I Have a Lot of Resurrection Coins

Vol 2 Chapter 614: Prime Minister, I understand

  Chapter 616 Prime Minister, I understand

   "I told you! I want to marry her!"

  The voice of Jianglin spread slowly among the bamboo pavilions.

  Hearing Jiang Lin's answer, Madam Qingzhu's eyes were stagnant, and her heart shook, her small hand on her thigh could not help but clenched.

  In the chest of this dignified and beautiful lady, there was already a severe pain.

  Similarly, let alone Mrs. Qingzhu, even Jiang Lin who said this sentence was stupid.

  I go!

  What did you just say?

  It seems that I just said something terrible!

   Is this the punishment of the system? ! Can't hide the thoughts in your heart? !

  So straightforward?


  What a shame! It always feels strange to say "I want to marry her" to a strange woman

   "The young man Jiang is going to marry is Miss Jianzonglin, how can it be related to the realm of Wufu?"

  In Mrs. Qingzhu's view, the "she" in Jiang Lin's mouth naturally refers to Lin Qingwan.

   "Senior Sister, I am definitely going to marry, but I'm going to not only Sister Sister, but also a small marriage! I won't give up any of them!"



  Jiang Lin’s words fell, and there was another silence between the two

  Seriously, now Jiang Lin really wants to find a hole for him to transfer in!

  In front of Haoran’s first lady, he said, “I want it all, the senior sister and Xiaojia are all my own wings!”

  It's over! Wouldn't he be treated as a scumbag by Mrs. Qingzhu?

   Jianglin feels a bit bad

   "I didn't expect Young Master Jiang to be really straightforward." After Mrs. Qingzhu was surprised, a blush was flying across her face.

  Jiang Lin felt that the reason why the other party blushed must be the first time he saw someone as brazen as himself.

   "The Xiaojiao Jiang mentioned is the Chen Jiao of the Chen Clan in Wanli City."


   "Does the son want to withstand the three-question boxing of the Chen Wufu?"

   "What the madam said is." Jiang Lin replied, "It is my luck that Xiao Jia can like me. I want Xiao Jia to marry gracefully, and I don't want her to be a little wronged."

   "Even the young master's sword repair realm will be affected by the true Qi, and even hurt the Dao, is this at all costs?"

Jiang Lin shook his head: "My sword cultivation realm is not only my own, it is given to me by the master. I will not give up kendo to disappoint Master. Similarly, I will not give up the martial arts realm, so no matter it is the sword cultivation realm, It's still pure takeo, I want it all!"

   "That's it"

  Ms. Qingzhu lowered her head, her eyes were flowing like water, and she didn’t know what this lady was thinking about.

  "The concubine body can be handed over to the son's water essence, bamboo and green water veins"

   "???" Is this agreed?

   Raising her head, Mrs. Qingzhu looked at Jiang Lin seriously.

  In Mrs. Qingzhu's eyes, there was even a bit of determination, as if she had made a lot of determination.

   "However, concubine has one condition!"

   "Please speak further, madam."

   "If the son doesn't mind, please stay in my bamboo forest for a month."


  Listening to Mrs. Qingzhu's request, Jiang Lin's mind went blank for a moment.

  Have you heard me wrong?

  I heard it right, right? !

  Ms. Green Bamboo wants to live in this green bamboo forest for a month by herself?

  Does Mrs. Qingzhu ever let someone stay overnight?


  I heard that even female monks would stay at most for a dinner. I have never heard of staying overnight, let alone such a man.

  Oh! I got it!

  Jiang Lin, who reacted in time, also sweated his thoughts just now!

  Seriously, if it weren’t for Madam Qingzhu’s chaste reputation, she would remind Jiang Lin that Madam Qingzhu was a chaste woman from time to time, Jiang Lin felt that Madam Qingzhu could not help but want to steal a man.

  Mrs. Green Bamboo is actually testing herself!

  After all, isn’t there a village in the bamboo forest?

  Mrs. Green Bamboo definitely wanted to live in that village, then observe herself and test her character. After passing the test, she would be able to safely hand over the water essence bamboo and the green water veins to herself.

  Sure enough, I misunderstood it.

   And just when Jiang Lin felt deeply self-blame for his previous dirty thoughts, Mrs. Qingzhu even bit her red lips.

  In fact, when Mrs. Qingzhu said this by herself, Mrs. Qingzhu was not good.

  She never thought that she would be so anxious.

  But, she knew that she had just such an opportunity.

  She wanted to know if Jiang Lin was him, she had only one chance.

  After this time, he was going to Wanli City, and after that, he was afraid to marry Jianzong Lin Qingwan or Chen Clan, or even the two together.

  What year and month should I visit my bamboo forest next time?

  I have been waiting for many years, and I don’t want to wait any longer.


  If he is really him, what should I do?

  He already has a girl he likes, what should he do?

  In the bamboo pavilion, the dignified and graceful lady lowered her eyes lightly, and her eyes were even more dim. At this time, outside the bamboo pavilion, the emerald green bamboos seemed to fade away a little bit green.

   "The junior got it."

  Jiang Lin stood up and bowed to Mrs. Qingzhu.

   "Master Jiang, did you agree?"

  Ms. Qingzhu who had recovered from her sad thoughts was surprised.

  After all, "the widow’s door has many rights and wrongs", although in this world, I don’t know how many monks want to have a relationship with such a "widow" himself.

  However, relying on the previous conversation, he expressed his love for the two women without concealment, and his determination to give up the realm of martial arts no matter how painful he is.

  Ms. Qingzhu believed that the man in front of her was definitely not that kind of person.

  So Mrs. Qingzhu felt that Jiang Lin would be very embarrassed.

  But not only did he not embarrass, but he agreed very simply?

"Yes." Jiang Lin nodded, "In that case, the younger generation has been in the village of Zhulin for a month~www.wuxiaspot.com~The village?" Madam Qingzhu blinked lovely eyes, "Why do you want to Go to the village?"

   "Huh? Didn't seniors let juniors live in the village?"


Mrs. Green Bamboo shook her head and looked at Jiang Lin's eyes with a bit of shyness of a girl, and this shyness on the face of the intellectually smiling Mrs. Green Bamboo had a different flavor. Jiang Lin shouted, "Prime Minister, I understand!"

  Ms. Green Bamboo slowly stretched out a green bamboo card, smilingly said:

   "If the son doesn't dislike it, please live with your concubine."



  Ms. Qingzhu took a deep breath.

  “In addition, please call the master concubine as his concubine”

  The breeze was blowing, blowing on the skirt of the lady in the palace dress, twirling her hair, and even her nice voice quietly dispersed and fell into my heart.


  (End of this chapter)

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