I Have a Lot of Resurrection Coins

Vol 2 Chapter 999: 4 months time

Except for the Shanze Sanxiu who dealt with that Jade Pu realm, Jiang Lin had never intervened in Yu and Qiqi's army command. Everything was based on the practice and application they learned in three years.

Facts have proved that Yu and Qiqi are still very good at applying their professional knowledge!

Even with that empty city plan, Jiang Lin jumped when Yu Ruan Qiqi said to use it, feeling very inappropriate, even Jiang Lin was ready to expose his strength in the fairyland in advance.

Because this is too risky.

However, Yu and Rong Qiqi persuaded Jiang Lin, saying that after these two big defeats, the other party would not dare to enter the city without the monks of the Yupu realm.

At that time, the other party sent troops to attack the city, but returned without success, and his own side was recuperating for a whole day, and the gap between the two sides could be widened by reducing and increasing.

In the end, it was really like what Yu and Qiqi said, when his own party resorted to an empty city plan, the other party really didn't dare to come in.

Of course, this strategy is only used once at most, and the opponent will react in a few days, and it is impossible to use it again.

But some strategies are enough to use once.

In the next month, every time the Demon League army attacked the border and attacked the city, they couldn't attack.

Gradually, the lieutenant general of the border and the ordinary soldiers became more and more convinced of the two "temporary commanders" Yu and Qiqi.

Yu and Rong Kiki has even become an idol in the hearts of border guards.

It only took more than a month, and the frontier soldiers completely trusted the two of them.

Jiang Lin was already thinking about whether to give these hundreds of thousands of frontier soldiers to Yu and Qiqi as his personal army.

Since the siege hadn't been done for a long time, the Demon League side was already extremely dissatisfied.

On the side of the Demon League, another one million army was sent to support, in addition there were 20 cultivators of the Yuanying realm and two cultivators of the Yupu realm.

All in all, the side of the Demon League has already issued a death order, and it is bound to capture the first level of the White Empire within half a month.

The Demon League sent troops to reinforce, and the White Empire was more than just a hundred thousand troops here.

Jiang Lin was already sending a letter, and Baidi City immediately sent 300,000 troops to come.

In addition, the generals of the second and third levels of the White Empire received secret orders.

After receiving the secret order, the two frontier commanders did not hesitate at all, and immediately went to the first stage.

In fact, Jiang Lin was also observing them during this period.

If the command of these two levels is too slow, then Jiang Lin's flying sword may be placed on their heads the next day.

But fortunately, these two generals are barely considered good for the moment.

Soon, when the one million reinforcements of the Demon League arrived, the White Empire's total of 700,000 troops also arrived.

At this time Jiang Lin was the supreme general, and Yu and Rong Qiqi was the lieutenant.

The other party wanted to attack the city, and Jiang Lin was very simple. He wanted to destroy this so-called demon alliance directly!

And destroying the Demon League was only Jiang Lin's first step.

He wanted to use the entire Ten Thousand Demon Continent as his pedal, which would be his base camp.

Taking Wan Yaozhou as the entire base camp, looking towards Qianguozhou to the north and Penglaizhou to the south, Jiang Lin even wrote the script.

Of course, as this large-scale practical battlefield, Jiang Lin called Yueyue and the others over and let them take up some important positions.

Fifteen white fox girls were assigned to the barracks, all serving as important positions, but none of the soldiers dared to say anything, because Jiang Lin had not concealed his identity internally.

Jiang Lin also felt that it was time to announce that he was alive.

This battle to conquer the Demon League is the battle of own resurrection.

In April of the second year of troubled times, the day has just begun to spring, Qianguozhou, refute to accelerate the pace of conquering the Qianguozhou! Wherever the cavalry went, they surrendered, and there were few resisters.

In the same month, the Demon League launched an offensive towards the border of the White Empire. The border of the White Empire was offensive and went straight to the demon league barracks. Jiang Lin was born and led the army forward.

In late April of the second year of troubled times, news that Jiang Lin was alive spread throughout the world.

At the same time, the White Empire took a pincer-shaped offensive, completely defeating the Demon League's 3 million troops, and marching toward the first dynasty of the Demon League!

In May of the second year of troubled times, the millions of troops of the White Empire launched an offensive against the Demon Dynasty, the Jie Dynasty. The other nine countries of the Demon League sent troops to rescue them. Some Demon League dynasties thought that the White Empire was extremely weak at this time and took the opportunity to send troops.

In June of the second year of troubled times, the Jie Dynasty border crossing by a million troops of the White Empire attacked the demon capital like a spear.

Lieutenant Bai Yurou led one hundred thousand, Bai Qiqi led one hundred thousand, Yinling led fifty thousand, and the Allied Forces of Shacheng outside the White Empire to block the Demon Alliance.

In mid-June, the capital of Jieguo was breached, and the royal family offered Jieguo's first beauty and princess to Jianglin, willing to become an affiliate of the White Empire.

