the jade pendant on his waist. This was the soldier's talisman of the Jin country.

   "However, Jin Guo surrendered, and did not surrender first."

   looked directly at the refutation, in Guo Xian’s eyes, there was no slightest timidity.

   "Guo Xian, why is this necessary?"

  Bey sitting on the throne of the royal study room,

  "Where is the difference between the Yaozu world and the Haoran world? Do you say that the Yaozu world has invaded the Haoran world?

   Ha ha ha, the vast world is huge and there are so many monks. If my monster world really wants to invade, it will take at least a hundred years or even a thousand years.

   But now?

  Look at it now.

  Is this troubled world really all caused by the monsters?

  No, no, this is not just the chaotic world of the Haoran world, but also the chaotic world of the Yaozu world, the chaotic world of the entire world!

  Now the Monster Race world is also in chaos, the so-called Monster Race World, Haoran World, has long since disappeared.

  There is only ‘Tianxia’.

  Nowadays, the group of heroes are divided, and there are four battles. Whoever fights to the end is the last king, the king of the world.

  Guo Xian! You majored in the way of the military, and I am also a beast of war. You can't deceive me.

  You, your military strategist, what you like is such troubled times!

  It can truly prove the troubled times of Taoism and God! "

  Bei stood up and reached out to Guo Xian:

   "Guo Xian, follow me, come to me, I can help you prove the Taoist God of War, and you will give full play to all your talents!

  Come to me, there is no renunciation, because you and I are the same kind of people.

  In these rare troubled times for tens of thousands of years, you and I are recorded in the annals of history after all! "

  Looking at Lie stretched out his hand, and then at Lie’s thirsty eyes, Guo Xian finally shook his head: "No, we are not the same people."

  "Oh?" After being rejected, the refutation was not angry, just looking at Guo Xian, intending to listen to his explanation.

   "My military path is that there is no soldier in the world, and your military path is for the stimulation of war and the expedition, refutation, we are not the same after all."

   "Guo Xian, do you know what will happen after you refuse me? The Lord of the Kingdom of Jin, your wife and daughter, what will happen to you?"

   "They will be fine."

  Guo Xian affirmed.

  "Military strategists pay attention to military beliefs. Jin has surrendered. You said before that Jin surrendered. Royal officials are fine. If you violate this, you will violate the military beliefs.

  Let’s not say whether your way will allow it or not, at least, such dishonesty, no matter how you explain it in the end, it will eventually make those who surrender to you and those who want to surrender in the future will increase the gap to some extent.

  Kill a few unimportant people and increase the uncertainty. Soldiers will not do things like this. "

   "Guo Xian." Looking at Guo Xian, he smiled, "I like you more and more."

   "Refute, you better kill me now." Guo Xian ignored the refuted words, "Otherwise, on the battlefield in the future, it is really not certain who wins or loses."

   "With a wife and daughter, there is a bright future, are you really afraid of death?"


  Guo Xian’s eyes gradually deepened. In his mind, a man who was dangling and unruly, but standing at the top of the city, the wind and cloud kept gathering around him.

   "However, Brother Jiang can die for the Haoran world defending the city. I, Guo, died for my faith and dignity, so what?"

  Penglaizhou, in a secret realm, is the largest Confucian palace in the world.

  Penglaizhou Confucianism Palace was once a place where Confucian scholars dreamed of studying and seeking sacredness, among which there are countless gentlemen and wise men.

  Any gentleman and wise man descended from the mountains and went to study in the dust, the emperor and the people are welcome to love.

  After all, who doesn’t like well-dressed scholars.

  But it has been more than a year.

   Once Penglaizhou heard the three words Confucian Xuegong, his face changed.

  There will even be quite a few monks casting greedy glances at you.

  It seems that you have a way to get rich.

   is also true.

  In the eyes of these monks, whether it is a monk in the world of the demon race or a monk in the world of Haoran.