Historical records of later generations:

[In the middle of June of the second year of troubled times, the dead dynasty Jie Guo sent her daughter to Emperor Jian. He is willing to be an affiliate of the White Empire. The Jian Emperor will come to see him smart and clever, overjoyed, and be accepted by the Emperor Jie Guo.

The royal family of Jie State was also overjoyed, but the sword emperor sent the emperor Baiqing Yurou (Bai Yurou) as his subordinate.

The sword emperor was also an unusual gift. It was also to destroy the Jie country and take the Jie country as the first county of the White Empire. The rest of the imperial family were sent to the south of the White Empire to be rich and give the land. Years.

Empress Baiqing was highly valued by the soft concubine, made military merits, and was in charge of a county. 】

In mid-July, the envoy of the White Empire finally brought what he could not learn to the country of Jie.

The two met again after nearly two years, and their eyes were wet. The two went to Goulan to listen to a wave of music that night, and they talked about what happened in the past two years.

Then on the next day, he would not learn to join the formation.

Just kidding, for such a Confucian saint, wasting his day is a great loss to the White Empire.

It's a troubled world now, and Jiang Lin and Xue won't want to end such a troubled world.


"There are still not enough people."

One night, Jiang Lin and Xue could not discuss the situation in the world.

The two were sitting outside the Imperial Study Room in Jieguo, eating beef noodles cooked by the imperial chef while looking at the chaotic sky.

In one point, Jiang Lin felt that even the royal chef of Jieguo was not as good as the beef noodle cooked by the pretty widow in Wanli City.

Seriously, I really miss the taste of that beef noodle.

"It's true that there are not enough people." The learner sucked. "We have too few soldiers, too few generals available, and too few monks at the top."

"You said..." Jiang Lin took a sip of the soup, and looked at how he could learn, "What if we bring Yuanying and the others over?"

"Huh?" Xue could not look at Jiang Lin, "Do you want to integrate those monks in Ten Thousand Buddhas State?"

"Why not, Yuanying wants a peaceful and prosperous age, then join us, we will give him a peaceful and prosperous age!"

Seeing the beef noodles in the bowl, Xuehui was silent for a moment. After a long time, Xuehui looked up and said, "Perhaps we can fight for it."

"Striving must be striving for." Jiang Lin and Xuehui said, "but we have to solve the current situation first."

Can't learn: "It's easy to say, four months."

Jiang Lin nodded and said, "Well, it's almost the same as I thought."

Late July.

The White Empire divided its forces into nine groups and attacked the remaining nine nations of the Demon League.

Jiang Lin was the first army and attacked Tiger Country.

Shengyu obeyed the call, as the second army, attacked the arrogant country.

The famous female general of the White Empire, Bai Qianqian, served as the third army and attacked the Black Jiao Nation.

Bai Yurou was the Fourth Army and attacked the Goldfish Nation.

Bai Qiqi was the Fifth Army and attacked the Snow Leopard Nation.

The vassal Xue Jiao was the sixth army and attacked Ying Guo.

Baiyinling and Baifengfeng are the seventh army, attacking the forest snake country.

Chen Bei and Chen Wufu together led an army of 100,000 to attack the giant kingdom.

Bai Qian was transferred from the White Kingdom and led a hundred thousand white iron cavalry and one hundred thousand white empire army to attack the lake country.

The nine armies of the White Empire are all ordered, only to behead the enemy army, and not to disturb the people when entering the city, otherwise the military law will be punished!

Jiang Lin, who led the first army, was naturally invincible, and even the opponent had no time to resist, so the army led by Jiang Lin was completely smashed!

The national teacher of the Jade Pu realm in the Tiger country tried to struggle, but was directly cut off by Jiang Lin with a sword.

In less than half a month, Jiang Lin led a large army and soldiers under the capital of Tiger Country.

Just when Jiang Lin was about to order an attack.

Tiger country opened its gates, the emperor led a hundred officials of civil and military affairs and three thousand beauties from the harem out of the city.

The emperor of the Tiger country wanted to open it. Rather than having it on his own, the demon pill was used to soak in wine, it would be better to learn from the emperor of the Jie country, offer a jade seal, and be a rich man. This is also pretty good.

Then the emperor of the Tiger country was thinking about marrying his best-looking daughter to Jiang Lin, even if he was a concubine, he would be considered a national duke.

But what the Emperor Tiger did not notice is that the aesthetics of their Tiger country is completely different from that of Jiang Lin.

Who can stand this big waist, two meters tall, and windy every step of the way.

So Jiang Lin rejected the kindness of the Emperor of the Tiger Kingdom.

As for the wealthy, this is not a problem. Jiang Lin allowed them to take a part of the assets of the Tiger Country’s treasury to any town in the White Empire to buy a family business.

Looking at the royal family of Tiger Country, Jiang Lin actually thinks that they are definitely suitable for the Escort! You can even create a famous brand!

Even if there is no war in the future and it is a prosperous age, you can switch to express delivery...

When Jiang Lin took over the Tiger’s jade seal and formally entered the Tiger’s palace, it meant that Tiger was already a county in the White Empire.

Later historical materials "The Legend of the Sword Emperor" record:

[August of the second year of troubled times. The sword emperor's imperial conquest, in half a month, conquered hundreds of cities. Under the capital of the tiger country, the city gates opened wide when the troops were sent to attack the city. 】

"The Retirement of the Dead Lord" records:

[The lord of the Tiger country set up a family business in the northern part of the White Empire, and opened the martial arts hall and the **** bureau, named Shunhu Martial Arts Hall and Shunhu Escort, which are famous brands in the world. 】

For the Second Army, there is only one word for the victory and the leading army in combat, and that is "flooded"!

When the enemy came, Shengyu sprayed water, the enemy retreated, Shengyu still sprayed water, the enemy defended the city, Shengyu still sprayed water.

Anyway, if something is all right, Shengyu is just spraying water.

If one spray of water does not solve it, then spray a second time, anyway, it will definitely be resolved.

And those who followed Shengyu's battles were naturally Shengyu's pro-army. They were all familiar with the combat style of their generals. They braved the wind and waves, and drove the water, just spraying water continuously, spraying the arrogant country away... ...

When the country was destroyed, the Lord of the country was still holding the jade seal in the water, very daunting.

The later "Biography of a Hundred Generals-Victory" records:

[The Water Jet General (Hou Feng) led the water jet army to spray all the way from the east of the country to the west of the country. When the country died, the king wiped his face and froze for three days. 】

"The Retirement of the Dead Lord" records:

[The Lord of Shaoguo was mentally wounded, and he was sent to the nearest hospital for treatment. Since the day of the country's death, the King of Shaogu will inevitably wet his bed every night. 】

The White Empire female general Bai Qianqian led the Third Army to attack the Black Jiao Nation.

As a military commander older than Bai Jiuyi, the White Empire started from the previous dynasty. Bai Qianqian guarded the White Empire. In the end, Bai Jiuyi took the throne. Bai Jiuyi had a fight with Bai Qianqian. In the end, Bai Jiuyi won, and Bai Qianqian won. Belong to Bai Jiuyi.

Bai Qianqian marched extremely smoothly, and he did not take time as the top priority in attacking the Black Flood Dragon Nation, but did his best to reduce the loss of his own side.

In the end, it took four months for Bai Qianqian to break through the Black Dragon Kingdom and send the dragon head of the Black Dragon Lord of the Jade Pure Realm.

The Fourth Army and the Fifth Army were led by Bai Yuruan and Bai Qiqi respectively.

This is the first time they have led the army to fight in the true sense. Jiang Lin is actually very worried, but there is no way. They have to grow up, and they have to take this step.

Fortunately, they have a strong adaptability to the battlefield. It only took two months before they captured the Goldfish Kingdom and the Snow Leopard Kingdom.

The later historical data "The Biography of the Concubine" records:

【Concubine Rou (Bai Yurou) and Concubine Qi (Bai Qiqi) led the first offensive and broke the country in February. Regardless of the strategy or the military formation, they had novel ideas and made the enemy at a loss.

In normal times in the world, Concubine Rou and Concubine Qi claimed that their missions had been reached, and they took charge of the military and entered the harem of the Sword Emperor.

The troubled times are for the husband to share worries, and peace is for the husband to manage the family.

Rou Fei Qi Fei, is praised by the women of the world as an example. 】

The Sixth Army, Xue Jiao, attacked Ying Guo. As a veteran general, Xue Jiao was no longer familiar with leading the battle. In addition to the great morale of the White Empire, it was easy to win.

The Seventh Army was led by Bai Yinling and Bai Fengfeng. This was the first time that the two girls led the battle, but unexpectedly, the other side would surrender without a fight.

The later "Biography of the Concubine" records:

[Ling Fei and Feng Fei lead the first time~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Marching cautiously, planning hundreds of them.

When the army of one hundred thousand marched on the border, the enemy country of the forest and the snake country surrendered, Concubine Ling and Feng concubine pouted and looked at each other speechlessly. 】

The Eighth Army Chen Bei led the army, with the Chen martial artist as the main force, and went all the way to the opponent's imperial capital. When the opponent surrendered, the Chen martial artist still looked contemptuous, feeling that the opponent was too weak.

Why can it be so weak?

Bai Qian of the Ninth Army led the Bai Guotie cavalry all the way down, and there was no suspense at all.

The so-called Demon League of the Ten Thousand Demon Isles had all collapsed within four months, and the ten countries of the Demon League were all the ten counties of the White Empire.

In the same month, Qianguozhou Barge had already conquered a continent, referring to Wutong Prefecture.

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