  Not to mention the gentlemen and wise men of the Confucian school, even an ordinary scholar, his head is worth tens of thousands of spiritual stones!

  No one knows how much hatred the Confucian School and Demon King Xiangrong are.

  But they know that they must not have anything to do with the Confucian school.

  And today's Confucianism Palace, it is already afraid to let his students go down the mountain and wander around, otherwise I don't know how to die.

  Now the Confucian School has closed the secret realm, unless there is something important, it will never open the secret realm.

  A monk from the White Empire came to the secret realm of the Confucian Palace.

  Despite the secret blockade, he still input a touch of spiritual power to convey information into the Confucian School.

  This is the only way to convey information to the Palace of Confucianism.

   Soon, the Confucian School received this message of spiritual power, and a pair of eyes appeared at the entrance of the secret realm.

  "I am the messenger of the White Empire, and I am here in the name of the lord of the country to deliver a letter to Mr. Xuehui at your college."

   Facing those eyes, the messenger of the White Empire made a bow.

  The messenger of the White Empire has been in charge of the White Empire’s diplomacy thousands of years ago.

  Bai Ling could see that this letter and that sentence to be sent by the master was very important, so Bai Ling chose to let the safest person come.

   "Just trust us to forward it, please come back, please." A sound of Fa sound came from within the secret realm.

   "No." The White Empire messenger refused, "This letter has been specially ordered by the Lord of the letter to be handed over to Mr. Xuehui in person. If Mr. is not at ease, he can block my spiritual power."

  The pair showed a little hesitation.

  "Please wait a moment, I will ask the teacher."

  'S eyes disappeared, but after a half-zhu incense, the secret realm entrance opened, and a young scholar stood in front of the White Empire messenger.

  The young scholar made a polite: "Sir, please come with the younger generation."

   "Mr. Trouble." The white empire's messenger replied.

   Follow this young scholar into this small world.

  This small world is still very peaceful, full of a touch of scholarship.

  The area of ​​this small world is not large, but it is definitely not small, half the size of the White Empire.

  In this small world, there are residents and towns. There are mountains and waters, and it is completely self-sufficient.

  It can be said that even if you don’t go out for ten thousand years, there is no big problem.

  But the Confucian Palace emphasizes that the Qi family rules the country and the world.

  Now it’s troubled times. Are these gentlemen and wise men of the Confucian School really curled up here for hundreds of years?

   Such behavior of shrinking their heads and turtles, they are afraid that the Taoist heart will be unstable.

   Driving a flying magic weapon, the White Empire messenger and young scholars soon entered the Confucian Palace.

  In the academy, everything seems to be business as usual. The scholars go to class and read in the shade of the trees.

  But the emissaries of the White Empire who had been to the Palace of Confucianism knew that in their eyes, there was a color of anxiety.

  The messenger of the White Empire guessed that these scholars wanted to go out and wander around ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and didn't want to stay here, but they were rejected by the teachers.

  The young scholar took the White Empire messenger to an ordinary courtyard.

  "Sir, the messenger of the White Empire came to visit, specially looking for Mr.." The young scholar made a bow outside the courtyard.

  The words fell, and after a while, a man wearing a patchwork blue shirt, but very neat and tidy, walked out of the courtyard while tidying up his clothes.

The messenger of the White Empire knew that this was the youngest Confucian sage today.

  "Mr. Xue." The envoy of the White Empire made a bow.

   "The old man is polite." I can't learn to return the gift quickly, "I wonder if the White Empire will find it, what's the matter?"

   "Here is a letter, the lord entrusted me to hand it to Mr. Yu."

  "Bai Guozhu?" Doubts arose, but he still accepted the letter from the other party.

  Looking at the envelope, the eyes that could not learn gradually shrank, and when they had finished reading all of them, the pupils suddenly looked up:

   "Brother Jiang! Is he still alive?!"

  (End of this chapter)

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